diff --git a/resources/lang/hi-IN/bills.php b/resources/lang/hi-IN/bills.php
index 7a72c9cd5..18ce24336 100644
--- a/resources/lang/hi-IN/bills.php
+++ b/resources/lang/hi-IN/bills.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ return [
'histories' => 'इतिहास',
'payments' => 'भुगतान',
'add_payment' => 'भुगतान जोड़ें',
- 'mark_paid' => 'Mark Paid',
+ 'mark_paid' => 'मार्क करे की भुगतान किया हुआ है',
'mark_received' => 'प्राप्त किए हुए में मार्क करे',
'download_pdf' => 'डाउनलोड PDF',
'send_mail' => 'ईमेल भेजें',
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ return [
'messages' => [
'received' => 'बिल को सफलतापूर्वक प्राप्त किया गया!',
- 'marked_paid' => 'Bill marked as paid!',
+ 'marked_paid' => 'बिल भुगतान के रूप में मार्क किया गया!',
'draft' => 'यह एक ड्राफ्ट बिल है और इसे प्राप्त होने के बाद चार्ट पर प्रतिबिंबित किया जाएगा।',
'status' => [
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/auth.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/auth.php
index 3864d8ea3..ac0731fba 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/auth.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/auth.php
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ return [
'current_email' => 'Huidig E-mailadres',
'reset' => 'Resetten',
'never' => 'nooit',
+ 'landing_page' => 'Landingspagina',
'password' => [
'current' => 'Wachtwoord',
'current_confirm' => 'Wachtwoordbevestiging',
'new' => 'Nieuw Wachtwoord',
'new_confirm' => 'Nieuw Wachtwoordbevestiging',
'error' => [
'self_delete' => 'Fout: u kunt uzelf niet verwijderen!',
+ 'self_disable' => 'Fout: u kunt uw eigen account niet blokkeren!',
'no_company' => 'Fout: U heeft geen bedrijf gekoppeld aan uw account. Neem alstublieft contact op met de applicatiebeheerder.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/bills.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/bills.php
index 2ce1267cd..9a6cd09fe 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/bills.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/bills.php
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ return [
'histories' => 'Geschiedenis',
'payments' => 'Betalingen',
'add_payment' => 'Een betaling toevoegen',
+ 'mark_paid' => 'Als betaald markeren',
'mark_received' => 'Markeer als ontvangen',
'download_pdf' => 'PDF downloaden',
'send_mail' => 'Verstuur e-mail',
@@ -40,10 +41,13 @@ return [
'received' => 'Ontvangen',
'partial' => 'Gedeeltelijk',
'paid' => 'Betaald',
+ 'overdue' => 'Verlopen',
+ 'unpaid' => 'Onbetaald',
'messages' => [
'received' => 'Factuur als \'succesvol ontvangen\' gemarkeerd!',
+ 'marked_paid' => 'Factuur gemarkeerd als betaald!',
'draft' => 'Dit is een CONCEPT factuur en zal terugkomen in de statistieken wanneer het verzonden is.',
'status' => [
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/bulk_actions.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/bulk_actions.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee0f9f661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/bulk_actions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ 'Meerdere Actie(s)',
+ 'selected' => 'geselecteerd',
+ 'no_action' => 'Geen actie beschikbaar',
+ 'message' => [
+ 'duplicate' => 'Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde record wilt dupliceren?',
+ 'delete' => 'Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde record wilt verwijderen?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde records wilt verwijderen?',
+ 'export' => 'Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde record wilt exporteren?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde records wilt exporteren?',
+ 'enable' => 'Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde record wilt activeren?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde records wilt activeren?',
+ 'disable' => 'Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde record wilt deactiveren?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde records wilt deactiveren?',
+ 'paid' => 'Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde factuur als betaald wilt markeren?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde facturen als betaald wilt markeren?',
+ 'sent' => 'Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde factuur als verzonden wilt markeren?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde facturen als verzonden wilt markeren?',
+ 'received' => 'Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde rekening als ontvangen wilt markeren?|Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde rekeningen als ontvangen wilt markeren?',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/companies.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/companies.php
index fc112be73..53f47c314 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/companies.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/companies.php
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ return [
'domain' => 'Domein',
'logo' => 'Logo',
- 'manage' => 'Bedrijven Beheren',
- 'all' => 'Alle bedrijven',
'error' => [
- 'delete_active' => 'Fout: Kan een actief bedrijf niet verwijderen. U zult dat eerst moeten aanpassen!',
+ 'not_user_company' => 'Fout: u heeft niet de juiste rechten om dit bedrijf aan te passen!',
+ 'delete_active' => 'Fout: u kunt niet het actieve bedrijf verwijderen. Selecteer eerst een ander bedrijf!',
+ 'disable_active' => 'Fout: u kunt niet het actieve bedrijf blokkeren. Selecteer eerst een ander bedrijf!',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/customers.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/customers.php
index c6621f9f9..d50eb35c4 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/customers.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/customers.php
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
return [
- 'allow_login' => 'Inloggen toestaan?',
+ 'can_login' => 'Mag inloggen?',
'user_created' => 'Gebruiker aangemaakt',
'error' => [
- 'email' => 'Dit e-mailadres is al reeds geregistreerd.'
