2019-12-31 15:49:09 +03:00

93 lines
2.6 KiB

* First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which
* includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when
* building robust, powerful web applications using Vue and Laravel.
import Vue from 'vue';
import Global from './../../mixins/global';
import Form from './../../plugins/form';
import BulkAction from './../../plugins/bulk-action';
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
mixins: [
data: function () {
return {
form: new Form('customer'),
bulk_action: new BulkAction('customers'),
can_login : false
mounted() {
this.form.create_user = false;
onCanLogin(event) {
if (event.target.checked) {
if (this.form.email) {
axios.get(url + '/auth/users/autocomplete', {
params: {
column: 'email',
value : this.form.email
.then(response => {
if (response.data.errors) {
if (response.data.data) {
this.form.errors.set('email', {
0: response.data.data
return false;
this.can_login = true;
this.form.create_user = true;
return true;
if (response.data.success) {
this.form.errors.set('email', {
0: can_login_errors.email
this.can_login = false;
this.form.create_user = false;
return false;
.catch(error => {
} else {
this.form.errors.set('email', {
0: can_login_errors.valid
this.can_login = false;
this.form.create_user = false;
return false;
return false;
} else {
this.can_login = false;
this.form.create_user = false;
return false;