#!/bin/bash request_new_cookie(){ curl -s $COOKIE_SERVER/newcookie > /dev/null } while true; do source .env 2> /dev/null # Get current date and time CURRENT_TIME=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ') COOKIE=$(curl -s $COOKIE_SERVER/getcookie) IBSID=$(echo $COOKIE | jq -r .IBSID) QL_0=$(echo $COOKIE | jq -r .ql_0) # Make the keep-alive request KEEP_ALIVE=$(curl -s 'https://faisanet.mib.com.mv/aProfile/keepAlive' \ -X 'POST' \ -H "cookie: ql_0=${QL_0}; IBSID=${IBSID}") # Check for session expiration SUCCESS=$(echo "$KEEP_ALIVE" | jq -r .success) RESPONSE_CODE=$(echo "$KEEP_ALIVE" | jq -r .responseCode) if [[ "$SUCCESS" == "false" && "$RESPONSE_CODE" == "3" ]]; then echo "Session expired. Requesting new cookie..." request_new_cookie continue # Restart the loop fi # Remove the last closing brace from KEEP_ALIVE KEEP_ALIVE_MODIFIED=${KEEP_ALIVE%?} # Combine timestamp with the keep-alive response echo "$KEEP_ALIVE_MODIFIED, \"timestamp\":\"$CURRENT_TIME\"}" # Sleep for the specified duration sleep $SLEEP done