
1281 lines
47 KiB

<base-input v-if="title" :label="title" :name="name"
{'readonly': readonly},
{'disabled': disabled},
{'no-arrow': noArrow},
<el-select v-model="selected" :placeholder="dynamicPlaceholder" filterable remote reserve-keyword
@change="change" @visible-change="visibleChange" @remove-tag="removeTag" @clear="clear" @blur="blur" @focus="focus"
<div v-if="loading" class="el-select-dropdown__wrap" slot="empty">
<p class="el-select-dropdown__empty pt-2 pb-0 loading">
<span class="material-icons form-spin text-lg animate-spin">data_usage</span>
<div v-if="!loading && addNew.status && options.length != 0 && sortedOptions.length == 0" class="el-select-dropdown__wrap" slot="empty">
<p class="el-select-dropdown__empty pt-2 pb-0">
{{ noMatchingDataText }}
<ul class="el-scrollbar__view el-select-dropdown__list">
<li class="el-select-dropdown__item el-select__footer bg-purple" disabled value="">
<div class="w-full flex items-center" @click="onAddItem">
<span class="material-icons text-xl text-purple">add</span>
<span class="flex-1 font-bold text-purple">
{{ addNew.text }}
<div v-if="!loading && addNew.status && options.length == 0">
<el-option class="text-center" disabled :label="noDataText" value="value"></el-option>
<ul class="el-scrollbar__view el-select-dropdown__list">
<li class="el-select-dropdown__item el-select__footer bg-purple">
<div class="w-full flex items-center" @click="onAddItem">
<span class="material-icons text-xl text-purple">add</span>
<span class="flex-1 font-bold text-purple">
{{ addNew.text }}
<template slot="prefix">
<span class="el-input__suffix-inner el-select-icon">
<i :class="'select-icon-position el-input__icon fa fa-' + icon"></i>
<el-option v-if="!group" v-for="(option, index) in sortedOptions"
<span class="float-left" :style="'padding-left: ' + (10 * option.level).toString() + 'px;'"><i v-if="option.level != 0" class="material-icons align-middle text-lg ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2">subdirectory_arrow_right</i>{{ option.value }}</span>
<span class="new-badge absolute right-2 bg-green text-white px-2 py-1 rounded-md text-xs" v-if="new_options[option.key] || (option.mark_new)">{{ addNew.new_text }}</span>
v-for="(group_options, group_index) in sortedOptions"
v-for="(option, option_index) in group_options.value"
<span class="float-left" :style="'padding-left: ' + (10 * option.level).toString() + 'px;'"><i v-if="option.level != 0" class="material-icons align-middle text-lg ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2">subdirectory_arrow_right</i>{{ option.value }}</span>
<span class="new-badge absolute right-2 bg-green text-white px-2 py-1 rounded-md text-xs" v-if="new_options[option.key] || (option.mark_new)">{{ addNew.new_text }}</span>
<el-option v-if="!loading && addNew.status && options.length != 0 && sortedOptions.length > 0" class="el-select__footer bg-purple" :disabled="disabled" value="">
<div class="w-full flex items-center" @click="onAddItem">
<span class="material-icons text-xl text-purple">add</span>
<span class="flex-1 font-bold text-purple">
{{ addNew.text }}
<component v-bind:is="add_new_html" @submit="onSubmit" @cancel="onCancel"></component>
<span slot="infoBlock" class="absolute right-8 top-3 bg-green text-white px-2 py-1 rounded-md text-xs" v-if="new_options[selected] || (sorted_options.length && sorted_options[sorted_options.length - 1].mark_new && sorted_options[sorted_options.length - 1].key == selected)">{{ addNew.new_text }}</span>
<select :name="name" :id="name" class="hidden">
<option v-for="option in sortedOptions" :key="option.key" :value="option.key">{{ option.value }}</option>
<span v-else>
<el-select v-model="selected" :placeholder="dynamicPlaceholder" filterable remote reserve-keyword
@change="change" @visible-change="visibleChange" @remove-tag="removeTag" @clear="clear" @blur="blur" @focus="focus"
<div v-if="loading" class="el-select-dropdown__wrap" slot="empty">
<p class="el-select-dropdown__empty pt-2 pb-0 loading">
<span class="material-icons form-spin text-lg animate-spin">data_usage</span>
<div v-if="!loading && addNew.status && options.length != 0 && sortedOptions.length == 0" class="el-select-dropdown__wrap" slot="empty">
<p class="el-select-dropdown__empty pt-2 pb-0">
{{ noMatchingDataText }}
<ul class="el-scrollbar__view el-select-dropdown__list">
<li class="el-select-dropdown__item el-select__footer bg-purple" disabled value="">
<div class="w-full flex items-center" @click="onAddItem">
<span class="material-icons text-xl text-purple">add</span>
<span class="flex-1 font-bold text-purple">
{{ addNew.text }}
<div v-if="!loading && addNew.status && options.length == 0">
<el-option class="text-center" disabled :label="noDataText" value="value"></el-option>
