31 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
df820ffdf0 Update dependencies and refactor calendar component
- Upgraded several dependencies in package.json and package-lock.json, including @faker-js/faker, next, react, and typescript, to their latest versions for improved performance and security.
- Refactored the Calendar component in calendar.tsx to simplify icon rendering by removing unnecessary props, enhancing code readability.

These changes ensure the application is up-to-date with the latest library versions and improve the maintainability of the Calendar component.
2024-12-25 21:54:56 +05:00
5c167e436d Refactor SMS notification handling to use environment variables
- Updated SMS API calls in auth-actions.ts, user-actions.ts, and check-devices/route.ts to utilize environment variables for the base URL and API key.
- Changed request body parameters from 'text' to 'message' and added 'check_delivery' to improve SMS delivery tracking.

These changes enhance security and maintainability by centralizing configuration settings.
2024-12-25 21:22:30 +05:00
75ad431160 Enhance payment processing and device management features
- Introduced wallet payment option in verifyPayment function to allow users to pay using their wallet balance.
- Added new BlockDeviceDialog component for managing device blocking and unblocking actions.
- Updated DeviceCard component to display device status and integrate blocking functionality.
- Refactored DevicesTable to utilize DeviceCard for better UI representation of devices.
- Implemented Wallet component to manage wallet balance and top-up functionality.
- Enhanced API routes and Prisma schema to support wallet transactions and device blocking reasons.
- Improved overall user experience with responsive design adjustments and new UI elements.

These changes improve user control over payments and device management, enhancing the overall functionality of the application.
2024-12-25 17:21:04 +05:00
c06c4fee3f Implement parental control features and enhance device management
- Added a new Parental Control page for managing device access and notifications.
- Introduced blockDevice function to handle blocking and unblocking devices based on payment status.
- Enhanced omada-actions.ts to include device blocking logic and improved error handling.
- Updated DevicesTable component to integrate BlockDeviceButton for managing device states.
- Implemented API route for checking device statuses and sending notifications for expiring devices.
- Refactored payment processing to update device statuses upon successful payment verification.
- Added new utility functions for API key validation and SMS notifications.

These changes improve user control over device management and enhance the overall functionality of the application.
2024-12-22 21:34:57 +05:00
586c0e7210 Refactor Omada actions and enhance payment processing
- Simplified fetchOmadaGroupProfiles function by removing unnecessary parameters and using environment variables for base URL and API key.
- Improved error handling in fetchOmadaGroupProfiles to check for error codes in the response.
- Updated addDevicesToGroup function to remove redundant parameters and streamline device addition logic.
- Integrated formatMacAddress utility to ensure consistent MAC address formatting during payment verification.
- Enhanced verifyPayment function to include device addition upon successful payment verification, with improved logging.
- Refactored DevicesToPay component to clean up payment verification logic and improve UI responsiveness.

These changes enhance the clarity and efficiency of device management and payment processing functionalities.
2024-12-21 00:24:29 +05:00
1d6f4faf7e Refactor Docker setup and add Prisma Studio service
- Introduced a new prisma-studio service in compose.yml for easier database management.
- Added a PostgreSQL database service with environment variables for user and database setup.
- Removed the outdated node service configuration from .build/dev/compose.yml.
- Simplified the node Dockerfile by removing unnecessary shell configuration.
- Created a new prisma.Dockerfile for running Prisma Studio.

