import Vue from 'vue'; import axios from 'axios'; import AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload from './../components/AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload'; import AkauntingContactCard from './../components/AkauntingContactCard'; import AkauntingCompanyEdit from './../components/AkauntingCompanyEdit'; import AkauntingEditItemColumns from './../components/AkauntingEditItemColumns'; import AkauntingItemButton from './../components/AkauntingItemButton'; import AkauntingDocumentButton from './../components/AkauntingDocumentButton'; import AkauntingSearch from './../components/AkauntingSearch'; import AkauntingModal from './../components/AkauntingModal'; import AkauntingMoney from './../components/AkauntingMoney'; import AkauntingModalAddNew from './../components/AkauntingModalAddNew'; import AkauntingRadioGroup from './../components/AkauntingRadioGroup'; import AkauntingSelect from './../components/AkauntingSelect'; import AkauntingSelectRemote from './../components/AkauntingSelectRemote'; import AkauntingDate from './../components/AkauntingDate'; import AkauntingRecurring from './../components/AkauntingRecurring'; import AkauntingHtmlEditor from './../components/AkauntingHtmlEditor'; import AkauntingCountdown from './../components/AkauntingCountdown'; import AkauntingCurrencyConversion from './../components/AkauntingCurrencyConversion'; import AkauntingConnectTransactions from './../components/AkauntingConnectTransactions'; import AkauntingSwitch from './../components/AkauntingSwitch'; import AkauntingSlider from './../components/AkauntingSlider'; import AkauntingColor from './../components/AkauntingColor'; import AkauntingImport from './../components/AkauntingImport'; import CardForm from './../components/CreditCard/CardForm'; import NProgress from 'nprogress'; import 'nprogress/nprogress.css'; import NProgressAxios from './../plugins/nprogress-axios'; import { Select, Option, Steps, Step, Button, Link, Tooltip, ColorPicker } from 'element-ui'; import Form from './../plugins/form'; import Swiper, { Navigation, Pagination } from 'swiper'; import GLightbox from 'glightbox'; Swiper.use([Navigation, Pagination]); import Bugsnag from './../exceptions/trackers/bugsnag'; import Sentry from './../exceptions/trackers/sentry'; // Exception Tracket start here!!s if (typeof exception_tracker != 'undefined') { switch ( { case 'bugsnag': Vue.use(Bugsnag); break; case 'sentry': Vue.use(Sentry); break; } } var BreakException = {}; export default { components: { AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload, AkauntingContactCard, AkauntingCompanyEdit, AkauntingEditItemColumns, AkauntingItemButton, AkauntingDocumentButton, AkauntingSearch, AkauntingRadioGroup, AkauntingSelect, AkauntingSelectRemote, AkauntingMoney, AkauntingModal, AkauntingModalAddNew, AkauntingDate, AkauntingRecurring, AkauntingHtmlEditor, AkauntingCountdown, AkauntingCurrencyConversion, AkauntingConnectTransactions, AkauntingSwitch, AkauntingSlider, AkauntingColor, AkauntingImport, CardForm, []: Select, []: Option, []: Steps, []: Step, []: Button, []: Link, []: Tooltip, []: ColorPicker, }, data: function () { return { component: '', currency: { "name":"US Dollar", "code":"USD", "rate":1, "precision":2, "symbol":"$", "symbol_first":1, "decimal_mark":".", "thousands_separator":",", }, all_currencies: [], connect: { show: false, currency: {}, documents: [], }, cardData: { cardName: '', cardNumber: '', cardMonth: '', cardYear: '', cardCvv: '', storeCard: false, card_id: 0, }, min_date: false, item_name_input: false, price_name_input: false, quantity_name_input: false, } }, directives: { //money: VMoney }, mounted() { this.checkNotify(); GLightbox({ touchNavigation: true, loop: false, autoplayVideos: false, selector: ".glightbox-video", plyr: { config: { ratio: '16:9', // or '4:3' muted: false, hideControls: true, youtube: { noCookie: true, rel: 0, showinfo: 0, iv_load_policy: 3 }, }, }, }) if (aka_currency) { this.currency = aka_currency; } if (typeof all_currencies !