#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 CONFIG=~/.config/bml-cli/config CREDENTIALS=~/.config/bml-cli/.credentials COOKIE=~/.cache/bml-cli/.cookie BML_RESETPASS='https://www.bankofmaldives.com.mv/internetbanking/forgot_password' #Setting terminal output colors red=`tput setaf 1` #errorred=`tput setaf 196` #validgreen=`tput setaf 82` green=`tput setaf 46` brown=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` pink=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 39` gray=`tput setaf 7` darkgray=`tput setaf 8` lightred=`tput setaf 9` lightgreen=`tput setaf 10` yellow=`tput setaf 11` reset=`tput sgr0` # Colors G='\e[01;32m' # GREEN TEXT R='\e[01;31m' # RED TEXT Y='\e[01;33m' # YELLOW TEXT B='\e[01;34m' # BLUE TEXT V='\e[01;35m' # VIOLET TEXT Bl='\e[01;30m' # BLACK TEXT C='\e[01;36m' # CYAN TEXT W='\e[01;37m' # WHITE TEXT BGBL='\e[1;30;47m' # Background W Text Bl N='\e[0m' # How to use (example): echo "${G}example${N}" loadBar=' ' # Load UI ##Setting Up Funcations animate(){ PID=$! h=0 anim='⠋⠙⠴⠦' while [ -d /proc/$PID ]; do h=$(((h + 1) % 4)) sleep 0.05 printf "\r${@} [${anim:$h:1}]" done } initialize(){ echo initalizing.. mkdir -p ~/.config/bml-cli/ mkdir -p ~/.cache/bml-cli/ echo "# DO NOT EDIT THIS MANUALLY!!" > $CREDENTIALS echo "BML_USERNAME='' # Your encrypted BML Username" >> $CREDENTIALS echo "BML_PASSWORD='' # Your encrypted BML Password" >> $CREDENTIALS echo "# DO NOT EDIT THIS UNLESS NECESSARY!!" > $CONFIG echo "I_AM_HYPOCRITE='false' # This is for MacOS Users ONLY" >> $CONFIG echo "I_AM_SODU='false' # This is for WSL Users ONLY" >> $CONFIG echo "" >> $CONFIG echo "BML_URL='https://www.bankofmaldives.com.mv/internetbanking/api' # BML API URL " >> $CONFIG } check_connection(){ PING=$(ping www.bankofmaldives.com.mv -c 2 2> /dev/null | grep -oE 0%) if [ "$PING" != "0%" ] then echo ${red}Check your connection and try again.${reset} exit 1 fi DOS=$(curl -s https://www.bankofmaldives.com.mv/ | grep -oE "error code: 1020") if [ "$DOS" = "error code: 1020" ] then echo ${red}Access denied${reset} echo Try again later exit fi } os_detect(){ WSL1=$(uname -r | grep -oE Microsoft) WSL2=$(uname -r | grep -oE microsoft) MAC=$(uname -a | grep -oE Darwin | tail -n1) ANDROID=$(uname -a | grep -oE Android) if [ "$WSL1" = "Microsoft" ] || [ "$WSL2" = "microsoft" ] then OS=windows if [ "$I_AM_SODU" != "true" ] then echo ${red}Please check $CONFIG and configure accordingly.${reset} cexit fi elif [ "$MAC" = "Darwin" ] then OS=macos export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/bin:$PATH" if [ "$I_AM_HYPOCRITE" != "true" ] then echo ${red}Please check $CONFIG and configure accordingly.${reset} cexit fi elif [ "$ANDROID" = "Android" ] then OS=android fi banner } ################################################################## display_banner(){ clear echo "${red}" echo "██████╗░███╗░░░███╗██╗░░░░░  ░█████╗░██╗░░░░░██╗" echo "██╔══██╗████╗░████║██║░░░░░  ██╔══██╗██║░░░░░██║" echo "██████╦╝██╔████╔██║██║░░░░░  ██║░░╚═╝██║░░░░░██║" echo "██╔══██╗██║╚██╔╝██║██║░░░░░  ██║░░██╗██║░░░░░██║" echo "██████╦╝██║░╚═╝░██║███████╗  ╚█████╔╝███████╗██║" echo "╚═════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚══════╝  ░╚════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝" echo "${reset}" } display_welcome(){ echo ${green}Welcome ${reset}$NAME echo "" } display_name(){ echo "" echo ${cyan}Name${reset}: $NAME } display_userinfo(){ echo ${cyan}Phone${reset}: $PHONE echo ${cyan}Email${reset}: $EMAIL echo ${cyan}Birthday${reset}: $DOB echo ${cyan}ID Card${reset}: $IDCARD echo "" } #################################################################### cexit(){ echo "Cleaning up.." rm $COOKIE 2> /dev/null sleep 0.2 exit } reset_config(){ read -p 'Are you sure: [y/N]' SURE if [ "$SURE" = "y" ] || [ "$SURE" = "Y" ] then display_banner sleep 0.5 echo Deleting Configration.... & rm -rf ~/.config/bml-cli sleep 0.5 echo Deleting Credentials.... & rm -rf ~/.cache/bml-cli cexit else display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo settings fi } readpin(){ read -s -p 'Enter Pin: ' PIN echo "" CHECK_PIN=$(echo ${BML_USERNAME} | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:${PIN} -pbkdf2 2>&1 | grep -oE bad) if [ "$CHECK_PIN" = "bad bad" ] then echo ${R}Incorrect Pin${N} readpin fi #banner BML_USERNAME_UNSAFE=$(echo ${BML_USERNAME} | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:${PIN} -pbkdf2) BML_PASSWORD_UNSAFE=$(echo ${BML_PASSWORD} | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:${PIN} -pbkdf2) #banner login #& animate "Logging in" } wipe_credentials(){ sed -i "s@BML_USERNAME=.