'all-results', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Default options |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When options are missing from your models, this array will be used | to fill the gaps. You can also define a set of options specific | to a model, using its class name as a key, e.g. 'App\User'. | */ 'default' => [ 'keywords' => [ 'order_by' => 'sort', 'select' => 'fields', 'limit' => 'limit', 'offset' => 'page', ], 'columns' => [ 'created_at' => 'date', ], ], App\Models\Auth\Permission::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'display_name' => ['searchable' => true], 'description' => ['searchable' => true], ], ], App\Models\Auth\Role::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'display_name' => ['searchable' => true], 'description' => ['searchable' => true], ], ], App\Models\Auth\User::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'email' => ['searchable' => true], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], 'last_logged_in_at' => ['date' => true], ], ], App\Models\Banking\Account::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'number' => ['searchable' => true], 'bank_name' => ['searchable' => true], 'bank_address' => ['searchable' => true], 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], ], ], App\Models\Banking\Reconciliation::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'account' => ['relationship' => true], 'closing_balance', 'reconciled' => ['boolean' => true], 'started_at' => ['date' => true], 'ended_at' => ['date' => true], ], ], App\Models\Banking\Transaction::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'type', 'account_id' => [ 'route' => 'accounts.index' ], 'paid_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'document_id', 'contact_id', 'description' => ['searchable' => true], 'payment_method', 'reference', 'category_id' => [ 'route' => 'categories.index' ], 'parent_id', ], ], App\Models\Banking\Transfer::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'expense_account' => [ 'relationship' => true, 'route' => 'accounts.index', ], 'income_account' => [ 'relationship' => true, 'route' => 'accounts.index', ], ], ], App\Models\Common\Company::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'domain' => ['searchable' => true], 'settings.value' => ['searchable' => true], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], ], ], App\Models\Common\Dashboard::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], ], ], App\Models\Common\Item::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'description' => ['searchable' => true], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], 'category_id' => [ 'route' => ['categories.index', 'search=type:item'] ], 'sales_price', 'purchase_price', ], ], App\Models\Common\Contact::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'type', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'email' => ['searchable' => true], 'tax_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'phone' => ['searchable' => true], 'address' => ['searchable' => true], 'website' => ['searchable' => true], 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'reference', 'user_id', 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], ], ], App\Models\Document\Document::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'type' => ['searchable' => true], 'document_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'order_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'status', 'issued_at' => [ 'key' => '/^(invoiced_at|billed_at)$/', 'date' => true, ], 'due_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'contact_id', 'contact_name' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_email' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_tax_number', 'contact_phone' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_address' => ['searchable' => true], 'category_id' => [ 'route' => 'categories.index' ], 'parent_id', ], ], 'App\Models\Purchase\Bill' => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'document_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'order_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'status' => [ 'values' => [ 'paid' => 'documents.statuses.paid', 'partial' => 'documents.statuses.partial', 'received' => 'documents.statuses.received', 'cancelled' => 'documents.statuses.cancelled', 'draft' => 'documents.statuses.draft', ], ], 'issued_at' => [ 'key' => 'billed_at', 'date' => true, ], 'due_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'contact_id' => [ 'route' => 'vendors.index' ], 'contact_name' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_email' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_tax_number', 'contact_phone' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_address' => ['searchable' => true], 'category_id' => [ 'route' => ['categories.index', 'search=type:expense'] ], 'parent_id', ], ], 'App\Models\Purchase\Payment' => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'type', 'account_id' => [ 'route' => 'accounts.index' ], 'paid_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'document_id', 'contact_id' => [ 'route' => 'vendors.index' ], 'description' => ['searchable' => true], 'payment_method', 'reference', 'category_id' => [ 'route' => ['categories.index', 'search=type:expense'] ], 'parent_id', ], ], 'App\Models\Sale\Invoice' => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'document_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'order_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'status' => [ 'values' => [ 'paid' => 'documents.statuses.paid', 'partial' => 'documents.statuses.partial', 'sent' => 'documents.statuses.sent', 'viewed' => 'documents.statuses.viewed', 'cancelled' => 'documents.statuses.cancelled', 'draft' => 'documents.statuses.draft', ] ], 'issued_at' => [ 'key' => 'invoiced_at', 'date' => true, ], 'due_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'contact_id' => [ 'route' => 'customers.index' ], 'contact_name' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_email' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_tax_number', 'contact_phone' => ['searchable' => true], 'contact_address' => ['searchable' => true], 'category_id' => [ 'route' => ['categories.index', 'search=type:income'] ], 'parent_id', ], ], 'App\Models\Sale\Revenue' => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'type', 'account_id' => [ 'route' => 'accounts.index' ], 'paid_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'currencies.index' ], 'document_id', 'contact_id' => [ 'route' => 'customers.index' ], 'description' => ['searchable' => true], 'payment_method', 'reference', 'category_id' => [ 'route' => ['categories.index', 'search=type:income'] ], 'parent_id', ], ], App\Models\Setting\Category::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], 'type', ], ], App\Models\Setting\Currency::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'code' => ['searchable' => true], 'rate' => ['searchable' => true], 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], 'precision', 'symbol', 'symbol_first' => [ 'boolean' => true, 'translation' => [ 0 => 'currencies.symbol.after', 1 => 'currencies.symbol.before', ] ], 'decimal_mark', 'thousands_separator', ], ], App\Models\Setting\Tax::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'name' => ['searchable' => true], 'type', 'rate', 'enabled' => ['boolean' => true], ], ], App\Models\Portal\Sale\Invoice::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'document_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'order_number' => ['searchable' => true], 'status', 'issued_at' => [ 'key' => 'invoiced_at', 'date' => true, ], 'due_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'portal.payment.currencies' ], 'parent_id', ], ], App\Models\Portal\Banking\Transaction::class => [ 'columns' => [ 'id', 'paid_at' => ['date' => true], 'amount', 'currency_code' => [ 'route' => 'portal.payment.currencies' ], 'document_id', 'description' => ['searchable' => true], 'payment_method', 'reference', 'parent_id', ], ], ];