+ 'email' => 'Dit e-mailadres is al reeds geregistreerd.',
- 'notification' => [
- 'message' => ':customer betaalde :amount voor factuur :invoice_number.',
- 'button' => 'Weergeven',
- ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a1886572c..000000000
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- 'Totale inkomsten',
- 'receivables' => 'Debiteuren',
- 'open_invoices' => 'Openstaande facturen',
- 'overdue_invoices' => 'Vervallen facturen',
- 'total_expenses' => 'Totale uitgaven',
- 'payables' => 'Schulden',
- 'open_bills' => 'Openstaande rekeningen',
- 'overdue_bills' => 'Achterstallige facturen',
- 'total_profit' => 'Totale winst',
- 'open_profit' => 'Openstaande winst',
- 'overdue_profit' => 'Achterstallige winst',
- 'cash_flow' => 'Geldstroom',
- 'no_profit_loss' => 'Geen winstderving',
- 'incomes_by_category' => 'Inkomsten per categorie',
- 'expenses_by_category' => 'Uitgaves per categorie',
- 'account_balance' => 'Rekeningsaldo',
- 'latest_incomes' => 'Laatste inkomsten',
- 'latest_expenses' => 'Nieuwste uitgaven',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboards.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboards.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f19da324b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboards.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ [
+ 'not_user_dashboard' => 'Fout: u heeft niet de juiste rechten om dit dashboard aan te passen!',
+ 'delete_last' => 'Fout: u kunt niet het laatste dashboard verwijderen. Maar aub eerst een nieuw dashboard!',
+ 'disable_last' => 'Fout: u kunt niet het laatste dashboard deactiveren. Maak aub eerst een nieuw dashboard!',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/demo.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/demo.php
index 286883a40..10770736c 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/demo.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/demo.php
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ return [
'offline_payments' => [
- 'cash' => 'Cash',
- 'bank' => 'Bank Transfer',
+ 'cash' => 'Contant geld',
+ 'bank' => 'Bankoverschrijving',
'reports' => [
- 'income' => 'Monthly income summary by category.',
- 'expense' => 'Monthly expense summary by category.',
- 'income_expense' => 'Monthly income vs expense by category.',
- 'tax' => 'Quarterly tax summary.',
- 'profit_loss' => 'Quarterly profit & loss by category.',
+ 'income' => 'Maandelijkse inkomsten per categorie',
+ 'expense' => 'Maandelijkse uitgaven per categorie',
+ 'income_expense' => 'Maandelijkse inkomsten/uitgaven per categorie',
+ 'tax' => 'Kwartaal - BTW overzicht',
+ 'profit_loss' => 'Kwartaal - Winst/Verlies per categorie',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/email_templates.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/email_templates.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59e874483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/email_templates.php
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ [
+ 'subject' => '{invoice_number} invoice created',
+ 'body' => 'Dear {customer_name},
We have prepared the following invoice for you: {invoice_number}.
You can see the invoice details and proceed with the payment from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Feel free to contact us for any question.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'invoice_remind_customer' => [
+ 'subject' => '{invoice_number} invoice overdue notice',
+ 'body' => 'Dear {customer_name},
This is an overdue notice for {invoice_number} invoice.