== 'undefined' && all_currencies) { this.all_currencies = all_currencies; } GLightbox({ touchNavigation: true, loop: false, autoplayVideos: false, selector: ".glightbox" }); new Swiper(".swiper-container", { loop: false, slidesPerView: 2, pagination: { el: ".swiper-pagination", clickable: true }, navigation: { nextEl: ".swiper-button-next", prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev", }, }); //swiper slider for long tabs items for (let [index, item] of document.querySelectorAll('[data-swiper]').entries()) { if (item.clientWidth < item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper-wrapper]').clientWidth && ! item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper-wrapper]').getAttribute('data-disable-slider', true)) { let initial_slide = 0; let hash_split = window.location.hash.split('#')[1]; let loop = 0; let slides_view; try { item.querySelectorAll('[data-tabs-slide]').forEach((slide, index, arr) => { loop += slide.clientWidth; slide.classList.add('swiper-slide'); if (slide.getAttribute('data-tabs') == hash_split) { initial_slide = index; } if (loop > item.clientWidth) { slides_view = index; throw BreakException; } }); } catch (e) { if (e !== BreakException) throw e; } item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper]').classList.add('swiper', 'swiper-links'); item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper-wrapper]').classList.add('swiper-wrapper'); let html = `
`; item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper]').innerHTML = html; slides_view = Number(item.getAttribute('data-swiper')) != 0 ? Number(item.getAttribute('data-swiper')) : slides_view; item.setAttribute('data-swiper', slides_view); new Swiper(item.querySelector('.swiper-tabs-container'), { loop: true, slidesPerView: slides_view, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, initialSlide: initial_slide, }); } else { item.removeAttribute('data-swiper'); item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper]').removeAttribute('data-tabs-swiper'); item.querySelector('[data-tabs-swiper-wrapper]').removeAttribute('data-tabs-swiper-wrapper'); item.querySelectorAll('[data-tabs-slide]').forEach((slide) => { slide.removeAttribute('data-tabs-slide'); }); } } //swiper slider for long tabs items }, methods: { // Check Default set notify > store / update action checkNotify: function () { if (! flash_notification) { return false; } flash_notification.forEach(notify => { let type = notify.level; let timeout = 5000; if (notify.important) { timeout = 0; } this.$notify({ verticalAlign: 'bottom', horizontalAlign: 'left', message: notify.message, timeout: timeout, icon: 'error_outline', type }); }); }, // Form Submit onSubmit() { this.form.submit(); }, // Form Async Submit async onAsyncSubmit() { await this.form.asyncSubmit(); }, onHandleFileUpload(key, event) { this.form[key] = ''; this.form[key] =[0]; }, // Bulk Action Select all onSelectAllBulkAction() { this.bulk_action.selectAll(); }, // Bulk Action Checkbox checked/ unchecked onSelectBulkAction() {; }, // Bulk Action use selected Change onChangeBulkAction(type) { this.bulk_action.change(type); if (this.bulk_action.message.length) { this.bulk_action.modal=true; } else { this.onActionBulkAction(); } }, // Bulk Action use selected Action onActionBulkAction() { this.bulk_action.action(); }, // Bulk Action modal cancel onCancelBulkAction() { this.bulk_action.modal = false; let documentClasses = document.body.classList; documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay'); }, // Bulk Action Clear selected items onClearBulkAction() { this.bulk_action.modal = false; this.bulk_action.clear(); }, // List Enabled column status changes onStatusBulkAction(item_id, event) { this.bulk_action.status(item_id, event, this.$notify); }, onDeleteViaConfirmation(delete_id) { let action = document.getElementById(delete_id).getAttribute('data-action'); let title = document.getElementById(delete_id).getAttribute('data-title'); let message = document.getElementById(delete_id).getAttribute('data-message'); let button_cancel = document.getElementById(delete_id).getAttribute('data-cancel'); let button_delete = document.getElementById(delete_id).getAttribute('data-delete'); this.confirmDelete(action, title, message, button_cancel, button_delete); }, // Actions > Delete confirmDelete(url, title, message, button_cancel, button_delete) { let confirm = { url: url, title: title, message: message, button_cancel: button_cancel, button_delete: button_delete, show: true }; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template : '
