'-', 'slash' => '/', 'dot' => '.', 'comma' => ',', 'space' => ' ']; $date_format = setting('general.date_format', 'd F Y'); $date_separator = $chars[setting('general.date_separator', 'space')]; return str_replace(' ', $date_separator, $date_format); } public function scopeMonthsOfYear($query, $field) { $year = request('year', Date::now()->year); $start = Date::parse($year . '-01-01')->format('Y-m-d'); $end = Date::parse($year . '-12-31')->format('Y-m-d'); return $query->whereBetween($field, [$start, $end]); } public function getTimezones() { // The list of available timezone groups to use. $use_zones = array('Africa', 'America', 'Antarctica', 'Arctic', 'Asia', 'Atlantic', 'Australia', 'Europe', 'Indian', 'Pacific'); // Get the list of time zones from the server. $zones = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(); // Build the group lists. foreach ($zones as $zone) { // Time zones not in a group we will ignore. if (strpos($zone, '/') === false) { continue; } // Get the group/locale from the timezone. list ($group, $locale) = explode('/', $zone, 2); // Only use known groups. if (in_array($group, $use_zones)) { // Initialize the group if necessary. if (!isset($groups[$group])) { $groups[$group] = array(); } // Only add options where a locale exists. if (!empty($locale)) { $groups[$group][$zone] = str_replace('_', ' ', $locale); } } } // Sort the group lists. ksort($groups); return $groups; } }