customer()->collect(); return $this->response('sales.customers.index', compact('customers')); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @param Contact $customer * * @return Response */ public function show(Contact $customer) { $amounts = [ 'paid' => 0, 'open' => 0, 'overdue' => 0, ]; $counts = []; // Handle invoices $invoices = Invoice::with('transactions')->where('contact_id', $customer->id)->get(); $counts['invoices'] = $invoices->count(); $today = Date::today()->toDateString(); foreach ($invoices as $item) { // Already in transactions if ($item->status == 'paid') { continue; } $transactions = 0; foreach ($item->transactions as $transaction) { $transactions += $transaction->getAmountConvertedToDefault(); } // Check if it's open or overdue invoice if ($item->due_at > $today) { $amounts['open'] += $item->getAmountConvertedToDefault() - $transactions; } else { $amounts['overdue'] += $item->getAmountConvertedToDefault() - $transactions; } } // Handle transactions $transactions = Transaction::with('category')->where('contact_id', $customer->id)->income()->get(); $counts['transactions'] = $transactions->count(); // Prepare data $transactions->each(function ($item) use (&$amounts) { $amounts['paid'] += $item->getAmountConvertedToDefault(); }); $limit = request('limit', setting('default.list_limit', '25')); $transactions = $this->paginate($transactions->sortByDesc('paid_at'), $limit); $invoices = $this->paginate($invoices->sortByDesc('invoiced_at'), $limit); return view('', compact('customer', 'counts', 'amounts', 'transactions', 'invoices')); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { $currencies = Currency::enabled()->pluck('name', 'code'); return view('sales.customers.create', compact('currencies')); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new CreateContact($request)); if ($response['success']) { $response['redirect'] = route('customers.index'); $message = trans('messages.success.added', ['type' => trans_choice('general.customers', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); } else { $response['redirect'] = route('customers.create'); $message = $response['message']; flash($message)->error(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Duplicate the specified resource. * * @param Contact $customer * * @return Response */ public function duplicate(Contact $customer) { $clone = $customer->duplicate(); $message = trans('messages.success.duplicated', ['type' => trans_choice('general.customers', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect()->route('customers.edit', $clone->id); } /** * Import the specified resource. * * @param ImportRequest $request * * @return Response */ public function import(ImportRequest $request) { \Excel::import(new Import(), $request->file('import')); $message = trans('messages.success.imported', ['type' => trans_choice('general.customers', 2)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect()->route('customers.index'); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param Contact $customer * * @return Response */ public function edit(Contact $customer) { $currencies = Currency::enabled()->pluck('name', 'code'); return view('sales.customers.edit', compact('customer', 'currencies')); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param Contact $customer * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function update(Contact $customer, Request $request) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new UpdateContact($customer, $request)); if ($response['success']) { $response['redirect'] = route('customers.index'); $message = trans('messages.success.updated', ['type' => $customer->name]); flash($message)->success(); } else { $response['redirect'] = route('customers.edit', $customer->id); $message = $response['message']; flash($message)->error(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Enable the specified resource. * * @param Contact $customer * * @return Response */ public function enable(Contact $customer) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new UpdateContact($customer, request()->merge(['enabled' => 1]))); if ($response['success']) { $response['message'] = trans('messages.success.enabled', ['type' => $customer->name]); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Disable the specified resource. * * @param Contact $customer * * @return Response */ public function disable(Contact $customer) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new UpdateContact($customer, request()->merge(['enabled' => 0]))); if ($response['success']) { $response['message'] = trans('messages.success.disabled', ['type' => $customer->name]); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param Contact $customer * * @return Response */ public function destroy(Contact $customer) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new DeleteContact($customer)); $response['redirect'] = route('customers.index'); if ($response['success']) { $message = trans('messages.success.deleted', ['type' => $customer->name]); flash($message)->success(); } else { $message = $response['message']; flash($message)->error(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Export the specified resource. * * @return Response */ public function export() { return \Excel::download(new Export(), \Str::filename(trans_choice('general.customers', 2)) . '.xlsx'); } public function currency(Contact $customer) { if (empty($customer)) { return response()->json([]); } $currency_code = setting('default.currency'); if (isset($customer->currency_code)) { $currencies = Currency::enabled()->pluck('name', 'code')->toArray(); if (array_key_exists($customer->currency_code, $currencies)) { $currency_code = $customer->currency_code; } } // Get currency object $currency = Currency::where('code', $currency_code)->first(); $customer->currency_name = $currency->name; $customer->currency_code = $currency_code; $customer->currency_rate = $currency->rate; $customer->thousands_separator = $currency->thousands_separator; $customer->decimal_mark = $currency->decimal_mark; $customer->precision = (int) $currency->precision; $customer->symbol_first = $currency->symbol_first; $customer->symbol = $currency->symbol; return response()->json($customer); } public function field(BaseRequest $request) { $html = ''; if ($request['fields']) { foreach ($request['fields'] as $field) { switch ($field) { case 'password': $html .= \Form::passwordGroup('password', trans('auth.password.current'), 'key', [], 'col-md-6 password'); break; case 'password_confirmation': $html .= \Form::passwordGroup('password_confirmation', trans('auth.password.current_confirm'), 'key', [], 'col-md-6 password'); break; } } } $json = [ 'html' => $html ]; return response()->json($json); } }