<ul class="el-scrollbar__view el-select-dropdown__list">
<li class="el-select-dropdown__item el-select__footer bg-purple">
<div class="w-full flex items-center" @click="onAddItem">
<span class="material-icons text-xl text-purple">add</span>
<span class="flex-1 font-bold text-purple">
{{ addNew.text }}
<template slot="prefix">
<span class="el-input__suffix-inner el-select-icon">
<i :class="'select-icon-position el-input__icon fa fa-' + icon"></i>
<el-option v-if="!group" v-for="(option, index) in sortedOptions"
<span class="float-left" :style="'padding-left: ' + (10 * option.level).toString() + 'px;'"><i v-if="option.level != 0" class="material-icons align-middle text-lg ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2">subdirectory_arrow_right</i>{{ option.value }}</span>
<span class="new-badge absolute right-2 bg-green text-white px-2 py-1 rounded-md text-xs" v-if="new_options[option.key] || (option.mark_new)">{{ addNew.new_text }}</span>
v-for="(group_options, group_index) in sortedOptions"
v-for="(option, option_index) in group_options.value"
<span class="float-left" :style="'padding-left: ' + (10 * option.level).toString() + 'px;'"><i v-if="option.level != 0" class="material-icons align-middle text-lg ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2">subdirectory_arrow_right</i>{{ option.value }}</span>
<span class="new-badge absolute right-2 bg-green text-white px-2 py-1 rounded-md text-xs" v-if="new_options[option.key] || (option.mark_new)">{{ addNew.new_text }}</span>
<el-option v-if="!loading && addNew.status && options.length != 0 && sortedOptions.length > 0" class="el-select__footer bg-purple" disabled value="">
<div class="w-full flex items-center" @click="onAddItem">
<span class="material-icons text-xl text-purple">add</span>
<span class="flex-1 font-bold text-purple">
{{ addNew.text }}
<component v-bind:is="add_new_html" @submit="onSubmit" @cancel="onCancel"></component>
<span slot="infoBlock" class="absolute right-8 top-3 bg-green text-white px-2 py-1 rounded-md text-xs" v-if="new_options[selected] || (sorted_options.length && sorted_options[sorted_options.length - 1].mark_new && sorted_options[sorted_options.length - 1].key == selected)">{{ addNew.new_text }}</span>
<select :name="name" :id="name" v-model="selected" class="d-none">
<option v-for="option in sortedOptions" :key="option.key" :value="option.key">{{ option.value }}</option>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Select, Option, OptionGroup, ColorPicker } from 'element-ui';
import AkauntingModalAddNew from './AkauntingModalAddNew';
import AkauntingModal from './AkauntingModal';
import AkauntingMoney from './AkauntingMoney';
import AkauntingRadioGroup from './AkauntingRadioGroup';
import AkauntingSelect from './AkauntingSelect';
import AkauntingDate from './AkauntingDate';
import AkauntingRecurring from './AkauntingRecurring';
import Form from './../plugins/form';
export default {
name: "akaunting-select-remote",
components: {
[Select.name]: Select,
[Option.name]: Option,
[OptionGroup.name]: OptionGroup,
[ColorPicker.name]: ColorPicker,
props: {
title: {
type: String,
default: null,
description: "Selectbox label text"
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: '',
description: "Selectbox input placeholder text"
formClasses: {
type: Array,
default: null,
description: "Selectbox input class name"
formError: {
type: String,
default: null,
description: "Selectbox input error message"
icon: {
type: String,
description: "Prepend icon (left)"
name: {
type: String,
default: null,
description: "Selectbox attribute name"
value: {
type: [String, Number, Array, Object],
default: '',
description: "Selectbox selected value"
options: null,
dynamicOptions: null,
fullOptions: null,
disabledOptions: {
type: Array,
default: function () {
return [];
description: "Selectbox Add New Item Feature"
option_sortable: {
type: String,
default: 'value',
description: "Option Sortable type (key|value)"
sortOptions: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
description: 'Sort options by the option_sortable prop, or sorting is made server-side',
model: {
type: [String, Number, Array, Object],
default: '',
description: "Selectbox selected model"
addNew: {
type: Object,
default: function () {
return {
text: 'Add New Item',
status: false,
path: null,
type: 'modal', // modal, inline
field: 'name',
new_text: 'New',
buttons: {}
description: "Selectbox Add New Item Feature"
group: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Selectbox option group status"
multiple: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Multible feature status"
readonly: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Selectbox disabled status"
