['*'], // If you wish to skip running some analyzers, list the classes in the array below. 'exclude_analyzers' => [], // If you wish to skip running some analyzers in CI mode, list the classes below. 'ci_mode_exclude_analyzers' => [], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Enlightn Analyzer Paths |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following array lists the "analyzer" paths that will be searched | recursively to find analyzer classes. This option will only be used | if the analyzers option above is set to the asterisk wildcard. The | key is the base namespace to resolve the class name. | */ 'analyzer_paths' => [ 'Enlightn\\Enlightn\\Analyzers' => base_path('vendor/enlightn/enlightn/src/Analyzers'), 'Enlightn\\EnlightnPro\\Analyzers' => base_path('vendor/enlightn/enlightnpro/src/Analyzers'), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Enlightn Base Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following array lists the directories that will be scanned for | application specific code. By default, we are scanning your app | folder, migrations folder and the seeders folder. | */ 'base_path' => [ app_path(), database_path('migrations'), database_path('seeders'), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Environment Specific Analyzers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | There are some analyzers that are meant to be run for specific environments. | The options below specify whether we should skip environment specific | analyzers if the environment does not match. | */ 'skip_env_specific' => env('ENLIGHTN_SKIP_ENVIRONMENT_SPECIFIC', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Guest URL |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Specify any guest url or path (preferably your app's login url) here. This | would be used by Enlightn to inspect your application HTTP headers. | Example: '/login'. | */ 'guest_url' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Exclusions From Reporting |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Specify the analyzer classes that you wish to exclude from reporting. This | means that if any of these analyzers fail, they will not be counted | towards the exit status of the Enlightn command. This is useful | if you wish to run the command in your CI/CD pipeline. | Example: [\Enlightn\Enlightn\Analyzers\Security\XSSAnalyzer::class]. | */ 'dont_report' => [ Enlightn\Enlightn\Analyzers\Performance\QueueDriverAnalyzer::class, Enlightn\Enlightn\Analyzers\Security\CSRFAnalyzer::class, Enlightn\Enlightn\Analyzers\Security\StableDependencyAnalyzer::class, Enlightn\EnlightnPro\Analyzers\Reliability\DeadRouteAnalyzer::class, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ignoring Errors |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Use this config option to ignore specific errors. The key of this array | would be the analyzer class and the value would be an associative | array with path and details. Run php artisan enlightn:baseline | to auto-generate this. Patterns are supported in details. | */ 'ignore_errors' => [ Enlightn\Enlightn\Analyzers\Performance\EnvCallAnalyzer::class => [ ['path' => 'app/Listeners/Update/V20/Version207.php', 'details' => '*'], ['path' => 'app/Console/Commands/InstallRefresh.php', 'details' => '*'], ['path' => 'app/Console/Commands/InstallRefresh.php', 'details' => '*'], ['path' => 'app/Http/Middleware/CanInstall.php', 'details' => '*'], ] ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Analyzer Configurations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following configuration options pertain to individual analyzers. | These are recommended options but feel free to customize them based | on your application needs. | */ 'license_whitelist' => [ 'Apache-2.0', 'Apache2', 'BSD-2-Clause', 'BSD-3-Clause', 'LGPL-2.1-only', 'LGPL-2.1', 'LGPL-2.1-or-later', 'LGPL-3.0', 'LGPL-3.0-only', 'LGPL-3.0-or-later', 'MIT', 'ISC', 'CC0-1.0', 'Unlicense', 'WTFPL', 'GPL-3.0-only', 'GPL-3.0-or-later', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Credentials |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following credentials are used to share your Enlightn report with | the Enlightn Github Bot. This allows the bot to compile the report | and add review comments on your pull requests. | */ 'credentials' => [ 'username' => env('ENLIGHTN_USERNAME'), 'api_token' => env('ENLIGHTN_API_TOKEN'), ], // Set this value to your Github repo for integrating with the Enlightn Github Bot // Format: "myorg/myrepo" like "laravel/framework". 'github_repo' => env('ENLIGHTN_GITHUB_REPO'), // Set to true to restrict the max number of files displayed in the enlightn // command for each check. Set to false to display all files. 'compact_lines' => true, // List your commercial packages (licensed by you) below, so that they are not // flagged by the License Analyzer. 'commercial_packages' => [ 'enlightn/enlightnpro', ], 'allowed_permissions' => [ base_path() => '775', app_path() => '775', resource_path() => '775', storage_path() => '775', public_path() => '775', config_path() => '775', database_path() => '775', base_path('routes') => '775', app()->bootstrapPath() => '775', app()->bootstrapPath('cache') => '775', app()->bootstrapPath('app.php') => '664', base_path('artisan') => '775', public_path('index.php') => '664', public_path('server.php') => '664', ], 'writable_directories' => [ storage_path(), app()->bootstrapPath('cache'), ], ];