', components: { AkauntingModal, }, data: function () { return { confirm: confirm, } }, methods: { // Delete action post async onDelete() { let promise = Promise.resolve(axios({ method: 'DELETE', url: this.confirm.url, })); promise.then(response => { if ( { window.location.href =; } this.$emit('deleted',; }) .catch(error => { this.success = false; }); }, // Close modal empty default value cancelDelete() { = false; }, } }) }); }, // Change bank account get money and currency rate onChangeAccount(account_id) { if (! account_id) { return; } axios.get(url + '/banking/accounts/currency', { params: { account_id: account_id } }) .then(response => { this.currency =; this.form.currency_code =; this.form.currency_rate =; }) .catch(error => { }); }, // Change currency get money onChangeCurrency(currency_code) { if (! currency_code) { return; } if (! this.all_currencies.length) { let currency_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get((url + '/settings/currencies'))); currency_promise.then(response => { if ( { this.all_currencies =; } this.all_currencies.forEach(function (currency, index) { if (currency_code == currency.code) { this.currency = currency; this.form.currency_code = currency.code; this.form.currency_rate = currency.rate; } }, this); }) .catch(error => { this.onChangeCurrency(currency_code); }); } else { this.all_currencies.forEach(function (currency, index) { if (currency_code == currency.code) { this.currency = currency; this.form.currency_code = currency.code; this.form.currency_rate = currency.rate; } }, this); } }, // Pages limit change onChangePaginationLimit(event) { let path = ''; let split_href = window.location.href.split('#'); let href = split_href[0]; if ( { if ('limit')) { let queries = []; let query =; query = query.replace('?', ''); queries = query.split('&'); path = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname; queries.forEach(function (_query, index) { let query_partials = _query.split('='); if (index == 0) { path += '?' } else { path += '&'; } if (query_partials[0] == 'limit') { path += 'limit=' +"value"); } else { path += query_partials[0] + '=' + query_partials[1]; } }); } else { path = href + '&limit=' +"value"); } } else { path = href + '?limit=' +"value"); } if (split_href[1]) { path += '#' + split_href[1]; } window.location.href = path; }, // Dynamic component get path view and show it. onDynamicComponent(path) { if (! path) { return; } axios.get(path) .then(response => { let html =; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template : '
' + html + '
', components: { AkauntingSearch, AkauntingRadioGroup, AkauntingSelect, AkauntingSelectRemote, AkauntingModal, AkauntingModalAddNew, AkauntingDate, AkauntingRecurring, []: Select, []: Option, []: Steps, []: Step, []: Button, }, created: function() { this.form = new Form('form-dynamic-component'); }, mounted() { let form_id = document.getElementById('dynamic-component').querySelectorAll('form')[1].id; this.form = new Form(form_id); }, data: function () { return { form: {}, dynamic: { data: dynamic_data } } }, methods: { } }) }); }) .catch(e => { this.errors.push(e); }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); }, onDynamicFormParams(path, params) { if (! path) { return; } let data = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { data[key] = eval(value); } axios.get(path, { params: data }).then(response => { if ( { let rows =; if (!Array.isArray(rows)) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rows)) { this.form[key] = value; } } else { rows.forEach(function (key, index) { this.form[index] = key; }, this); } } }).catch(error => { }); }, // Delete attachment file onDeleteFile(file_id, url, title, message, button_cancel, button_delete) { let file_data = { page: null, key: null, value: null, ajax: true, redirect: window.location.href }; if (this.form['page' + file_id]) { = this.form['page' + file_id]; } if (this.form['key' + file_id]) { file_data.key = this.form['key' + file_id]; } if (this.form['value' + file_id]) { file_data.value = this.form['value' + file_id]; } let confirm = { url: url, title: title, message: message, button_cancel: button_cancel, button_delete: button_delete, file_data: file_data, show: true }; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template : '