*\$@BML_USERNAME='' # Your encrypted BML Username @" $CREDENTIALS sed -i "s@BML_PASSWORD=.*\$@BML_PASSWORD='' # Your encrypted BML Password @" $CREDENTIALS } urandom(){ BML_USERNAME_UNSAFE=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 5) BML_PASSWORD_UNSAFE=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 5) BML_USERNAME=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 5) BML_PASSWORD=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 5) REPEAT_PIN=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 5) NEW_PIN=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 5) } savepass(){ if [ "$BML_USERNAME" = "" ] && [ "$BML_PASSWORD" = "" ] then read -p 'Do you want to save login? [y/N] ' SAVE_LOGIN if [ "$SAVE_LOGIN" = "Y" ] || [ "$SAVE_LOGIN" = "y" ] then read -s -p 'Enter New Pin: ' NEW_PIN echo "" read -s -p 'Repeat Pin: ' REPEAT_PIN if [ "$NEW_PIN" = "$REPEAT_PIN" ] then echo "" BML_USERNAME=$(echo "${BML_USERNAME_UNSAFE}" | openssl enc -e -des3 -base64 -pass pass:${NEW_PIN} -pbkdf2) BML_PASSWORD=$(echo "${BML_PASSWORD_UNSAFE}" | openssl enc -e -des3 -base64 -pass pass:${NEW_PIN} -pbkdf2) #encrypt_user #& initanimate "Encrypting Username" #encrypt_pass #& initanimate "Encrypting Password" echo "Your credentials are ${lightgreen}encrypted${reset} and saved in $CREDENTIALS" sed -i "s@BML_USERNAME=.*\$@BML_USERNAME='${BML_USERNAME}' # Your encrypted BML Username @" $CREDENTIALS sed -i "s@BML_PASSWORD=.*\$@BML_PASSWORD='${BML_PASSWORD}' # Your encrypted BML Password @" $CREDENTIALS else echo "" echo ${R}Pin do not match${N} savepass fi else echo Password not saved. fi else : fi urandom select_profile #& animate "Selecting Profile" # urandom && select_profile } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ login(){ LOGIN=$(curl -s -c $COOKIE $BML_URL/login \ --data-raw username=$BML_USERNAME_UNSAFE \ --data-raw password=${BML_PASSWORD_UNSAFE} \ | jq -r .code) if [ "$LOGIN" = "0" ] then display_banner echo ${lightgreen}Login success${reset} savepass elif [ "$LOGIN" = "20" ] then display_banner account_locked sleep 1.5 display_banner echo "${red}Account Locked!${reset}" echo "${lightred}Please reset password and login again.${reset}" enter_credentials elif [ "$LOGIN" = "2" ] then display_banner echo ${red}Password or Username Incorrect${reset} wipe_credentials enter_credentials elif [ "$LOGIN" = "37" ] then echo "${red}Down for Maintenance${reset}" 1>&2 echo "Try again later" exit else echo "${red}Unknown Error${reset}" 1>&2 exit fi } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ account_locked(){ if [ "$OS" = "macos" ] then open $BML_RESETPASS elif [ "$OS" = "windows" ] then cmd.exe /C START $BML_RESETPASS elif [ "$OS" = "android" ] then am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d $BML_RESETPASS else xdg-open $BML_RESETPASS fi } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ enter_credentials(){ #echo "" read -p 'Username: ' BML_USERNAME_UNSAFE read -s -p 'Password: ' BML_PASSWORD_UNSAFE echo "" login } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ select_profile(){ REQPRO=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/profile) PERSONALPROFILE=$(echo $REQPRO \ | jq -r '.payload | .profile | .[] | .profile' \ | head -n 1) curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/profile \ --data-raw profile=$PERSONALPROFILE \ --compressed > /dev/null } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ userinfo(){ USERINFO=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/userinfo) SUCCESS=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r .success) if [ "$SUCCESS" != "true" ] then echo ${red}Login Required${reset} init_login display_banner userinfo fi USERINFO=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r '.["payload"] | .