user = user(); } public function map($row): array { $row['company_id'] = company_id(); // created_by is equal to the owner id. Therefore, the value in export is owner email. if (isset($row['created_by'])) { $row['created_by'] = $this->getCreatedById($row); } $row['created_from'] = $this->getSourcePrefix() . 'import'; // Make enabled field integer if (isset($row['enabled'])) { $row['enabled'] = (int) $row['enabled']; } // Make reconciled field integer if (isset($row['reconciled'])) { $row['reconciled'] = (int) $row['reconciled']; } $date_fields = ['paid_at', 'invoiced_at', 'billed_at', 'due_at', 'issued_at', 'transferred_at']; foreach ($date_fields as $date_field) { if (!isset($row[$date_field])) { continue; } try { $row[$date_field] = Date::parse(ExcelDate::excelToDateTimeObject($row[$date_field])) ->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } catch (InvalidFormatException | \Exception $e) { Log::info($e->getMessage()); } } return $row; } public function rules(): array { return []; } /** * You can override this method to add custom rules for each row. */ public function prepareRules(array $rules): array { return $rules; } /** * Validate each row data. * * @param \Illuminate\Validation\Validator $validator * @throws ValidationException */ public function withValidator($validator) { $condition = class_exists($this->request_class) ? ! ($request = new $this->request_class) instanceof FormRequest : true; if ($condition) { return; } foreach ($validator->getData() as $row => $data) { $request->initialize(request: $data); $rules = $this->prepareRules($request->rules()); try { Validator::make($data, $rules)->validate(); } catch (ValidationException $e) { foreach ($e->validator->failed() as $attribute => $value) { foreach ($value as $rule => $params) { $validator->addFailure($row . '.' . $attribute, $rule, $params); } } throw new ValidationException($validator); } } } public function chunkSize(): int { return config('excel.imports.chunk_size'); } public function limit(): int { return config('excel.imports.row_limit'); } public function isNotValid($row) { return Validator::make($row, $this->rules())->fails(); } public function isEmpty($row, $fields) { $fields = Arr::wrap($fields); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!empty($row[$field])) { continue; } return true; } return false; } public function preferredLocale() { return $this->user->locale; } protected function replaceForBatchRules(array $rules): array { $dependent_rules = [ 'after:', 'after_or_equal:', 'before:', 'before_or_equal:', 'different:', 'exclude_if:', 'exclude_unless:', 'gt:', 'gte:', 'in_array:', 'lt:', 'lte:', 'prohibited_if:', 'prohibited_unless:', 'required_if:', 'required_unless:', 'required_with:', 'required_with_all:', 'required_without:', 'required_without_all:', 'same:', ]; $batch_rules = [ 'after:*.', 'after_or_equal:*.', 'before:*.', 'before_or_equal:*.', 'different:*.', 'exclude_if:*.', 'exclude_unless:*.', 'gt:*.', 'gte:*.', 'in_array:*.', 'lt:*.', 'lte:*.', 'prohibited_if:*.', 'prohibited_unless:*.', 'required_if:*.', 'required_unless:*.', 'required_with:*.', 'required_with_all:*.', 'required_without:*.', 'required_without_all:*.', 'same:*.', ]; return str_replace($dependent_rules, $batch_rules, $rules); } //This function is used in import classes. If the data in the row exists in the database, it is returned. public function hasRow($row) { // must be models and columns if (empty($this->model) || empty($this->columns)) { return false; } /* This function is called for each row. This check is done in order not to query again for each row. When the model to which the query is thrown changes, the new query should be discarded. */ if (! $this->has_row || ! $this->has_row instanceof $this->model) { $this->has_row = $this->model::withoutEvents(function () { if ($this->with_trashed) { // This query should be used if there is no deleted_at field in the table or if the deleted data is to be retrieved. return $this->model::withTrashed()->get($this->columns)->each(function ($data) { $data->setAppends([]); }); } else { return $this->model::get($this->columns)->each(function ($data) { $data->setAppends([]); }); } }); } $search_value = []; //In the model, the fields to be searched for the row are determined. foreach ($this->columns as $key) { $search_value[$key] = isset($row[$key]) ? $row[$key] : null; } return in_array($search_value, $this->has_row->toArray()); } }