The invoice total is {invoice_total} and was due {invoice_due_date}.
You can see the invoice details and proceed with the payment from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'invoice_remind_admin' => [
+ 'subject' => '{invoice_number} invoice overdue notice',
+ 'body' => 'Hello,
{customer_name} has received an overdue notice for {invoice_number} invoice.
The invoice total is {invoice_total} and was due {invoice_due_date}.
You can see the invoice details from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'invoice_recur_customer' => [
+ 'subject' => '{invoice_number} recurring invoice created',
+ 'body' => 'Dear {customer_name},
Based on your recurring circle, we have prepared the following invoice for you: {invoice_number}.
You can see the invoice details and proceed with the payment from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Feel free to contact us for any question.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'invoice_recur_admin' => [
+ 'subject' => '{invoice_number} recurring invoice created',
+ 'body' => 'Hello,
Based on {customer_name} recurring circle, {invoice_number} invoice has been automatically created.
You can see the invoice details from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'invoice_payment_customer' => [
+ 'subject' => 'Payment received for {invoice_number} invoice',
+ 'body' => 'Dear {customer_name},
Thank you for the payment. Find the payment details below:
Amount: {transaction_total}
Date: {transaction_paid_date}
Invoice Number: {invoice_number}
You can always see the invoice details from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Feel free to contact us for any question.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'invoice_payment_admin' => [
+ 'subject' => 'Payment received for {invoice_number} invoice',
+ 'body' => 'Hello,
{customer_name} recorded a payment for {invoice_number} invoice.
You can see the invoice details from the following link: {invoice_number}.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'bill_remind_admin' => [
+ 'subject' => '{bill_number} bill reminding notice',
+ 'body' => 'Hello,
This is a reminding notice for {bill_number} bill to {vendor_name}.
The bill total is {bill_total} and is due {bill_due_date}.
You can see the bill details from the following link: {bill_number}.
Best Regards,
+ ],
+ 'bill_recur_admin' => [
+ 'subject' => '{bill_number} recurring bill created',
+ 'body' => 'Hello,
Based on {vendor_name} recurring circle, {bill_number} invoice has been automatically created.
You can see the bill details from the following link: {bill_number}.
Best Regards,
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/errors.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/errors.php
index e773681ec..c72a47530 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/errors.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/errors.php
@@ -2,23 +2,22 @@
return [
- 'forbidden_access' => 'Forbidden Access',
- 'error_page' => 'Error Page',
- 'page_not_found' => 'Page Not Found',
- 'body' => [
- 'forbidden_access' => 'Oops! Forbidden Access.',
- 'error_page' => 'Oops! Something went wrong.',
- 'page_not_found' => 'Oops! Page not found.',
+ 'title' => [
+ '403' => 'Oops! Forbidden Access',
+ '404' => 'Oops! Page not found',
+ '500' => 'Oops! Something went wrong',
- 'messages' => [
- 'forbidden_access' => 'You can not access this page.
- Meanwhile, you may return to dashboard.',
- 'error_page' => 'We will work on fixing that right away.
- Meanwhile, you may return to dashboard.',
- 'page_not_found' => 'We could not find the page you were looking for.