["user"]') NAME=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r .fullname) PHONE=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r .mobile_phone) EMAIL=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r .email) DOB=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r .birthdate |cut -d 'T' -f 1) IDCARD=$(echo $USERINFO | jq -r .idcard) } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ accounts(){ echo $DASHBOARD \ | jq -r '["Account Name"," Account Number","Type", "Currency", "Balance"], ["===================","==============","==================","=========","========="], (.payload | .dashboard |.[] | [.alias, .account, .product, .currency, .availableBalance]) | @tsv' \ | perl -pe 's/((?<=\t)|(?<=^))\t/ \t/g;' "$@" | column -t -s $'\t' | exec less -F -S -X -K } ################################################################################################ api_dashboard(){ DASHBOARD=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/dashboard) SUCCESS=$(echo $DASHBOARD | jq -r .success) if [ "$SUCCESS" != "true" ] then echo ${red}Login Required${reset} init_login display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo api_dashboard fi } ################################################################################################ list_contacts(){ echo $API_CONATACTS | jq -r '["ID","Account Number","Currency","Account Name","Contact Name"], ["​​===========","==============","========","=============================","============================="], (.["payload"] | .[] | [.id, .account, .currency, .name, .alias]) | @tsv' \ | perl -pe 's/((?<=\t)|(?<=^))\t/ \t/g;' "$@" | column -t -s $'\t' | exec less -F -S -X -K } ################################################################################################ api_contacts(){ API_CONATACTS=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/contacts) SUCCESS=$(echo $API_CONATACTS | jq -r .code) if [ "$SUCCESS" = "17" ] then echo ${red}Login Required${reset} init_login display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo api_contacts fi } ################################################################################################ transfer(){ # banner accounts echo "" echo "Select debit account" echo "Enter credit account" } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ api_account(){ API_ACCOUNT=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/validate/account/$ACCOUNT_NUMBER) SUCCESS=$(echo $API_ACCOUNT | jq -r .code) if [ "$SUCCESS" = "17" ] then echo ${red}Login Required${reset} init_login display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo fi } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ add_contact(){ printf 'Account Number: ' read -r ACCOUNT_NUMBER if [ "$ACCOUNT_NUMBER" = "x" ] || [ "$ACCOUNT_NUMBER" = "back" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo contacts_menu elif [ "$ACCOUNT_NUMBER" = "" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}No input${reset} echo Input account number or ${lightgreen}x${reset} to go back add_contact fi api_account VALID_NUMBER=$(echo $API_ACCOUNT | jq -r .success) if [ "$VALID_NUMBER" = "true" ] then ACCOUNT_NAME=$(echo $API_ACCOUNT | jq -r '.["payload"] | .name') CURRENCY=$(echo $API_ACCOUNT | jq -r '.["payload"] | .currency') echo "Account Name: $ACCOUNT_NAME" echo "Currency: $CURRENCY" echo "" printf 'Contact Name: ' read -r CONTACT_NAME if [ "$CONTACT_NAME" = "" ] then CONTACT_NAME=$ACCOUNT_NAME fi CONTACT_NAME_SED=`echo "$CONTACT_NAME" | sed "s/ /%20/g"` ADDCONTACT=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/contacts \ --data-raw contact_type=IAT \ --data-raw account=$ACCOUNT_NUMBER \ --data-raw alias=$CONTACT_NAME_SED \ --compressed \ | jq -r .code) if [ "$ADDCONTACT" = "0" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo $ACCOUNT_NUMBER ${lightgreen}saved as ${reset} $CONTACT_NAME ${lightgreen}succesfully${reset} elif [ "$ADDCONTACT" = "17" ] then echo ${red}Login Required ${reset} init_login add_contact else display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo "${red}There was an error${reset}" fi else echo "${red}Invalid Account${reset}" 1>&2 add_contact fi } ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ delete_contact(){ printf "Enter Contact ID: " read -r CONATACT_ID