', components: { AkauntingModal, }, data: function () { return { confirm: confirm, } }, methods: { // Delete action post async onDelete() { let promise = Promise.resolve(axios({ method: 'DELETE', url: this.confirm.url, data: file_data })); promise.then(response => { if ( { window.location.href =; } }) .catch(error => { this.success = false; }); }, // Close modal empty default value cancelDelete() { = false; }, } }) }); }, // Change Contact Card set form fields.. onChangeContactCard(contact) { this.form.contact_id =; this.form.contact_name = (contact.title) ? contact.title : (contact.display_name) ? contact.display_name :; this.form.contact_email = ( ? : ''; this.form.contact_tax_number = (contact.tax_number) ? contact.tax_number : ''; this.form.contact_phone = ( ? : ''; this.form.contact_address = (contact.address) ? contact.address : ''; this.form.contact_country = ( ? : ''; this.form.contact_state = (contact.state) ? contact.state : ''; this.form.contact_zip_code = (contact.zip_code) ? contact.zip_code : ''; this.form.contact_city = ( ? : ''; let currency_code = (contact.currency_code) ? contact.currency_code : this.form.currency_code; this.onChangeCurrency(currency_code); }, async onAddPayment(url) { let payment = { modal: false, url: url, title: '', html: '', buttons:{} }; let payment_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(payment.url)); payment_promise.then(response => { payment.modal = true; payment.title =; payment.html =; payment.buttons =; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template: '
', components: { AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload, AkauntingContactCard, AkauntingCompanyEdit, AkauntingEditItemColumns, AkauntingItemButton, AkauntingDocumentButton, AkauntingSearch, AkauntingRadioGroup, AkauntingSelect, AkauntingSelectRemote, AkauntingMoney, AkauntingModal, AkauntingModalAddNew, AkauntingDate, AkauntingRecurring, AkauntingHtmlEditor, AkauntingCountdown, AkauntingCurrencyConversion, AkauntingConnectTransactions, AkauntingSwitch, AkauntingSlider, AkauntingColor, CardForm, []: Select, []: Option, []: Steps, []: Step, []: Button, []: Link, []: Tooltip, []: ColorPicker, }, data: function () { return { form:{}, payment: payment, } }, methods: { onSubmit(event) { this.form = event; this.form.response = {}; this.loading = true; let data =; FormData.prototype.appendRecursive = function(data, wrapper = null) { for(var name in data) { if (wrapper) { if ((typeof data[name] == 'object' || data[name].constructor === Array) && ((data[name] instanceof File != true ) && (data[name] instanceof Blob != true))) { this.appendRecursive(data[name], wrapper + '[' + name + ']'); } else { this.append(wrapper + '[' + name + ']', data[name]); } } else { if ((typeof data[name] == 'object' || data[name].constructor === Array) && ((data[name] instanceof File != true ) && (data[name] instanceof Blob != true))) { this.appendRecursive(data[name], name); } else { this.append(name, data[name]); } } } }; let form_data = new FormData(); form_data.appendRecursive(data); window.axios({ method: this.form.method, url: this.form.action, data: form_data, headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': window.Laravel.csrfToken, 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } }) .then(response => { if ( { if ( { this.form.loading = true; window.location.href =; } } if ( { this.form.loading = false; this.form.response =; } }) .catch(error => { this.form.loading = false; this.form.onFail(error); this.method_show_html = error.message; }); }, onCancel() { this.payment.modal = false; this.payment.html = null; let documentClasses = document.body.classList; documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay'); }, } }) }); }) .catch(error => { }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); }, async onEditPayment(url) { let payment = { modal: false, url: url, title: '', html: '', buttons:{} }; let payment_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(payment.url)); payment_promise.then(response => { payment.modal = true; payment.title =; payment.html =; payment.buttons =; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template: '