noArrow: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Selectbox show arrow"
clearable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
description: "Selectbox clearable status"
notRequired: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Selectbox disabled status"
collapse: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Selectbox collapse status"
noDataText: {
type: String,
default: 'No Data',
description: "Selectbox empty options message"
noMatchingDataText: {
type: String,
default: 'No Matchign Data',
description: "Selectbox search option not found item message"
searchable: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Selectbox searchable"
searchText: {
type: String,
default: '',
description: "Selectbox input search placeholder text"
remoteAction: {
type: String,
default: null,
description: "Selectbox remote action path"
currencyCode: {
type: String,
default: 'USD',
description: "Get remote item price currecy code"
data() {
return {
dynamicPlaceholder: this.placeholder,
add_new: {
text: this.addNew.text,
show: false,
path: this.addNew.path,
type: this.addNew.type, // modal, inline
field: this.addNew.field,
buttons: this.addNew.buttons,
add_new_html: '',
selected: this.model,
form: {},
sorted_options: [],
new_options: {},
loading: false,
created() {
if (this.searchable) {
computed: {
sortedOptions() {
if (! this.sortOptions) {
return this.sorted_options;
if (this.group) {
for (const [index, options] of Object.entries(this.sorted_options)) {
} else {
return this.sorted_options;
mounted() {
// Check Here..
this.selected = this.value;
if (this.model.length) {
try {
if (eval(this.model) !== undefined) {
this.selected = eval(this.model);
} else {
this.selected = this.model;
} catch (e) {
this.selected = this.model;
if (this.multiple && !this.selected.length) {
this.selected = [];
this.$emit('interface', this.selected);
setTimeout(function() {
}.bind(this), 800);
methods: {
sortBy(option) {
return (firstEl, secondEl) => {
let first_element = firstEl[option].toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase
let second_element = secondEl[option].toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase
if (first_element < second_element) {
return -1;
if (first_element > second_element) {
return 1;
// names must be equal
return 0;
setSortedOptions() {
// Reset sorted_options
this.sorted_options = [];
let created_options = (this.dynamicOptions) ? this.dynamicOptions : this.options;
if (this.group) {
// Option set sort_option data
if (!Array.isArray(created_options)) {
for (const [index, options] of Object.entries(created_options)) {
let values = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
key: key,
value: value,
level: 0
key: index,
value: values
} else {
created_options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (typeof(option) == 'string') {
index: index,
key: index.toString(),
value: option,
level: 0
} else {
index: index,
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.level) ? option.level : 0
}, this);
} else {
// Option set sort_option data
if (!Array.isArray(created_options)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(created_options)) {
key: key,
value: value,
level: 0
} else {
created_options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (typeof(option) == 'string') {
index: index,
key: index.toString(),
value: option,
level: 0
} else {
index: index,
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.level) ? option.level : 0
}, this);
setFullOptions() {
// Reset full_options
this.full_options = [];
let created_options = (this.dynamicOptions) ? this.dynamicOptions : this.fullOptions;
if (this.group) {
// Option set sort_option data
if (!Array.isArray(created_options)) {
for (const [index, options] of Object.entries(created_options)) {
let values = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
key: key,
value: value,
level: 0
key: index,
value: values
} else {
created_options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (typeof(option) == 'string') {
index: index,
key: index.toString(),
value: option,
level: 0
} else {
index: index,
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.level) ? option.level : 0
}, this);
} else {
// Option set sort_option data
if (!Array.isArray(created_options)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(created_options)) {
key: key,
value: value,
level: 0
} else {
created_options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (typeof(option) == 'string') {
index: index,
key: index.toString(),
value: option,
level: 0
} else {
index: index,
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.level) ? option.level : 0
}, this);
change() {
// This controll added add new changed..