DELETESUCCESS=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/contacts/$CONATACT_ID \ --data-raw _method=delete \ --compressed \ | jq -r .code) if [ "$DELETESUCCESS" = "0" ] then echo Contact Deleted contacts_menu else echo "${red}There was an error${reset}" delete_contact fi } ################################# api_activites(){ API_ACTIVITES=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/activities) SUCCESS=$(echo $API_ACTIVITES | jq -r .code) if [ "$SUCCESS" = "17" ] then echo ${red}Login Required${reset} init_login display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo api_activites fi PAGETOTAL=$(echo $API_ACTIVITES | jq -r '.payload | .content | .last_page') } ################################################################################################ activities(){ echo Current Page: 1 echo $API_ACTIVITES | jq -r '["Type","Date","Contact","Amount","Remarks","Status"], ["=====","=========","============","=======","==================","==========="],(.payload | .content | .data | .[] | [.type, .datetime, .creditName, .formattedAmount, .message, .status]) | @tsv' \ | perl -pe 's/((?<=\t)|(?<=^))\t/ \t/g;' "$@" | column -t -s $'\t' | exec less -F -S -X -K while true; do echo "" echo Total Pages: $PAGETOTAL read -p "Enter Page Number: " PAGENO if [ "$PAGENO" = "" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Invalid Input${reset} echo Enter x to go back elif [ "$PAGENO" -le "$PAGETOTAL" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo Current Page: $PAGENO curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/activities?page=$PAGENO \ | jq -r '["Type","Date","Contact","Amount","Remarks","Status"], ["=====","=========","============","=======","==================","==========="],(.payload | .content | .data | .[] | [.type, .datetime, .creditName, .formattedAmount, .message, .status]) | @tsv' \ | perl -pe 's/((?<=\t)|(?<=^))\t/ \t/g;' "$@" | column -t -s $'\t' | exec less -F -S -X -K elif [ "$PAGENO" -gt "$PAGETOTAL" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}value too high${reset} elif [ "$PAGENO" = "x" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo main_menu fi done } services(){ echo "" echo "Work In Progress" read -p "Press enter to return to main menu" BRUH display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo main_menu } ################################################################################################ main_menu(){ echo "Main Menu" echo "" echo "1 - Accounts" echo "2 - Transfer" echo "3 - Contacts" echo "4 - Activities" echo "5 - Services" echo "6 - Settings" echo "" printf 'Please Input: ' read -r MENU if [ "$MENU" = "1" ] then api_dashboard # & animate "Fetching account details" display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo accounts accounts_menu elif [ "$MENU" = "2" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo transfer_menu elif [ "$MENU" = "3" ] || [ "$MENU" = "contacts" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo api_contacts #& animate "Fetching contacts" list_contacts contacts_menu elif [ "$MENU" = "4" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo api_activites activities elif [ "$MENU" = "5" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo services elif [ "$MENU" = "6" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo settings elif [ "$MENU" = "exit" ] || [ "$MENU" = "x" ] then cexit else display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Invalid input:${yellow} $MENU ${reset} 1>&2 main_menu fi } ############################################################################################## accounts_menu(){ echo "" echo "Work In Progress" read -p "Press enter to return main menu" BRUH display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo main_menu } ################################################################################################ contacts_menu(){ echo "Contacts" echo "" echo "1 - Transfer" echo "2 - Add New Contact" echo "3 - Delete Contact" echo "x - Go back" echo "" printf 'Please Input: ' read -r CONTACTS if [ "$CONTACTS" = "1" ] || ["$CONTACTS" = "transfer" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo transfer_menu elif [ "$CONTACTS" = "2" ] || ["$CONTACTS" = "add