collect(['invoice_number'=> 'desc']); $customers = collect(Customer::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id')) ->prepend(trans('general.all_type', ['type' => trans_choice('general.customers', 2)]), ''); $status = collect(InvoiceStatus::all()->pluck('name', 'code')) ->prepend(trans('general.all_type', ['type' => trans_choice('general.statuses', 2)]), ''); return view('incomes.invoices.index', compact('invoices', 'customers', 'status')); } /** * Show the form for viewing the specified resource. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function show(Invoice $invoice) { $paid = 0; // Get Invoice Payments if ($invoice->payments->count()) { $_currencies = Currency::enabled()->pluck('rate', 'code')->toArray(); foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $default_amount = $item->amount; if ($invoice->currency_code == $item->currency_code) { $amount = (double)$default_amount; } else { $default_amount_model = new InvoicePayment(); $default_amount_model->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $default_amount_model->amount = $default_amount; $default_amount_model->currency_code = $item->currency_code; $default_amount_model->currency_rate = $_currencies[$item->currency_code]; $default_amount = (double) $default_amount_model->getDivideConvertedAmount(); $convert_amount = new InvoicePayment(); $convert_amount->default_currency_code = $item->currency_code; $convert_amount->amount = $default_amount; $convert_amount->currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $convert_amount->currency_rate = $_currencies[$invoice->currency_code]; $amount = (double) $convert_amount->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $paid += $amount; } } $invoice->paid = $paid; $accounts = Account::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $currencies = Currency::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'code')->toArray(); $account_currency_code = Account::where('id', setting('general.default_account'))->pluck('currency_code')->first(); $customers = Customer::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $categories = Category::enabled()->type('income')->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $payment_methods = Modules::getPaymentMethods(); return view('', compact('invoice', 'accounts', 'currencies', 'account_currency_code', 'customers', 'categories', 'payment_methods')); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { $customers = Customer::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $currencies = Currency::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'code'); $currency = Currency::where('code', '=', setting('general.default_currency'))->first(); $items = Item::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $taxes = Tax::enabled()->orderBy('rate')->get()->pluck('title', 'id'); $categories = Category::enabled()->type('income')->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $number = $this->getNextInvoiceNumber(); return view('incomes.invoices.create', compact('customers', 'currencies', 'currency', 'items', 'taxes', 'categories', 'number')); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $invoice = Invoice::create($request->input()); // Upload attachment if ($request->file('attachment')) { $media = $this->getMedia($request->file('attachment'), 'invoices'); $invoice->attachMedia($media, 'attachment'); } $taxes = []; $tax_total = 0; $sub_total = 0; $discount_total = 0; $discount = $request['discount']; $invoice_item = []; $invoice_item['company_id'] = $request['company_id']; $invoice_item['invoice_id'] = $invoice->id; if ($request['item']) { foreach ($request['item'] as $item) { $item_sku = ''; if (!empty($item['item_id'])) { $item_object = Item::find($item['item_id']); $item['name'] = $item_object->name; $item_sku = $item_object->sku; // Decrease stock (item sold) $item_object->quantity -= $item['quantity']; $item_object->save(); if (setting('general.send_item_reminder')) { $item_stocks = explode(',', setting('general.schedule_item_stocks')); foreach ($item_stocks as $item_stock) { if ($item_object->quantity == $item_stock) { foreach ($item_object->company->users as $user) { if (!$user->can('read-notifications')) { continue; } $user->notify(new ItemReminderNotification($item_object)); } } } } // Notify users if out of stock if ($item_object->quantity == 0) { foreach ($item_object->company->users as $user) { if (!