#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 input=ramadan.png output=ramadan_added.png source .env rm $output > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get today's date in seconds since the epoch today=$(date +%s) # Get the target date in seconds since the epoch target=$(date -d "$1" +%s) # Calculate the number of seconds between the two dates diff=$(($target - $today)) # Only output the number of days if the target date is in the future if [ $diff -gt 0 ] then # Convert the number of seconds to days days=$(($diff / 86400)) # Add a leading zero if the day count is less than 10 if [ $days -lt 10 ] then days=$(printf "%02d" $days) fi else echo The day already passed... exit fi # Set variables for processing position=+350+560 fontsize=250 fontstyle=$PWD/ARLRDBD.TTF color='#be954a' convert $input \ -font $fontstyle \ -pointsize $fontsize \ -fill $color \ -annotate $position $days \ $output curl -s -F photo=@$output $TG_BOTAPI$TG_BOT_TOKEN/sendphoto?chat_id=$TG_CHATID