new contact" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo add_contact contacts_menu elif [ "$CONTACTS" = "3" ] || ["$CONTACTS" = "delete contact" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo list_contacts delete_contact api_contacts contact_menu elif [ "$CONTACTS" = "x" ] || [ "$CONTACTS" = "back" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo main_menu elif [ "$CONTACTS" = "exit" ] then cexit else display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Invalid input:${yellow} $CONTACTS ${reset} 1>&2 contacts_menu fi } transfer_menu(){ echo "Work In Progress" read -p "Press enter to return to main menu" BRUH display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo main_menu } ########################################################################################### change_password(){ while true; do echo "Select OTP Method:" echo "1 - Mobile" echo "2 - Email" echo "" read -p "Please input: " OTPCHANNEL if [ "$OTPCHANNEL" = "1" ] || [ "$OTPCHANNEL" = "mobile" ] then OTPCHANNEL=mobile ECHOOTPCHANNEL=$PHONE break elif [ "$OTPCHANNEL" = "2" ] || [ "$OTPCHANNEL" = "email" ] then OTPCHANNEL=email ECHOOTPCHANNEL=$EMAIL break elif [ "$OTPCHANNEL" = "back" ] || [ "$OTPCHANNEL" = "x" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo settings else display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Invalid Input${reset} echo Enter x to back fi done read -s -p 'Enter Current Password: ' OLD_PASSWORD echo "" while true; do read -s -p 'Enter New Password: ' NEW_PASSWORD echo "" read -s -p 'Repeat New Password: ' REPEAT_NEWPASSWORD echo "" if [ "$NEW_PASSWORD" != "$REPEAT_NEWPASSWORD" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo "${red}Password do not match${reset}" echo "Try again" else break fi done curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/user/changepassword \ --data-raw currentPassword=$OLD_PASSWORD \ --data-raw newPassword=$NEW_PASSWORD \ --data-raw newPasswordConfirmation=$REPEAT_NEWPASSWORD \ --data-raw channel=$OTPCHANNEL > /dev/null echo ${lightgreen}OTP sent to ${yellow}${ECHOOTPCHANNEL}${reset} read -p 'Enter OTP: ' OTP CHANGEPASSWORD=$(curl -s -b $COOKIE $BML_URL/user/changepassword \ --data-raw currentPassword=$OLD_PASSWORD \ --data-raw newPassword=$NEW_PASSWORD \ --data-raw newPasswordConfirmation=$REPEAT_NEWPASSWORD \ --data-raw channel=$OTPCHANNEL \ --data-raw otp=$OTP \ | jq -r .code) if [ "$CHANGEPASSWORD" = "0" ] then echo Password changed succesfully ${reset} elif [ "$CHANGEPASSWORD" = "8" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Old Password is incorrect${reset} echo failed to change password change_password elif [ "$CHANGEPASSWORD" = "24" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Invalid OTP${reset} echo failed to change password change_password elif [ "$CHANGEPASSWORD" = "17" ] then echo ${red}Login Required${reset} init_login display_banner change_password else echo unknown error main_menu fi } ############################################################################################## ################################################################################################ settings(){ echo "Settings" echo "1 - Logout" echo "2 - Logout and reset config" echo "3 - Change Password" echo "" printf 'Please Input: ' read -r SETTINGS if [ "$SETTINGS" = "1" ] then display_banner wipe_credentials cexit elif [ "$SETTINGS" = "2" ] then display_banner reset_config elif [ "$SETTINGS" = "3" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo change_password elif [ "$SETTINGS" = "x" ] || [ "$SETTINGS" = "back" ] then display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo main_menu else display_banner && display_name && display_userinfo echo ${red}Invalid input:${yellow} $SETTINGS ${reset} 1>&2 settings fi } if [ ! -f $CONFIG ] then initialize fi init_login(){ if [ "$BML_USERNAME" != "" ] && [ "$BML_PASSWORD" != "" ] then readpin else enter_credentials fi } display_banner && check_connection #& animate "Checking Internet Connection" display_banner && os_detect # & animate "Detecting Operating System" source $CONFIG source $CREDENTIALS display_banner && init_login userinfo display_banner && display_welcome && display_userinfo && main_menu