trans('taxes.fixed'), 'normal' => trans('taxes.normal'), 'inclusive' => trans('taxes.inclusive'), 'withholding' => trans('taxes.withholding'), 'compound' => trans('taxes.compound'), ]; return $this->response('settings.taxes.index', compact('taxes', 'types')); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @return Response */ public function show() { return redirect()->route('taxes.index'); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { $types = [ 'fixed' => trans('taxes.fixed'), 'normal' => trans('taxes.normal'), 'inclusive' => trans('taxes.inclusive'), 'withholding' => trans('taxes.withholding'), 'compound' => trans('taxes.compound'), ]; $disable_options = []; if ($compound = Tax::compound()->first()) { $disable_options = ['compound']; } return view('settings.taxes.create', compact('types', 'disable_options')); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new CreateTax($request)); if ($response['success']) { $response['redirect'] = route('taxes.index'); $message = trans('messages.success.added', ['type' => trans_choice('general.taxes', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); } else { $response['redirect'] = route('taxes.create'); $message = $response['message']; flash($message)->error()->important(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Import the specified resource. * * @param ImportRequest $request * * @return Response */ public function import(ImportRequest $request) { $response = $this->importExcel(new Import, $request, trans_choice('general.taxes', 2)); if ($response['success']) { $response['redirect'] = route('taxes.index'); flash($response['message'])->success(); } else { $response['redirect'] = route('import.create', ['settings', 'taxes']); flash($response['message'])->error()->important(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param Tax $tax * * @return Response */ public function edit(Tax $tax) { $types = [ 'fixed' => trans('taxes.fixed'), 'normal' => trans('taxes.normal'), 'inclusive' => trans('taxes.inclusive'), 'withholding' => trans('taxes.withholding'), 'compound' => trans('taxes.compound'), ]; $disable_options = []; if ($tax->type != 'compound' && $compound = Tax::compound()->first()) { $disable_options = ['compound']; } return view('settings.taxes.edit', compact('tax', 'types', 'disable_options')); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param Tax $tax * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function update(Tax $tax, Request $request) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new UpdateTax($tax, $request)); if ($response['success']) { $response['redirect'] = route('taxes.index'); $message = trans('messages.success.updated', ['type' => $tax->name]); flash($message)->success(); } else { $response['redirect'] = route('taxes.edit', $tax->id); $message = $response['message']; flash($message)->error()->important(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Enable the specified resource. * * @param Tax $tax * * @return Response */ public function enable(Tax $tax) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new UpdateTax($tax, request()->merge(['enabled' => 1]))); if ($response['success']) { $response['message'] = trans('messages.success.enabled', ['type' => $tax->name]); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Disable the specified resource. * * @param Tax $tax * * @return Response */ public function disable(Tax $tax) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new UpdateTax($tax, request()->merge(['enabled' => 0]))); if ($response['success']) { $response['message'] = trans('messages.success.disabled', ['type' => $tax->name]); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param Tax $tax * * @return Response */ public function destroy(Tax $tax) { $response = $this->ajaxDispatch(new DeleteTax($tax)); $response['redirect'] = route('taxes.index'); if ($response['success']) { $message = trans('messages.success.deleted', ['type' => $tax->name]); flash($message)->success(); } else { $message = $response['message']; flash($message)->error()->important(); } return response()->json($response); } /** * Export the specified resource. * * @return Response */ public function export() { return $this->exportExcel(new Export, trans_choice('general.taxes', 2)); } }