$user->can('read-notifications')) { continue; } $user->notify(new ItemNotification($item_object)); } } } $tax = $tax_id = 0; if (!empty($item['tax_id'])) { $tax_object = Tax::find($item['tax_id']); $tax_id = $item['tax_id']; $tax = (((double) $item['price'] * (double) $item['quantity']) / 100) * $tax_object->rate; // Apply discount to tax if ($discount) { $tax = $tax - ($tax * ($discount / 100)); } } $invoice_item['item_id'] = $item['item_id']; $invoice_item['name'] = str_limit($item['name'], 180, ''); $invoice_item['sku'] = $item_sku; $invoice_item['quantity'] = (double) $item['quantity']; $invoice_item['price'] = (double) $item['price']; $invoice_item['tax'] = $tax; $invoice_item['tax_id'] = $tax_id; $invoice_item['total'] = (double) $item['price'] * (double) $item['quantity']; InvoiceItem::create($invoice_item); // Set taxes if (isset($tax_object)) { if (array_key_exists($tax_object->id, $taxes)) { $taxes[$tax_object->id]['amount'] += $tax; } else { $taxes[$tax_object->id] = [ 'name' => $tax_object->name, 'amount' => $tax ]; } } // Calculate totals $tax_total += $tax; $sub_total += $invoice_item['total']; unset($tax_object); } } $s_total = $sub_total; // Apply discount to total if ($discount) { $s_discount = $s_total * ($discount / 100); $discount_total += $s_discount; $s_total = $s_total - $s_discount; } $amount = $s_total + $tax_total; $request['amount'] = money($amount, $request['currency_code'])->getAmount(); $invoice->update($request->input()); // Add invoice totals $this->addTotals($invoice, $request, $taxes, $sub_total, $discount_total, $tax_total); // Add invoice history InvoiceHistory::create([ 'company_id' => session('company_id'), 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'status_code' => 'draft', 'notify' => 0, 'description' => trans('messages.success.added', ['type' => $invoice->invoice_number]), ]); // Update next invoice number $this->increaseNextInvoiceNumber(); // Recurring $invoice->createRecurring(); // Fire the event to make it extendible event(new InvoiceCreated($invoice)); $message = trans('messages.success.added', ['type' => trans_choice('general.invoices', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect('incomes/invoices/' . $invoice->id); } /** * Duplicate the specified resource. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function duplicate(Invoice $invoice) { $clone = $invoice->duplicate(); // Add invoice history InvoiceHistory::create([ 'company_id' => session('company_id'), 'invoice_id' => $clone->id, 'status_code' => 'draft', 'notify' => 0, 'description' => trans('messages.success.added', ['type' => $clone->invoice_number]), ]); // Update next invoice number $this->increaseNextInvoiceNumber(); $message = trans('messages.success.duplicated', ['type' => trans_choice('general.invoices', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect('incomes/invoices/' . $clone->id . '/edit'); } /** * Import the specified resource. * * @param ImportFile $import * * @return Response */ public function import(ImportFile $import) { $success = true; $allowed_sheets = ['invoices', 'invoice_items', 'invoice_histories', 'invoice_payments', 'invoice_totals']; // Loop through all sheets $import->each(function ($sheet) use (&$success, $allowed_sheets) { $sheet_title = $sheet->getTitle(); if (!in_array($sheet_title, $allowed_sheets)) { $message = trans('messages.error.import_sheet'); flash($message)->error()->important(); return false; } $slug = 'Income\\' . str_singular(studly_case($sheet_title)); if (!$success = Import::createFromSheet($sheet, $slug)) { return false; } }); if (!$success) { return redirect('common/import/incomes/invoices'); } $message = trans('messages.success.imported', ['type' => trans_choice('general.invoices', 2)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect('incomes/invoices'); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function edit(Invoice $invoice) { $customers = Customer::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $currencies = Currency::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'code'); $currency = Currency::where('code', '=', $invoice->currency_code)->first(); $items = Item::enabled()->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); $taxes = Tax::enabled()->orderBy('rate')->get()->pluck('title', 'id'); $categories = Category::enabled()->type('income')->orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id'); return view('incomes.invoices.edit', compact('invoice', 'customers', 'currencies', 'currency', 'items', 'taxes', 'categories')); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param Invoice $invoice * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function