', components: { AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload, AkauntingContactCard, AkauntingCompanyEdit, AkauntingEditItemColumns, AkauntingItemButton, AkauntingDocumentButton, AkauntingSearch, AkauntingRadioGroup, AkauntingSelect, AkauntingSelectRemote, AkauntingMoney, AkauntingModal, AkauntingModalAddNew, AkauntingDate, AkauntingRecurring, AkauntingHtmlEditor, AkauntingCountdown, AkauntingCurrencyConversion, AkauntingConnectTransactions, AkauntingSwitch, AkauntingSlider, AkauntingColor, CardForm, []: Select, []: Option, []: Steps, []: Step, []: Button, []: Link, []: Tooltip, []: ColorPicker, }, data: function () { return { form:{}, payment: payment, } }, methods: { onSubmit(event) { this.form = event; this.form.response = {}; this.loading = true; let data =; FormData.prototype.appendRecursive = function(data, wrapper = null) { for(var name in data) { if (wrapper) { if ((typeof data[name] == 'object' || data[name].constructor === Array) && ((data[name] instanceof File != true ) && (data[name] instanceof Blob != true))) { this.appendRecursive(data[name], wrapper + '[' + name + ']'); } else { this.append(wrapper + '[' + name + ']', data[name]); } } else { if ((typeof data[name] == 'object' || data[name].constructor === Array) && ((data[name] instanceof File != true ) && (data[name] instanceof Blob != true))) { this.appendRecursive(data[name], name); } else { this.append(name, data[name]); } } } }; let form_data = new FormData(); form_data.appendRecursive(data); window.axios({ method: this.form.method, url: this.form.action, data: form_data, headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': window.Laravel.csrfToken, 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } }) .then(response => { if ( { if ( { this.form.loading = true; window.location.href =; } } if ( { this.form.loading = false; this.form.response =; } }) .catch(error => { this.form.loading = false; this.form.onFail(error); this.method_show_html = error.message; }); }, onCancel() { this.payment.modal = false; this.payment.html = null; let documentClasses = document.body.classList; documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay'); }, } }) }); }) .catch(error => { }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); }, async onSendEmail(url) { let email = { modal: false, url: url, title: '', html: '', buttons:{} }; let email_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(email.url)); if (this.email_template) { email_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(email.url, { params: { email_template: this.email_template } })); } this.email_template = false; email_promise.then(response => { email.modal = true; email.title =; email.html =; email.buttons =; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template: '
', components: { AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload, AkauntingContactCard, AkauntingCompanyEdit, AkauntingEditItemColumns, AkauntingItemButton, AkauntingDocumentButton, AkauntingSearch, AkauntingRadioGroup, AkauntingSelect, AkauntingSelectRemote, AkauntingMoney, AkauntingModal, AkauntingModalAddNew, AkauntingDate, AkauntingRecurring, AkauntingHtmlEditor, AkauntingCountdown, AkauntingCurrencyConversion, AkauntingConnectTransactions, AkauntingSwitch, AkauntingSlider, AkauntingColor, CardForm, []: Select, []: Option, []: Steps, []: Step, []: Button, []: Link, []: Tooltip, []: ColorPicker, }, data: function () { return { form:{}, email: email, } }, methods: { onSubmit(event) { this.$emit('submit', event); event.submit(); }, onCancel() { = false; = null; let documentClasses = document.body.classList; documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay'); }, } }) }); }) .catch(error => { }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); }, onShareLink(url) { let share = { modal: false, url: url, title: '', html: '', buttons:{} }; let share_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(share.url)); share_promise.then(response => { share.modal = true; share.title =; share.success_message =; share.html =; share.buttons =; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template: '