These changes enhance the development environment and streamline database interactions.
2024-12-16 21:39:03 +05:00
e9d81c089a Implement Omada device management and enhance payment processing
- Added new omada-actions.ts file to handle fetching and updating device groups in Omada.
- Updated authMiddleware to include new payment routes.
- Enhanced createPayment function to add devices to a group upon successful payment verification.
- Improved payment verification process to include device management.
- Refactored PaymentsTable and DevicesToPay components for better UI and state handling.
- Removed unused hasSession function from auth-guard.ts for cleaner code.
2024-12-13 11:24:13 +05:00
36f22c0614 Enhance payment processing and user interaction features
- Updated createPayment function to log payment data more clearly.
- Introduced verifyPayment function for validating payments via an external API.
- Enhanced DevicesToPay component to include user information and payment verification functionality.
- Added formatDate utility for consistent date formatting across the application.
- Updated Prisma schema to include account number for users.
- Refactored layout and device cart components for improved user experience and responsiveness.
2024-12-09 22:59:13 +05:00
example readme for prod deployment 2024-12-09 02:00:29 +05:00
prepare for docker env 2024-12-09 01:57:18 +05:00
prepare for docker env 2024-12-09 01:56:25 +05:00
e815da495a Add payment processing and device management features
- Introduced createPayment action for handling payment creation.
- Added PaymentsTable component for displaying payment records with pagination.
- Implemented new PaymentPage for viewing individual payment details and associated devices.
- Refactored DeviceCartDrawer to integrate payment creation and device selection.
- Enhanced DevicesToPay component to display devices based on payment status.
- Updated PriceCalculator component for better user input handling.
- Introduced NumberInput component for consistent number input across forms.
- Modified Prisma schema to include new fields for payments and devices.
- Improved overall user experience with responsive design adjustments and new UI elements.
2024-12-07 14:09:53 +05:00
c6f45710ca Enhance dashboard functionality with new payment and device management features
- Added new PaymentPage component for processing payments and displaying devices to pay.
- Introduced DeviceDetails component for viewing individual device information.
- Implemented PriceCalculator component for calculating costs based on user input.
- Integrated Jotai for state management across components, including device cart functionality.
- Updated layout to include Jotai Provider for state management.
- Enhanced DevicesTable with AddDevicesToCartButton for adding devices to the cart.
- Refactored sidebar to include a link to the new Price Calculator page.
- Updated Prisma schema to include Payment and BillFormula models for better data handling.
- Added new UI components for device cart management and drawer functionality.
- Improved overall user experience with responsive design adjustments and new UI elements.
2024-12-06 14:16:05 +05:00
9021f01ff4 Add Agreements page, enhance Devices and Users components with sorting and filtering options, and implement user verification dialogs
- Introduced a new Agreements page for managing agreements in the dashboard.
- Enhanced the Devices page by adding sorting and filtering options for better device management.
- Updated the Users page to include sorting functionality and improved layout.
- Implemented user verification and rejection dialogs for better user management.
- Added InputReadOnly component for displaying user information in a read-only format.
- Refactored search component to improve usability and visual consistency.
2024-12-01 23:19:31 +05:00
2b0bd515e7 Update package.json for turbopack support, enhance AppSidebar with new icons, and add Textarea and auth-utils components
- Modified the dev script in package.json to use turbopack for improved development performance.
- Enhanced AppSidebar by adding new icons for navigation items, improving visual clarity.
- Introduced a new Textarea component for consistent styling and functionality across forms.
- Added auth-utils module to fetch the current user session, streamlining user authentication processes.
2024-12-01 23:19:21 +05:00
2cbf9fb773 Add user rejection and device addition functionalities
- Implemented Rejectuser function to delete a user and send rejection details via SMS.
- Added SendUserRejectionDetailSMS function for SMS notifications.
- Introduced AddDevice function to create new devices associated with users.
- Updated user-actions.ts to include new functionalities and improve user management.
- Refactored auth-guard.ts to ensure proper session handling for admin access.
2024-12-01 23:16:54 +05:00
3f8bb4e70a Refactor authentication components and enhance user session handling
- Updated AccountPopover to utilize session data for user information display.
- Modified ApplicationLayout to fetch user details from the database using Prisma.
- Replaced Checkbox components with native input elements in SignUpForm for better accessibility.
- Enhanced seed script to include default islands and create related data in the database.
2024-12-01 07:40:21 +05:00
b91f34b6b1 Refactor dashboard components and update global styles
- Updated the title and description in layout.tsx to reflect the new application name.
- Replaced the background color in globals.css with a background image for the title section.
- Enhanced the Devices and UserDevices pages by adding search and filter components for improved user interaction.
- Introduced a new DevicesTable component for displaying device data with pagination.
- Updated the Users page to improve layout and added a filter for user status.
- Made various UI adjustments across components for better consistency and usability.
2024-11-30 23:38:32 +05:00
490150f9b7 Refactor user actions and authentication components
- Updated user verification logic to include atoll and island relationships.
- Introduced CreateClient function for integrating with external client API.
- Replaced 'house_name' with 'address' in user signup data handling.
- Added new Checkbox component for improved UI interactions.
- Migrated database provider from SQLite to PostgreSQL and redefined user schema.
- Removed obsolete migration files and ensured database integrity with new structure.
2024-11-30 23:38:20 +05:00
4e78ff2de9 Update user schema and forms to include address and consent fields
- Replaced 'house_name' with 'address' in user schema and related files.
- Added new fields for terms and privacy policy acceptance in the signup form schema.
- Updated package.json and package-lock.json to include @radix-ui/react-checkbox for checkbox functionality.
- Modified seed script to reflect changes in the user model.
2024-11-30 23:37:35 +05:00
0322bee567 Refactor authentication and dashboard components
- Updated login and signup pages to include session checks and redirection based on user authentication status.
- Introduced QueryProvider for managing server state in the application.
- Enhanced user experience by integrating session management in the devices and payments dashboard.
- Added new user management features with role-based access control in the sidebar.
- Created new components for user devices and payments, improving the overall structure and maintainability of the dashboard.
- Implemented a table component for better data presentation in user-related views.
2024-11-27 14:18:17 +05:00
8e6f802218 Add AlertDialog and Badge components for user verification
- Implemented AlertDialog component for confirmation dialogs.
- Created Badge component for displaying status indicators.
- Integrated UserVerifyDialog to utilize AlertDialog for user verification actions.
- Enhanced user experience with toast notifications during verification process.
2024-11-27 14:18:05 +05:00
762939bee7 Add title background styling to globals.css 2024-11-27 14:17:20 +05:00
3f68d835fe Refactor authentication actions and add user verification functionality
- Updated signin and signup actions to correctly handle phone number redirection and date of birth formatting.
- Introduced a new user-actions file to implement user verification logic.
- Added an auth guard to restrict access based on user roles.
- Enhanced the auth configuration to include user roles and language settings.
- Improved validation schemas for user input in the signup form.
2024-11-27 14:17:06 +05:00
1b43c85491 Add filter, pagination, search, and user table components 2024-11-27 14:16:25 +05:00
8673b8730f update packages 2024-11-27 14:15:54 +05:00
a0d85b1f12 add seed script and use postgres for db 2024-11-27 14:14:14 +05:00
e9c71c1e58 add non stretched favicon 2024-11-27 14:13:44 +05:00
7fadcd561f wip 2024-11-27 07:48:16 +05:00
7389de4c76 first commit 2024-11-24 23:30:44 +05:00
92d9e90cd6 Initial commit from Create Next App 2024-11-23 08:53:16 +05:00