update(Invoice $invoice, Request $request) { $taxes = []; $tax_total = 0; $sub_total = 0; $discount_total = 0; $discount = $request['discount']; $invoice_item = []; $invoice_item['company_id'] = $request['company_id']; $invoice_item['invoice_id'] = $invoice->id; if ($request['item']) { $this->deleteRelationships($invoice, 'items'); foreach ($request['item'] as $item) { unset($tax_object); $item_sku = ''; if (!empty($item['item_id'])) { $item_object = Item::find($item['item_id']); $item['name'] = $item_object->name; $item_sku = $item_object->sku; } $tax = $tax_id = 0; if (!empty($item['tax_id'])) { $tax_object = Tax::find($item['tax_id']); $tax_id = $item['tax_id']; $tax = (((double) $item['price'] * (double) $item['quantity']) / 100) * $tax_object->rate; // Apply discount to tax if ($discount) { $tax = $tax - ($tax * ($discount / 100)); } } $invoice_item['item_id'] = $item['item_id']; $invoice_item['name'] = str_limit($item['name'], 180, ''); $invoice_item['sku'] = $item_sku; $invoice_item['quantity'] = (double) $item['quantity']; $invoice_item['price'] = (double) $item['price']; $invoice_item['tax'] = $tax; $invoice_item['tax_id'] = $tax_id; $invoice_item['total'] = (double) $item['price'] * (double) $item['quantity']; if (isset($tax_object)) { if (array_key_exists($tax_object->id, $taxes)) { $taxes[$tax_object->id]['amount'] += $tax; } else { $taxes[$tax_object->id] = [ 'name' => $tax_object->name, 'amount' => $tax ]; } } $tax_total += $tax; $sub_total += $invoice_item['total']; InvoiceItem::create($invoice_item); } } $s_total = $sub_total; // Apply discount to total if ($discount) { $s_discount = $s_total * ($discount / 100); $discount_total += $s_discount; $s_total = $s_total - $s_discount; } $amount = $s_total + $tax_total; $request['amount'] = money($amount, $request['currency_code'])->getAmount(); $invoice->update($request->input()); // Upload attachment if ($request->file('attachment')) { $media = $this->getMedia($request->file('attachment'), 'invoices'); $invoice->attachMedia($media, 'attachment'); } // Delete previous invoice totals $this->deleteRelationships($invoice, 'totals'); // Add invoice totals $this->addTotals($invoice, $request, $taxes, $sub_total, $discount_total, $tax_total); // Recurring $invoice->updateRecurring(); // Fire the event to make it extendible event(new InvoiceUpdated($invoice)); $message = trans('messages.success.updated', ['type' => trans_choice('general.invoices', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect('incomes/invoices/' . $invoice->id); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function destroy(Invoice $invoice) { $this->deleteRelationships($invoice, ['items', 'histories', 'payments', 'recurring', 'totals']); $invoice->delete(); $message = trans('messages.success.deleted', ['type' => trans_choice('general.invoices', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect('incomes/invoices'); } /** * Export the specified resource. * * @return Response */ public function export() { \Excel::create('invoices', function ($excel) { $invoices = Invoice::with(['items', 'histories', 'payments', 'totals'])->filter(request()->input())->get(); $excel->sheet('invoices', function ($sheet) use ($invoices) { $sheet->fromModel($invoices->makeHidden([ 'company_id', 'parent_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'attachment', 'discount', 'items', 'histories', 'payments', 'totals', 'media' ])); }); $tables = ['items', 'histories', 'payments', 'totals']; foreach ($tables as $table) { $excel->sheet('invoice_' . $table, function ($sheet) use ($invoices, $table) { $hidden_fields = ['id', 'company_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'title']; $i = 1; foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { $model = $invoice->$table->makeHidden($hidden_fields); if ($i == 1) { $sheet->fromModel($model, null, 'A1', false); } else { // Don't put multiple heading columns $sheet->fromModel($model, null, 'A1', false, false); } $i++; } }); } })->download('xlsx'); } /** * Mark the invoice as sent. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function markSent(Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'sent'; $invoice->save(); // Add invoice history InvoiceHistory::create([ 'company_id' => $invoice->company_id, 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'status_code' => 'sent', 'notify' => 0, 'description' => trans('invoices.mark_sent'), ]); flash(trans('invoices.messages.marked_sent'))->success(); return redirect()->back(); } /** * Download the PDF file of invoice. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function emailInvoice(Invoice $invoice) { if (empty($invoice->customer_email)) { return redirect()->back(); } $invoice = $this->prepareInvoice($invoice); $html = view($invoice->template_path, compact('invoice'))->render(); $pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->loadHTML($html); $file = storage_path('app/temp/invoice_'.time().'.pdf'); $invoice->pdf_path = $file; // Save the PDF file into temp folder $pdf->save($file); // Notify the customer $invoice->customer->notify(new Notification($invoice)); // Delete temp file File::delete($file); unset($invoice->paid); unset($invoice->template_path); unset($invoice->pdf_path); // Mark invoice as sent if ($invoice->invoice_status_code != 'partial') { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'sent'; $invoice->save(); } // Add invoice history InvoiceHistory::create([ 'company_id' => $invoice->company_id, 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'status_code' => 'sent', 'notify' => 1, 'description' => trans('invoices.send_mail'), ]); flash(trans('invoices.messages.email_sent'))->success(); return redirect()->back(); } /** * Print the invoice. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function printInvoice(Invoice $invoice) { $invoice = $this->prepareInvoice($invoice); return view($invoice->template_path, compact('invoice')); } /** * Download the PDF file of invoice. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function pdfInvoice(Invoice $invoice) { $invoice = $this->prepareInvoice($invoice); $html = view($invoice->template_path, compact('invoice'))->render(); $pdf = app('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->loadHTML($html); //$pdf->setPaper('A4', 'portrait'); $file_name = 'invoice_'.time().'.pdf'; return $pdf->download($file_name); } /** * Mark the invoice as paid. * * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Response */ public function markPaid(Invoice $invoice) { $paid = 0; foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $amount = $item->amount; if ($invoice->currency_code != $item->currency_code) { $item->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $amount = $item->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $paid += $amount; } $amount = $invoice->amount - $paid; if (!empty($amount)) { $request = new PaymentRequest(); $request['company_id'] = $invoice->company_id; $request['invoice_id'] = $invoice->id; $request['account_id'] = setting('general.default_account'); $request['payment_method'] = setting('general.default_payment_method', ''); $request['currency_code'] = $invoice->currency_code; $request['amount'] = $amount; $request['paid_at'] = Date::now()->format('Y-m-d'); $request['_token'] = csrf_token(); $this->payment($request); } else { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'paid'; $invoice->save(); } return redirect()->back(); } /** * Add payment to the invoice. * * @param PaymentRequest $request * * @return Response */ public function payment(PaymentRequest $request) { // Get currency object $currency = Currency::where('code', $request['currency_code'])->first(); $request['currency_code'] = $currency->code; $request['currency_rate'] = $currency->rate; $invoice = Invoice::find($request['invoice_id']); $total_amount = $invoice->amount; $amount = (double) $request['amount']; if ($request['currency_code'] != $invoice->currency_code) { $request_invoice = new Invoice(); $request_invoice->amount = (float) $request['amount']; $request_invoice->currency_code = $currency->code; $request_invoice->currency_rate = $currency->rate; $amount = $request_invoice->getConvertedAmount(); } if ($invoice->payments()->count()) { $total_amount -= $invoice->payments()->paid(); } // For amount cover integer $multiplier = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $currency->precision; $i++) { $multiplier *= 10; } $amount *= $multiplier; $total_amount *= $multiplier; if ($amount > $total_amount) { $message = trans('messages.error.over_payment'); return response()->json([ 'success' => false, 'error' => true, 'message' => $message, ]); } elseif ($amount == $total_amount) { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'paid'; } else { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'partial'; } $invoice->save(); $invoice_payment_request = [ 'company_id' => $request['company_id'], 'invoice_id' => $request['invoice_id'], 'account_id' => $request['account_id'], 'paid_at' => $request['paid_at'], 'amount' => $request['amount'], 