get(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $m = module($module->alias); // Check if the module exists and has reports if (!$m || empty($m->get('reports'))) { continue; } static::parseClasses($classes, $m->get('reports')); } return $classes; } protected static function parseClasses(&$classes, $list) { foreach ($list as $class) { if (!class_exists($class)) { continue; } $name = (new $class())->getName(); $classes[$class] = $name; } } public static function getGroups() { return [ 'category' => trans_choice('general.categories', 1), ]; } public static function getPeriods() { return [ 'monthly' => trans('general.monthly'), 'quarterly' => trans('general.quarterly'), 'yearly' => trans('general.yearly'), ]; } public static function getBasises() { return [ 'accrual' => trans('general.accrual'), 'cash' => trans(''), ]; } public static function getCharts() { return [ '0' => trans('general.disabled'), 'line' => trans('reports.charts.line'), ]; } public static function getClassInstance($report, $get_totals = true) { return (new $report->class($report, $get_totals)); } }