if (typeof(this.selected) === 'object' && typeof(this.selected.type) !== 'undefined') {
return false;
this.$emit('interface', this.selected);
this.$emit('change', this.selected);
// Option changed sort_option data
if (this.group) {
this.sorted_options.forEach(function (option_group, group_index) {
option_group.value.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (this.multiple) {
let indexs = [];
let values = [];
let labels = [];
let options = [];
this.selected.forEach(function (selected_option_id, selected_index) {
if (option.key == selected_option_id) {
this.$emit('index', indexs);
this.$emit('value', values);
this.$emit('label', labels);
this.$emit('option', options);
} else {
if (option.key == this.selected) {
this.$emit('index', index);
this.$emit('value', option.id);
this.$emit('label', option.value);
this.$emit('option', option);
}, this);
}, this);
} else {
this.sorted_options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (this.multiple) {
let indexs = [];
let values = [];
let labels = [];
let options = [];
this.selected.forEach(function (selected_option_id, selected_index) {
if (option.key == selected_option_id) {
this.$emit('index', indexs);
this.$emit('value', values);
this.$emit('label', labels);
this.$emit('option', options);
} else {
if (option.key == this.selected) {
this.$emit('index', index);
this.$emit('value', option.id);
this.$emit('label', option.value);
this.$emit('option', option);
}, this);
visibleChange(event) {
this.$emit('visible-change', event);
this.dynamicPlaceholder = this.placeholder;
if (event && this.searchText) {
this.dynamicPlaceholder = this.searchText;
if (this.searchable) {
let selected = this.selected;
this.sorted_options = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.full_options)) {
if (selected == value.key) {
index: value.index,
key: value.key,
value: value.value,
level: value.level
removeTag(event) {
this.$emit('remove-tag', event);
clear(event) {
this.$emit('clear', event);
blur(event) {
this.$emit('blur', event);
focus(event) {
this.$emit('focus', event);
remoteMethod(query) {
if (document.getElementById('form-select-' + this.name)) {
document.getElementById('form-select-' + this.name).getElementsByTagName("input")[0].readOnly = false;
if (this.searchable) {
return this.serchableMethod(query);
if (query !== '') {
this.loading = true;
let path = this.remoteAction;
if (!path) {
path = url + '/common/items/autocomplete';
if (path.indexOf('?search') === -1) {
path += '?search="' + query + '"';
} else {
path += ' "' + query + '"';
path += ' limit:10';
path += '&currency_code=' + this.currencyCode;
method: 'GET',
url: path,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': window.Laravel.csrfToken,
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
.then(response => {
this.loading = false;
if (response.data.data) {
let data = response.data.data;
//this.sorted_options = [];
data.forEach(function (option) {
let check = false;
this.sorted_options.forEach(function (sort_option) {
if (sort_option.key == option.id) {
check = true;
if (!check) {
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.parent_id) ? 1 : 0 // 0: parent, 1: child. Level data get 0 via backend. This control will refactor.
}, this);
this.sorted_options = this.sorted_options.filter(item => {
return item.value.toLowerCase()
.indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1;
} else {
this.sortedOptions = [];
.catch(e => {
.finally(function () {
// always executed
} else {
serchableMethod(query) {
if (query !== '') {
this.loading = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false;
this.sorted_options = this.full_options.filter(item => {
return item.value.toLowerCase()
.indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1;
}, 200);
} else {
async onAddItem() {
// Get Select Input value
if (this.multiple) {
var value = this.$children[0].$children[0]. $refs.input.value;
} else {
if (this.title) {
var value = this.$children[0].$children[0].$children[0].$refs.input.value;
} else {
var value = this.$children[0].$children[0].$children[0].$refs.input.value;
if (this.add_new.type == 'inline') {
if (value === '') {
return false;
await this.addInline(value);
} else {
await this.onModal(value);
addInline(value) {
window.axios.post(this.add_new.path, {
'_token': window.Laravel.csrfToken,
'type': 'inline',
field: this.add_new.field.value,
value: value,
.then(response => {
if (response.data.success) {
if (!Object.keys(this.options).length) {
this.selectOptions = [];
this.new_options[response.data.data[this.add_new.field.key]] = response.data.data;
this.real_model = response.data.data[this.add_new.field.key];
if (this.title) {
this.$children[0].$children[0].visible = false;
} else {
this.$children[0].visible = false;
this.$emit('new', response.data.data);
.catch(error => {
onModal(value) {
let add_new = this.add_new;
.then(response => {
add_new.show = true;
add_new.html = response.data.html;
if (this.title) {
this.$children[0].$children[0].visible = false;
} else {
this.$children[0].visible = false;
this.add_new_html = Vue.component('add-new-component', function (resolve, reject) {
template: '<div><akaunting-modal-add-new modal-dialog-class="max-w-md" modal-position-top :show="add_new.show" @submit="onSubmit" @cancel="onCancel" :buttons="add_new.buttons" :title="add_new.text" :is_component=true :message="add_new.html"></akaunting-modal-add-new></div>',
