#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 INPUT=prayer.png OUTPUT=prayer_added.png PRAYERTIMES_CSV="male.csv" #DAY_OF_YEAR=$(($(date -d "@$(date +%s)" +%j) - 1)) # no clue why this wasnt whats below from the begning #DAY_OF_YEAR=$(date +%j) # this adds a zero at the begining and causes issues DAY_OF_YEAR=$((10#$(date +%j))) # remove the zero https://stackoverflow.com/a/11130324 source .env rm $OUTPUT > /dev/null human() { HOUR="$(( $1 / 60 ))" if (( $(( $1 / 60 )) < 10 )) ; then HOUR="0$(( $1 / 60 ))" fi MINUTE="$(( $1 % 60 ))" if (( $(( $1 % 60 )) < 10 )) ; then MINUTE="0$(( $1 % 60 ))" fi echo "$HOUR:$MINUTE" } imagemagick(){ TIME=$1 PRAYER=$2 case $PRAYER in fathis) POSITION='+685+430' COLOR=white ;; iruaraa) POSITION='+450+430' COLOR=white ;; mendhuru) POSITION='+215+430' COLOR=white ;; asr) POSITION='+685+768' COLOR=white ;; magrib) POSITION='+450+768' COLOR=white ;; isha) POSITION='+215+768' COLOR=white ;; date) POSITION='+375+190' TIME=$(date +'%d-%m-%Y') COLOR='#AC5757' esac if [ -f $OUTPUT ] then INPUT=$OUTPUT fi echo Prayer=$PRAYER DayOfYear=$DAY_OF_YEAR Time=$TIME File=$INPUT Colour=$COLOR convert $INPUT \ -font $PWD/CourierPrime.ttf \ -pointsize 48 \ -fill $COLOR \ -annotate $POSITION $TIME \ $OUTPUT } Fajr=$(grep "^$DAY_OF_YEAR," $PRAYERTIMES_CSV | cut -d, -f2) Sunrise=$(grep "^$DAY_OF_YEAR," $PRAYERTIMES_CSV | cut -d, -f3) Dhuhr=$(grep "^$DAY_OF_YEAR," $PRAYERTIMES_CSV | cut -d, -f4) Asr=$(grep "^$DAY_OF_YEAR," $PRAYERTIMES_CSV | cut -d, -f5) Maghrib=$(grep "^$DAY_OF_YEAR," $PRAYERTIMES_CSV | cut -d, -f6) Isha=$(grep "^$DAY_OF_YEAR," $PRAYERTIMES_CSV | cut -d, -f7) imagemagick $(human $Fajr) fathis imagemagick $(human $Sunrise) iruaraa imagemagick $(human $Dhuhr) mendhuru imagemagick $(human $Asr) asr imagemagick $(human $Maghrib) magrib imagemagick $(human $Isha) isha imagemagick "" date curl -s -F photo=@$OUTPUT $TG_BOTAPI$TG_BOT_TOKEN/sendphoto?chat_id=$TG_CHATID