', components: { AkauntingModalAddNew, }, data: function () { return { share: share, form: {}, } }, methods: { onCopyLink() { let type = 'success'; let copy_html = document.getElementById('share');; document.execCommand('copy'); this.$notify({ verticalAlign: 'bottom', horizontalAlign: 'left', message: this.share.success_message, timeout: 5000, icon: 'error_outline', type }); this.onCancel(); }, onCancel() { this.share.modal = false; this.share.html = null; let documentClasses = document.body.classList; documentClasses.remove('overflow-y-hidden', 'overflow-overlay'); }, } }) }); }) .catch(error => { }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); }, onCopyLink() { let copy_html = document.getElementById('share'); let copy_badge = document.querySelector('[data-copied]');; document.execCommand('copy'); copy_badge.classList.remove('hidden'); copy_badge.classList.add('flex'); copy_html.classList.add('hidden'); setTimeout(() => { copy_badge.classList.add('hidden'); copy_badge.classList.remove('flex'); copy_html.classList.remove('hidden'); }, 800); }, //connect transactions for account, document or etc. onConnectTransactions(route) { let dial_promise = Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(route)); dial_promise.then(response => { = true; this.connect.transaction = JSON.parse(; let currency = JSON.parse(; this.connect.currency = { decimal_mark: currency.decimal_mark, precision: currency.precision, symbol: currency.symbol, symbol_first: currency.symbol_first, thousands_separator: currency.thousands_separator, }; this.connect.documents = JSON.parse(; }) .catch(error => { }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); }, // if you use modal dynamic form. This method ger url form and posr it. onModalAddNew(url) { let modal = { show: true, title: '', html: '', buttons:{} }; Promise.resolve(window.axios.get(url)) .then(response => { if ( { modal.title =; modal.html =; modal.buttons =; this.component = Vue.component('add-new-component', (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ template: '
', components: { AkauntingDropzoneFileUpload, AkauntingContactCard, AkauntingCompanyEdit, AkauntingEditItemColumns, AkauntingItemButton, AkauntingDocumentButton, AkauntingSearch, AkauntingRadioGroup, AkauntingSelect, AkauntingSelectRemote, AkauntingMoney, AkauntingModal, AkauntingModalAddNew, AkauntingDate, AkauntingRecurring, AkauntingHtmlEditor, AkauntingCountdown, AkauntingCurrencyConversion, AkauntingConnectTransactions, AkauntingSwitch, AkauntingSlider, AkauntingColor, CardForm, []: Select, []: Option, []: Steps, []: Step, []: Button, []: Link, []: Tooltip, []: ColorPicker, }, data: function () { return { form:{}, modal: modal, } }, methods: { onSubmit(event) { this.$emit('submit', event); event.submit(); }, onCancel() { = false; this.modal.html = null; }, } }) }) } }) .catch(e => { this.errors.push(e); }) }, //custom input settings for invoice onSmallWidthColumn(item) { this.$refs[item].$el.setAttribute('custom-half', true); }, onFullWidthColumn(item) { this.$refs[item].$el.removeAttribute('custom-half'); }, settingsInvoice() { if (this.form.item_name == 'custom') { this.item_name_input = true; this.onSmallWidthColumn("item_name"); } else { this.item_name_input = false; this.onFullWidthColumn("item_name"); } if (this.form.price_name == 'custom') { this.price_name_input = true; this.onSmallWidthColumn("price_name"); } else { this.price_name_input = false; this.onFullWidthColumn("price_name"); } if (this.form.quantity_name == 'custom') { this.quantity_name_input = true; this.onSmallWidthColumn("quantity_name"); } else { this.quantity_name_input = false; this.onFullWidthColumn("quantity_name"); } if (this.form.item_name == 'hide' && this.form.hide_item_description === 1) { this.form.hide_item_description = 0; let type = 'warning'; if (this.$notifications.state != undefined && this.$notifications.state.length > 0) { this.$notifications.state.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.message == this.form.item_name_or_description_required) { return; } }, this); } this.$notify({ verticalAlign: 'bottom', horizontalAlign: 'left', message: this.form.message_name_or_description_required, timeout: 8000, icon: 'error_outline', type }); } }, // set minimum date for date component setMinDate(date) { this.min_date = date; }, } }