data = $data; $this->bill = $bill; $this->discount = $discount; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return BillItem */ public function handle() { $item_sku = ''; $item_id = !empty($this->data['item_id']) ? $this->data['item_id'] : 0; $item_amount = (double) $this->data['price'] * (double) $this->data['quantity']; $item_discount_amount = $item_amount; // Apply discount to tax if ($this->discount) { $item_discount_amount = $item_amount * ($this->discount / 100); } if (!empty($item_id)) { $item_object = Item::find($item_id); $this->data['name'] = $item_object->name; $item_sku = $item_object->sku; // Increase stock (item bought) $item_object->quantity += (double) $this->data['quantity']; $item_object->save(); } elseif (!empty($this->data['sku'])) { $item_sku = $this->data['sku']; } $tax_amount = 0; $item_taxes = []; $item_tax_total = 0; if (!empty($this->data['tax_id'])) { $inclusives = $compounds = $taxes = []; foreach ((array) $this->data['tax_id'] as $tax_id) { $tax = Tax::find($tax_id); switch ($tax->type) { case 'included': $inclusives[] = $tax; break; case 'compound': $compounds[] = $tax; break; case 'normal': default: $taxes[] = $tax; $tax_amount = ($item_discount_amount / 100) * $tax->rate; $item_taxes[] = [ 'company_id' => $this->bill->company_id, 'bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'tax_id' => $tax_id, 'name' => $tax->name, 'amount' => $tax_amount, ]; $item_tax_total += $tax_amount; break; } } if ($inclusives) { if ($this->discount) { $item_tax_total = 0; if ($taxes) { foreach ($taxes as $tax) { $item_tax_amount = ($item_amount / 100) * $tax->rate; $item_tax_total += $item_tax_amount; } } foreach ($inclusives as $inclusive) { $item_sub_and_tax_total = $item_amount + $item_tax_total; $item_tax_total = $item_sub_and_tax_total - (($item_sub_and_tax_total * (100 - $inclusive->rate)) / 100); $item_sub_total = $item_sub_and_tax_total - $item_tax_total; $item_taxes[] = [ 'company_id' => $this->bill->company_id, 'bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'tax_id' => $inclusive->id, 'name' => $inclusive->name, 'amount' => $tax_amount, ]; $item_discount_amount = $item_sub_total - ($item_sub_total * ($this->discount / 100)); } } else { foreach ($inclusives as $inclusive) { $item_sub_and_tax_total = $item_discount_amount + $item_tax_total; $item_tax_total = $tax_amount = $item_sub_and_tax_total - ($item_sub_and_tax_total / (1 + ($inclusive->rate / 100))); $item_taxes[] = [ 'company_id' => $this->bill->company_id, 'bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'tax_id' => $inclusive->id, 'name' => $inclusive->name, 'amount' => $tax_amount, ]; $item_amount = $item_sub_and_tax_total - $item_tax_total; } } } if ($compounds) { foreach ($compounds as $compound) { $tax_amount = (($item_discount_amount + $item_tax_total) / 100) * $compound->rate; $item_tax_total += $tax_amount; $item_taxes[] = [ 'company_id' => $this->bill->company_id, 'bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'tax_id' => $compound->id, 'name' => $compound->name, 'amount' => $tax_amount, ]; } } } $bill_item = BillItem::create([ 'company_id' => $this->bill->company_id, 'bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'name' => str_limit($this->data['name'], 180, ''), 'sku' => $item_sku, 'quantity' => (double) $this->data['quantity'], 'price' => (double) $this->data['price'], 'tax' => $item_tax_total, 'tax_id' => 0, 'total' => $item_amount, ]); $bill_item->item_taxes = false; $bill_item->inclusives = false; $bill_item->compounds = false; // set item_taxes for if (!empty($this->data['tax_id'])) { $bill_item->item_taxes = $item_taxes; $bill_item->inclusives = $inclusives; $bill_item->compounds = $compounds; } if ($item_taxes) { foreach ($item_taxes as $item_tax) { $item_tax['bill_item_id'] = $bill_item->id; BillItemTax::create($item_tax); // Set taxes if (isset($taxes) && array_key_exists($item_tax['tax_id'], $taxes)) { $taxes[$item_tax['tax_id']]['amount'] += $item_tax['amount']; } else { $taxes[$item_tax['tax_id']] = [ 'name' => $item_tax['name'], 'amount' => $item_tax['amount'] ]; } } } return $bill_item; } }