- Meanwhile, you may return to dashboard.',
+ 'header' => [
+ '403' => '403 Forbidden',
+ '404' => '404 Not Found',
+ '500' => '500 Internal Server Error',
+ ],
+ 'message' => [
+ '403' => 'You can not access this page.',
+ '404' => 'We could not find the page you were looking for.',
+ '500' => 'We will work on fixing that right away.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/general.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/general.php
index d4757751e..8d06f988b 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/general.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/general.php
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
return [
+ 'dashboards' => 'Dashboard|Dashboards',
'items' => 'Artikel|Artikelen',
'incomes' => 'Inkomen|Inkomsten',
'invoices' => 'Factuur|Facturen',
@@ -41,8 +42,17 @@ return [
'contacts' => 'Contactpersoon|Contactpersonen',
'reconciliations' => 'Afstemming | Afstemmingen',
'developers' => 'Ontwikkelaar | Ontwikkelaars',
+ 'schedules' => 'Schedule|Schedules',
+ 'groups' => 'Group|Groups',
+ 'charts' => 'Chart|Charts',
+ 'localisations' => 'Localisation|Localisations',
+ 'defaults' => 'Default|Defaults',
+ 'widgets' => 'Widget|Widgets',
+ 'templates' => 'Template|Templates',
+ 'sales' => 'Sale|Sales',
+ 'purchases' => 'Purchase|Purchases',
- 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
+ 'welcome' => 'Welcome',
'banking' => 'Banken',
'general' => 'Algemeen',
'no_records' => 'Geen gegevens.',
@@ -54,15 +64,19 @@ return [
'no' => 'Nee',
'na' => 'N.v.t.',
'daily' => 'Dagelijks',
+ 'weekly' => 'Weekly',
'monthly' => 'Maandelijks',
'quarterly' => 'Per kwartaal',
'yearly' => 'Jaarlijks',
'add' => 'Toevoegen',
'add_new' => 'Nieuwe toevoegen',
+ 'add_income' => 'Add Income',
+ 'add_expense' => 'Add Expense',
'show' => 'Weergeven',
'edit' => 'Bewerken',
'delete' => 'Verwijderen',
'send' => 'Verzenden',
+ 'share' => 'Share',
'download' => 'Download',
'delete_confirm' => 'Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt verwijderen, :name :type?',
'name' => 'Naam',
@@ -80,9 +94,11 @@ return [
'reference' => 'Referentie',
'attachment' => 'Bijlage',
'change' => 'Wijzigen',
+ 'change_type' => 'Change :type',
'switch' => 'Omschakelen',
'color' => 'Kleur',
'save' => 'Opslaan',
+ 'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'cancel' => 'Annuleren',
'loading' => 'Bezig met laden...',
'from' => 'Van',
@@ -112,20 +128,47 @@ return [
'disable' => 'Uitschakelen',
'select_all' => 'Alles selecteren',
'unselect_all' => 'Alles deselecteren',
- 'go_to' => 'Ga naar :name',
'created_date' => 'Aanmaakdatum',
'period' => 'Periode',
+ 'frequency' => 'Frequency',
'start' => 'Begin',
'end' => 'Eind',
'clear' => 'Wis',
'difference' => 'Verschil',
+ 'footer' => 'Footer',
+ 'start_date' => 'Start Date',
+ 'end_date' => 'End Date',
+ 'basis' => 'Basis',
+ 'accrual' => 'Accrual',
+ 'cash' => 'Cash',
+ 'group_by' => 'Group By',
+ 'accounting' => 'Accounting',
+ 'sort' => 'Sort',
+ 'width' => 'Width',
+ 'month' => 'Month',
+ 'year' => 'Year',
+ 'type_item_name' => 'Type an item name',
+ 'no_data' => 'No data',
+ 'no_matching_data' => 'No matching data',
+ 'clear_cache' => 'Clear Cache',
+ 'go_to_dashboard' => 'Go to dashboard',
+ 'card' => [
+ 'name' => 'Name on Card',
+ 'number' => 'Card Number',
+ 'expiration_date' => 'Expiration Date',
+ 'cvv' => 'Card CVV',
+ ],
'title' => [
'new' => 'Nieuwe :type',
'edit' => ':type bewerken',
+ 'delete' => 'Delete :type',
'create' => 'Creëer :type',
'send' => 'Stuur :type',
'get' => 'Ontvang :type',
+ 'add' => 'Add :type',
+ 'manage' => 'Manage :type',
'form' => [
@@ -134,6 +177,7 @@ return [
'field' => '- Selecteer :field -',
'file' => 'Selecteer bestand',
+ 'add_new' => 'Add New :field',
'no_file_selected' => 'Geen bestand geselecteerd...',
@@ -144,4 +188,19 @@ return [
'this_month' => 'Deze maand',
'last_month' => 'Afgelopen maand',
+ 'empty' => [
+ 'documentation' => 'Check out the documentation for more details.',
+ 'items' => 'Items can be products or services. You can use items when creating invoices and bills to have the price, tax etc fields populated.',
+ 'invoices' => 'Invoices can be one time or recurring. You can send them to customers and start accepting online payments.',