components: {
[ColorPicker.name]: ColorPicker,
data: function () {
return {
add_new: add_new,
methods: {
onSubmit(event) {
this.$emit('submit', event);
onCancel(event) {
this.$emit('cancel', event);
.catch(e => {
.finally(function () {
// always executed
onSubmit(event) {
this.form = event;
this.loading = true;
let data = this.form.data();
FormData.prototype.appendRecursive = function(data, wrapper = null) {
for(var name in data) {
if (wrapper) {
if ((typeof data[name] == 'object' || data[name].constructor === Array) && ((data[name] instanceof File != true ) && (data[name] instanceof Blob != true))) {
this.appendRecursive(data[name], wrapper + '[' + name + ']');
} else {
this.append(wrapper + '[' + name + ']', data[name]);
} else {
if ((typeof data[name] == 'object' || data[name].constructor === Array) && ((data[name] instanceof File != true ) && (data[name] instanceof Blob != true))) {
this.appendRecursive(data[name], name);
} else {
this.append(name, data[name]);
let form_data = new FormData();
method: this.form.method,
url: this.form.action,
data: form_data,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': window.Laravel.csrfToken,
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
.then(response => {
this.form.loading = false;
if (response.data.success) {
key: response.data.data[this.add_new.field.key].toString(),
value: response.data.data[this.add_new.field.value],
level: response.data.data.parent_id ? 1 : 0,
this.new_options[response.data.data[this.add_new.field.key]] = response.data.data[this.add_new.field.value];
if (this.multiple) {
} else {
this.selected = response.data.data[this.add_new.field.key].toString();
this.add_new.show = false;
this.add_new.html = '';
this.add_new_html = null;
this.$emit('new', response.data.data);
let documentClasses = document.body.classList;
documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay');
.catch(error => {
this.form.loading = false;
this.method_show_html = error.message;
onCancel() {
this.add_new.show = false;
this.add_new.html = null;
this.add_new_html = null;
let documentClasses = document.body.classList;
documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay');
addModal() {
dynamicOptionsValue(options) {
if (! this.forceDynamicOptionValue) {
if (this.multiple) {
this.selected = [];
} else {
this.selected = '';
if (this.multiple) {
let selected = this.selected;
this.selected = [];
selected.forEach(function (select, index) {
if (Array.isArray(this.sorted_options) && this.sorted_options.find((option) => option.key == select)) {
}, this);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(options) && ! options.find((option) => option == this.selected)) {
this.selected = '';
watch: {
selected: function (selected) {
if (!this.multiple) {
if (typeof selected != 'string' && selected !== undefined) {
this.selected = selected.toString();
} else {
this.selected = selected;
} else {
if (Array.isArray(this.selected) && !this.selected.length) {
this.selected = selected;
} else {
let is_string = false;
let pre_value = [];
selected.forEach(item => {
if (typeof item != 'string') {
is_string = true;
if (is_string) {
this.selected = pre_value;
value: function (selected) {
// we tested this function works with post a form and after the selected function so put in the comment line
// if (!this.multiple) {
// this.selected = selected.toString();
// } else {
// if (Array.isArray(this.selected) && !this.selected.length) {
// this.selected = selected;
// } else {
// let is_string = false;
// let pre_value = [];
// selected.forEach(item => {
// if (typeof item != 'string') {
// is_string = true;
// pre_value.push(item.toString());
// }
// });
// if (is_string) {
// this.selected = pre_value;
// }
// }
// }
// this.change();
model: function (selected) {
if (!this.multiple) {
this.selected = selected.toString();
} else {
let is_string = false;
let pre_value = [];
selected.forEach(item => {
if (typeof item != 'string') {
is_string = true;
if (is_string) {
this.selected = pre_value;
dynamicOptions: function(options) {
this.sorted_options = [];
this.selected = [];
if (this.group) {
// Option set sort_option data
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
if (typeof(this.selected) == 'string') {
this.selected = '';
for (const [index, _options] of Object.entries(options)) {
let values = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(_options)) {
key: key,
value: value,
level: 0
key: index,
value: values
} else {
options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (typeof(option) == 'string') {
index: index,
key: index.toString(),
value: option,
level: 0
} else {
index: index,
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.level) ? option.level : 0
}, this);
} else {
// Option set sort_option data
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
key: key,
value: value,
level: 0
} else {
options.forEach(function (option, index) {
if (typeof(option) == 'string') {
index: index,
key: index.toString(),
value: option,
level: 0
} else {
index: index,
key: option.id.toString(),
value: (option.title) ? option.title : (option.display_name) ? option.display_name : option.name,
level: (option.level) ? option.level : 0
}, this);