env('SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN', env('SENTRY_DSN')), // capture release as git sha // 'release' => trim(exec('git --git-dir ' . base_path('.git') . ' log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD')) // When left empty or `null` the Laravel environment will be used 'environment' => env('SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT'), 'breadcrumbs' => [ // Capture Laravel logs in breadcrumbs 'logs' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_LOGS', true), // Capture SQL queries in breadcrumbs 'sql_queries' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_SQL_QUERIES', true), // Capture bindings on SQL queries logged in breadcrumbs 'sql_bindings' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_SQL_BINDINGS', true), // Capture queue job information in breadcrumbs 'queue_info' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_QUEUE_INFO', true), // Capture command information in breadcrumbs 'command_info' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_COMMAND_INFO', true), ], 'tracing' => [ // Trace queue jobs as their own transactions 'queue_job_transactions' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_QUEUE_ENABLED', false), // Capture queue jobs as spans when executed on the sync driver 'queue_jobs' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_QUEUE_JOBS', true), // Capture SQL queries as spans 'sql_queries' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_SQL_QUERIES', true), // Try to find out where the SQL query originated from and add it to the query spans 'sql_origin' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_SQL_ORIGIN', true), // Capture views as spans 'views' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_VIEWS', true), // Capture HTTP client requests as spans 'http_client_requests' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTS', true), // Indicates if the tracing integrations supplied by Sentry should be loaded 'default_integrations' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_DEFAULT_INTEGRATIONS', true), // Indicates that requests without a matching route should be traced 'missing_routes' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_MISSING_ROUTES', false), ], // @see: https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/php/configuration/options/#send-default-pii 'send_default_pii' => env('SENTRY_SEND_DEFAULT_PII', true), // @see: https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/php/guides/laravel/configuration/options/#traces-sample-rate 'traces_sample_rate' => env('SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE') === null ? null : (float) env('SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE'), 'before_send' => [env('SENTRY_BEFORE_SEND_CLASS', 'App\\Exceptions\\Trackers\\Sentry'), 'beforeSend'], 'traces_sampler' => [env('SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLER_CLASS', 'App\\Exceptions\\Trackers\\Sentry'), 'tracesSampler'], ];