+ 'revenues' => 'Revenue is a paid income transaction. It can be an independent record (i.e. deposit) or attached to an invoice.',
+ 'customers' => 'Customers are required if you want to create invoices. They may also log in to Client Portal and see their balance.',
+ 'bills' => 'Bills can be one time or recurring. They indicate what you owe your vendors for the products or services you purchase.',
+ 'payments' => 'Payment is a paid expense transaction. It can be an independent record (i.e. food receipt) or attached to a bill.',
+ 'vendors' => 'Vendors are required if you want to create bills. You can see the balance you owe and filter reports by the vendor.',
+ 'transfers' => 'Transfers allow you to move money from one account to another, whether they use the same currency or not.',
+ 'taxes' => 'Taxes are used to apply extra fees to invoices and bills. Your financials are affected by these regulatory taxes.',
+ 'reconciliations' => 'Bank reconciliation is a process performed to ensure that your company bank records are also correct.',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/header.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/header.php
index d6d5126e9..6e7e50fbb 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/header.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/header.php
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ return [
'counter' => '{0} U heeft geen melding |{1} U heeft :count notificatie| [2,*] U heeft :count notificaties',
'overdue_invoices' => '{1} :count achterstallig factuur | [2,*] :count achterstallige facturen',
'upcoming_bills' => '{1} :count aankomende factuur | [2,*] :count aankomende facturen',
- 'items_stock' => '{1} :count artikel niet op voorraad | [2,*] :count artikelen niet op voorraad',
'view_all' => 'Alles Weergeven'
'docs_link' => 'https://akaunting.com/docs',
+ 'support_link' => 'https://akaunting.com/support',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/invoices.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/invoices.php
index 25faec53f..77d5414f2 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/invoices.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/invoices.php
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ return [
'add_payment' => 'Een betaling toevoegen',
'mark_paid' => 'Als betaald markeren',
'mark_sent' => 'Als verstuurd markeren',
+ 'mark_viewed' => 'Mark Viewed',
'download_pdf' => 'PDF downloaden',
'send_mail' => 'E-mail versturen',
'all_invoices' => 'Log in om alle facturen te bekijken',
@@ -38,22 +39,26 @@ return [
'accept_payments' => 'Accept Online Payments',
'statuses' => [
- 'draft' => 'Concept',
- 'sent' => 'Verzonden',
- 'viewed' => 'Bekeken',
- 'approved' => 'Goedgekeurd',
- 'partial' => 'Gedeeltelijk',
- 'paid' => 'Betaald',
+ 'draft' => 'Draft',
+ 'sent' => 'Sent',
+ 'viewed' => 'Viewed',
+ 'approved' => 'Approved',
+ 'partial' => 'Partial',
+ 'paid' => 'Paid',
+ 'overdue' => 'Overdue',
+ 'unpaid' => 'Unpaid',
'messages' => [
- 'email_sent' => 'Factuur is succesvol per e-mail verzonden!',
- 'marked_sent' => 'Factuur is succesvol als verzonden gemarkeerd!',
+ 'email_sent' => 'Invoice email has been sent!',
+ 'marked_sent' => 'Invoice marked as sent!',
+ 'marked_paid' => 'Invoice marked as paid!',
'email_required' => 'Er is geen e-mailadres bekend van deze klant!',
'draft' => 'Dit is een CONCEPT factuur en zal terugkomen in de statistieken wanneer het verzonden is.',
'status' => [
'created' => 'Gemaakt op :date',
+ 'viewed' => 'Viewed',
'send' => [
'draft' => 'Niet verstuurd',
'sent' => 'Verzonden op :date',
@@ -64,9 +69,4 @@ return [
- 'notification' => [
- 'message' => 'U ontvangt deze e-mail omdat u :amount aanstaande factuur heeft voor klant :customer.',
- 'button' => 'Nu betalen',
- ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/items.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/items.php
index 7d3f5e59d..d3a212bb8 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/items.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/items.php
@@ -2,17 +2,7 @@
return [
- 'quantities' => 'Hoeveelheid|Hoeveelheden',
'sales_price' => 'Verkoopprijs',
'purchase_price' => 'Aankoopprijs',