'currency_code' => $request['currency_code'], 'currency_rate' => $request['currency_rate'], 'description' => $request['description'], 'payment_method' => $request['payment_method'], 'reference' => $request['reference'] ]; $invoice_payment = InvoicePayment::create($invoice_payment_request); // Upload attachment if ($request->file('attachment')) { $media = $this->getMedia($request->file('attachment'), 'invoices'); $invoice_payment->attachMedia($media, 'attachment'); } $request['status_code'] = $invoice->invoice_status_code; $request['notify'] = 0; $desc_amount = money((float) $request['amount'], (string) $request['currency_code'], true)->format(); $request['description'] = $desc_amount . ' ' . trans_choice('general.payments', 1); InvoiceHistory::create($request->input()); $message = trans('messages.success.added', ['type' => trans_choice('general.payments', 1)]); return response()->json([ 'success' => true, 'error' => false, 'message' => $message, ]); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param InvoicePayment $payment * * @return Response */ public function paymentDestroy(InvoicePayment $payment) { $invoice = Invoice::find($payment->invoice_id); if ($invoice->payments()->count() > 1) { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'partial'; } else { $invoice->invoice_status_code = 'sent'; } $invoice->save(); $desc_amount = money((float) $payment->amount, (string) $payment->currency_code, true)->format(); $description = $desc_amount . ' ' . trans_choice('general.payments', 1); // Add invoice history InvoiceHistory::create([ 'company_id' => $invoice->company_id, 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'status_code' => $invoice->invoice_status_code, 'notify' => 0, 'description' => trans('messages.success.deleted', ['type' => $description]), ]); $payment->delete(); $message = trans('messages.success.deleted', ['type' => trans_choice('general.invoices', 1)]); flash($message)->success(); return redirect()->back(); } public function addItem(ItemRequest $request) { if ($request['item_row']) { $item_row = $request['item_row']; $taxes = Tax::enabled()->orderBy('rate')->get()->pluck('title', 'id'); $currency = Currency::where('code', '=', $request['currency_code'])->first(); // it should be integer for amount mask $currency->precision = (int) $currency->precision; $html = view('incomes.invoices.item', compact('item_row', 'taxes', 'currency'))->render(); return response()->json([ 'success' => true, 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'currency' => $currency ], 'message' => 'null', 'html' => $html, ]); } return response()->json([ 'success' => false, 'error' => true, 'data' => 'null', 'message' => trans('issue'), 'html' => 'null', ]); } protected function prepareInvoice(Invoice $invoice) { $paid = 0; foreach ($invoice->payments as $item) { $amount = $item->amount; if ($invoice->currency_code != $item->currency_code) { $item->default_currency_code = $invoice->currency_code; $amount = $item->getDynamicConvertedAmount(); } $paid += $amount; } $invoice->paid = $paid; $invoice->template_path = 'incomes.invoices.invoice'; event(new InvoicePrinting($invoice)); return $invoice; } protected function addTotals($invoice, $request, $taxes, $sub_total, $discount_total, $tax_total) { $sort_order = 1; // Added invoice sub total InvoiceTotal::create([ 'company_id' => $request['company_id'], 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'code' => 'sub_total', 'name' => 'invoices.sub_total', 'amount' => $sub_total, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, ]); $sort_order++; // Added invoice discount if ($discount_total) { InvoiceTotal::create([ 'company_id' => $request['company_id'], 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'code' => 'discount', 'name' => '', 'amount' => $discount_total, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, ]); // This is for total $sub_total = $sub_total - $discount_total; } $sort_order++; // Added invoice taxes if ($taxes) { foreach ($taxes as $tax) { InvoiceTotal::create([ 'company_id' => $request['company_id'], 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'code' => 'tax', 'name' => $tax['name'], 'amount' => $tax['amount'], 'sort_order' => $sort_order, ]); $sort_order++; } } // Added invoice total InvoiceTotal::create([ 'company_id' => $request['company_id'], 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'code' => 'total', 'name' => '', 'amount' => $sub_total + $tax_total, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, ]); } }