2019-12-25 14:32:47 +03:00

120 lines
4.7 KiB

return [
'company' => [
'description' => 'Ubah nama perusahaan, email, alamat, NPWP dll',
'name' => 'Nama',
'email' => 'Email',
'phone' => 'Telpon',
'address' => 'Alamat',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'localisation' => [
'description' => 'Set fiscal year, time zone, date format and more locals',
'financial_start' => 'Waktu mulai Periode Keuangan',
'timezone' => 'Zona Waktu',
'date' => [
'format' => 'Format Tanggal',
'separator' => 'Pemisah Tanggal',
'dash' => 'Strip (-)',
'dot' => 'Titik (.)',
'comma' => 'Koma (,)',
'slash' => 'Garis Miring (/)',
'space' => 'Spasi ( )',
'percent' => [
'title' => 'Persen (%) Posisi',
'before' => 'Sebelum Nomor',
'after' => 'Sesudah Nomor',
'invoice' => [
'description' => 'Customize invoice prefix, number, terms, footer etc',
'prefix' => 'Prefix Nomor',
'digit' => 'Digit nomor',
'next' => 'Nomor Berikutnya',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'custom' => 'Personalisasi',
'item_name' => 'Nama Barang',
'item' => 'Barang',
'product' => 'Produk',
'service' => 'Layanan',
'price_name' => 'Nama Harga',
'price' => 'Harga',
'rate' => 'Kurs',
'quantity_name' => 'Nama Kuantitas',
'quantity' => 'Kuantitas',
'payment_terms' => 'Syarat pembayaran',
'title' => 'Judul',
'subheading' => 'Subjudul',
'due_receipt' => 'Jatuh tempo saat diterima',
'due_days' => 'Jatuh tempo dalam :days hari',
'default' => [
'description' => 'Default account, currency, language of your company',
'list_limit' => 'Records Per Page',
'use_gravatar' => 'Use Gravatar',
'email' => [
'description' => 'Change the sending protocol and email templates',
'protocol' => 'Protokol',
'php' => 'PHP Mail',
'smtp' => [
'name' => 'SMTP',
'host' => 'SMTP Host',
'port' => 'SMTP Port',
'username' => 'Nama Pengguna SMTP',
'password' => 'Kata Sandi SMTP',
'encryption' => 'Keamanan SMTP',
'none' => 'Tidak ada',
'sendmail' => 'Sendmail',
'sendmail_path' => 'Sendmail Path',
'log' => 'Log Email',
'templates' => [
'subject' => 'Subject',
'body' => 'Body',
'tags' => '<strong>Available Tags:</strong> :tag_list',
'invoice_new_customer' => 'New Invoice Template (sent to customer)',
'invoice_remind_customer' => 'Invoice Reminder Template (sent to customer)',
'invoice_remind_admin' => 'Invoice Reminder Template (sent to admin)',
'invoice_recur_customer' => 'Invoice Recurring Template (sent to customer)',
'invoice_recur_admin' => 'Invoice Recurring Template (sent to admin)',
'invoice_payment_customer' => 'Payment Received Template (sent to customer)',
'invoice_payment_admin' => 'Payment Received Template (sent to admin)',
'bill_remind_admin' => 'Bill Reminder Template (sent to admin)',
'bill_recur_admin' => 'Bill Recurring Template (sent to admin)',
'scheduling' => [
'name' => 'Scheduling',
'description' => 'Automatic reminders and command for recurring',
'send_invoice' => 'Kirim Pengingat Faktur',
'invoice_days' => 'Kirim Setelah Jatuh Tempo',
'send_bill' => 'Kirim Pengingat Tagihan',
'bill_days' => 'Kirim Sebelum Jatuh Tempo',
'cron_command' => 'Perintah Cron',
'schedule_time' => 'Waktu untuk Menjalankan',
'categories' => [
'description' => 'Unlimited categories for income, expense, and item',
'currencies' => [
'description' => 'Create and manage currencies and set their rates',
'taxes' => [
'description' => 'Fixed, normal, inclusive, and compound tax rates',