where('customer_id', '=', Auth::user()->customer->id)->paginate(); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { $paid = 0; foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $item->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $paid += $item->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $invoice->amount = $invoice->amount - $paid; } $status = collect(InvoiceStatus::all()->pluck('name', 'code')) ->prepend(trans('general.all_type', ['type' => trans_choice('general.statuses', 2)]), ''); return view('customers.invoices.index', compact('invoices', 'status')); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function show(Invoice $invoice) { $sub_total = 0; $tax_total = 0; $paid = 0; foreach ($invoice->items as $item) { $sub_total += ($item->price * $item->quantity); $tax_total += ($item->tax * $item->quantity); } foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $item->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $paid += $item->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $invoice->sub_total = $sub_total; $invoice->tax_total = $tax_total; $invoice->paid = $paid; $invoice->grand_total = (($sub_total + $tax_total) - $paid); $accounts = Account::enabled()->pluck('name', 'id'); $currencies = Currency::enabled()->pluck('name', 'code')->toArray(); $account_currency_code = Account::where('id', setting('general.default_account'))->pluck('currency_code')->first(); $customers = Customer::enabled()->pluck('name', 'id'); $categories = Category::enabled()->type('income')->pluck('name', 'id'); $payment_methods = Modules::getPaymentMethods(); return view('customers.invoices.show', compact('invoice', 'accounts', 'currencies', 'account_currency_code', 'customers', 'categories', 'payment_methods')); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @param int $invoice_id * * @return Response */ public function printInvoice(Invoice $invoice) { $sub_total = 0; $tax_total = 0; $paid = 0; foreach ($invoice->items as $item) { $sub_total += ($item->price * $item->quantity); $tax_total += ($item->tax * $item->quantity); } foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $item->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $paid += $item->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $invoice->sub_total = $sub_total; $invoice->tax_total = $tax_total; $invoice->paid = $paid; $invoice->grand_total = (($sub_total + $tax_total) - $paid); return view('customers.invoices.invoice', compact('invoice')); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @param int $invoice_id * * @return Response */ public function pdfInvoice(Invoice $invoice) { $sub_total = 0; $tax_total = 0; $paid = 0; foreach ($invoice->items as $item) { $sub_total += ($item->price * $item->quantity); $tax_total += ($item->tax * $item->quantity); } foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $item->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $paid += $item->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $invoice->sub_total = $sub_total; $invoice->tax_total = $tax_total; $invoice->paid = $paid; $invoice->grand_total = (($sub_total + $tax_total) - $paid); $html = view('incomes.invoices.invoice', compact('invoice'))->render(); $pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->loadHTML($html); $file_name = 'invoice_'.time().'.pdf'; return $pdf->download($file_name); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @param PaymentRequest $request * * @return Response */ public function payment(Invoice $invoice, PaymentRequest $request) { if (!$invoice) { return response()->json([ 'error' => trans('You can not pay this invoice. Because it is not yours') ]); } // Fire the event to extend the menu $responses = event(new PaymentGatewayConfirm($request['payment_method'], $invoice)); $result = [ 'name' => null, 'code' => null, 'description' => null, 'redirect' => false, 'html' => null, ]; foreach ($responses as $response) { if ($response) { $result = $response; } } return response()->json($result); } public function confirm(Invoice $invoice, ConfirmRequest $request) { $request['invoice_id'] = $invoice->id; $request['account_id'] = setting('general.default_account'); if (!isset($request['amount'])) { $request['amount'] = $invoice->amount; } $request['currency_code'] = $invoice->currency_code; $request['currency_rate'] = $invoice->currency_rate; $request['paid_at'] = Date::parse('now')->format('Y-m-d'); if ($request['amount'] > $invoice->amount) { $message = trans('messages.error.added', ['type' => trans_choice('general.payment', 1)]); return response()->json($message); } elseif ($request['amount'] == $invoice->amount) { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'paid'; } else { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'partial'; } $invoice->save(); InvoicePayment::create($request->input()); $request['status_code'] = $invoice->invoice_status_code; $request['notify'] = 0; $desc_date = Date::parse($request['paid_at'])->format($this->getCompanyDateFormat()); $desc_amount = money((float) $request['amount'], $request['currency_code'], true)->format(); $request['description'] = $desc_date . ' ' . $desc_amount; InvoiceHistory::create($request->input()); return response()->json([ 'success' => true, ]); } }