169 lines
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169 lines
4.4 KiB
namespace App\Utilities;
use App\Events\Install\UpdateCopied;
use App\Events\Install\UpdateDownloaded;
use App\Events\Install\UpdateUnzipped;
use App\Utilities\Console;
use App\Traits\SiteApi;
use Artisan;
use Cache;
use Date;
use File;
use ZipArchive;
class Updater
use SiteApi;
public static function clear()
return true;
public static function download($alias, $new, $old)
$file = null;
$path = null;
// Check core first
$info = Info::all();
if ($alias == 'core') {
$url = 'core/download/' . $new . '/' . $info['php'] . '/' . $info['mysql'];
} else {
$url = 'apps/' . $alias . '/download/' . $new . '/' . $info['akaunting'] . '/' . $info['api_key'];
if (!$response = static::getResponse('GET', $url, ['timeout' => 50, 'track_redirects' => true])) {
throw new \Exception(trans('modules.errors.download', ['module' => $alias]));
$file = $response->getBody()->getContents();
$path = 'temp-' . md5(mt_rand());
$temp_path = storage_path('app/temp') . '/' . $path;
$file_path = $temp_path . '/upload.zip';
// Create tmp directory
if (!File::isDirectory($temp_path)) {
// Add content to the Zip file
$uploaded = is_int(file_put_contents($file_path, $file)) ? true : false;
if (!$uploaded) {
throw new \Exception(trans('modules.errors.zip', ['module' => $alias]));
event(new UpdateDownloaded($alias, $new, $old));
return $path;
public static function unzip($path, $alias, $new, $old)
$temp_path = storage_path('app/temp') . '/' . $path;
$file = $temp_path . '/upload.zip';
// Unzip the file
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if (($zip->open($file) !== true) || !$zip->extractTo($temp_path)) {
throw new \Exception(trans('modules.errors.unzip', ['module' => $alias]));
// Delete zip file
event(new UpdateUnzipped($alias, $new, $old));
return $path;
public static function copyFiles($path, $alias, $new, $old)
$temp_path = storage_path('app/temp') . '/' . $path;
if ($alias == 'core') {
// Move all files/folders from temp path
if (!File::copyDirectory($temp_path, base_path())) {
throw new \Exception(trans('modules.errors.file_copy', ['module' => $alias]));
} else {
// Get module instance
$module = module($alias);
$module_path = $module->getPath();
// Create module directory
if (!File::isDirectory($module_path)) {
// Move all files/folders from temp path
if (!File::copyDirectory($temp_path, $module_path)) {
throw new \Exception(trans('modules.errors.file_copy', ['module' => $alias]));
// Delete temp directory
event(new UpdateCopied($alias, $new, $old));
return $path;
public static function finish($alias, $new, $old)
$company_id = session('company_id');
$command = "php artisan update:finish {$alias} {$company_id} {$new} {$old}";
if (true !== $result = Console::run($command)) {
$message = !empty($result) ? $result : trans('modules.errors.finish', ['module' => $alias]);
throw new \Exception($message);
public static function all()
// Get data from cache
$updates = Cache::get('updates');
if (!empty($updates)) {
return $updates;
$updates = [];
$modules = module()->all();
$versions = Versions::latest($modules);
foreach ($versions as $alias => $latest_version) {
$installed_version = ($alias == 'core') ? version('short') : module($alias)->get('version');
if (version_compare($installed_version, $latest_version, '>=')) {
$updates[$alias] = $latest_version;
Cache::put('updates', $updates, Date::now()->addHour(6));
return $updates;