getMissingOptions()) && $this->option(self::OPT_NO_INTERACTION)) { $this->line('❌ Some options are missing and --no-interaction is present. Please run the following command for more information :'); $this->line('❌ php artisan help install'); $this->line('❌ Missing options are : ' . implode(', ', $missing_options)); return self::CMD_ERROR; } $this->line('Setting locale ' . $this->locale); Session::put(self::OPT_LOCALE, $this->locale); app()->setLocale($this->locale); $this->prompt(); // Create the .env file Installer::createDefaultEnvFile(); $this->line('Creating database tables'); if (! $this->createDatabaseTables()) { return self::CMD_ERROR; } DB::transaction(function () { $this->line('Creating company'); Installer::createCompany($this->company_name, $this->company_email, $this->locale); $this->line('Creating admin'); Installer::createUser($this->admin_email, $this->admin_password, $this->locale); }); $this->line('Applying the final touches'); Installer::finalTouches(); return self::CMD_SUCCESS; } /** * Check that all options are presents. otherwise returns an array of the missing options */ private function getMissingOptions() { $missing_options = []; $constants = [ 'OPT_LOCALE', 'OPT_DB_PORT', 'OPT_DB_HOST', 'OPT_DB_NAME', 'OPT_DB_USERNAME', 'OPT_DB_PASSWORD', 'OPT_DB_PREFIX', 'OPT_COMPANY_NAME', 'OPT_COMPANY_EMAIL', 'OPT_ADMIN_EMAIL', 'OPT_ADMIN_PASSWORD' ]; $allowed_empty = ['db_password', 'db_prefix']; foreach ($constants as $const) { $option = constant("self::$const"); $property = str_replace('-', '_', $option); $this->$property = $this->option($option); if (!empty($this->$property)) { continue; } if (in_array($property, $allowed_empty)) { continue; } $missing_options[] = $option; } return $missing_options; } /** * Ask the user for data if some options are missing. */ private function prompt() { if (empty($this->db_host)) { $this->db_host = $this->ask('What is the database host?', 'localhost'); } if (empty($this->db_port)) { $this->db_port = $this->ask('What is the database port?', '3306'); } if (empty($this->db_name)) { $this->db_name = $this->ask('What is the database name?'); } if (empty($this->db_username)) { $this->db_username = $this->ask('What is the database username?', 'root'); } if (!isset($this->db_password)) { $this->db_password = $this->secret('What is the database password?', ''); } if (empty($this->company_name)) { $this->company_name = $this->ask('What is the company name?', 'My Company'); } if (empty($this->company_email)) { $this->company_email = $this->ask('What is the company contact email?', ''); } if (empty($this->admin_email)) { $this->admin_email = $this->ask('What is the admin email?', $this->company_email); } if (empty($this->admin_password)) { $this->admin_password = $this->secret('What is the admin password?'); } } private function createDatabaseTables() { $this->db_host = $this->option(self::OPT_DB_HOST); $this->db_port = $this->option(self::OPT_DB_PORT); $this->db_name = $this->option(self::OPT_DB_NAME); $this->db_username = $this->option(self::OPT_DB_USERNAME); $this->db_password = $this->option(self::OPT_DB_PASSWORD); $this->db_prefix = $this->option(self::OPT_DB_PREFIX); $this->line('Connecting to database ' . $this->db_name . '@' . $this->db_host . ':' . $this->db_port); if (!Installer::createDbTables($this->db_host, $this->db_port, $this->db_name, $this->db_username, $this->db_password, $this->db_prefix)) { $this->error('Error: Could not connect to the database! Please, make sure the details are correct.'); return false; } return true; } }