- 'sku' => 'SKU',
- 'notification' => [
- 'message' => [
- 'reminder' => 'U ontvangt deze e-mail omdat alleen :quantity van :name over is.',
- 'out_of_stock' => 'U ontvangt deze e-mail omdat er bijna geen voorraad meer is van: :name.',
- ],
- 'button' => 'Nu bekijken',
- ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/maintenance.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/maintenance.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..514800dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/maintenance.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ 'Under Maintenance',
+ 'message' => 'Sorry, we\'re down for maintenance. Please, try again later!',
+ 'last-updated' => 'This message was last updated :timestamp.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/messages.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/messages.php
index fcb23ee06..cb4cdde91 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/messages.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/messages.php
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ return [
'deleted' => ':type verwijderd!',
'duplicated' => ':type gedupliceerd!',
'imported' => ':type geïmporteerd!',
+ 'exported' => ':type exported!',
'enabled' => ':type ingeschakeld!',
'disabled' => ':type uitgeschakeld!',
@@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ return [
'customer' => 'Fout: Gebruiker niet aangemaakt! :name heeft dit e-mailadres al in gebruik.',
'no_file' => 'Fout: geen bestand geselecteerd!',
'last_category' => 'Fout: Kan de laatste categorie niet verwijderen: :type',
- 'invalid_apikey' => 'Fout: Ingevulde token is ongeldig!',
+ 'change_type' => 'Error: Can not change the type because it has :text related!',
+ 'invalid_apikey' => 'Error: The API Key entered is invalid!',
'import_column' => 'Fout: :message Blad naam: :sheet. Lijnnummer: :line.',
'import_sheet' => 'Fout: Bladnaam is niet geldig. Vergelijk het met het voorbeeldbestand.',
@@ -26,7 +28,10 @@ return [
'warning' => [
'deleted' => 'Waarschuwing: Het is voor u niet toegestaan om :name te verwijderen omdat het gerelateerd is aan :text.',
'disabled' => 'Waarschuwing: U mag :name niet uitschakelen omdat het gerelateerd is aan :text.',
+ 'reconciled_tran' => 'Warning: You are not allowed to change/delete transaction because it is reconciled!',
+ 'reconciled_doc' => 'Warning: You are not allowed to change/delete :type because it has reconciled transactions!',
'disable_code' => 'Waarschuwing: U mag :name niet uitschakelen omdat het gerelateerd is aan :text.',
+ 'payment_cancel' => 'Warning: You have cancelled your recent :method payment!',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/modules.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/modules.php
index fc5b7765f..f75253bf7 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/modules.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/modules.php
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
return [
- 'title' => 'API-Token',
- 'api_token' => 'Token',
+ 'api_key' => 'API Key',
'my_apps' => 'Mijn Apps',
'pre_sale' => 'Pre-Sale',
'top_paid' => 'Top betaald',
@@ -13,10 +12,9 @@ return [
'search' => 'Zoeken',
'install' => 'Installeer',
'buy_now' => 'Nu kopen',
- 'token_link' => 'Klik hier om uw API-token te bemachtigen.',
+ 'get_api_key' => 'Click here to get your API key.',
'no_apps' => 'Er zijn nog geen Apps in deze categorie beschikbaar.',
- 'developer' => 'Bent u een ontwikkelaar? Hier kunt u lezen hoe u vandaag nog een app kan ontwikkelen en verkopen!',
+ 'become_developer' => 'Are you a developer? Here you can learn how to create an app and start selling today!',
'recommended_apps' => 'Aanbevolen Apps',
'about' => 'Over ons',
@@ -38,31 +36,30 @@ return [
'installation' => 'Installatie',
'faq' => 'Veelgestelde vragen (FAQ)',
'changelog' => 'Wijzigingslogboek',
- 'reviews' => 'Beoordelingen',
+ 'reviews' => 'Beoordelingen',
'installation' => [
'header' => 'App installatie',
- 'download' => ':module bestand aan het downloaden.',
- 'unzip' => 'Bezig met uitpakken van :module bestanden.',
- 'file_copy' => 'Kopieren :module files.',
- 'migrate' => 'Toepassen :module update.',
- 'finish' => 'De update is succesvol geïnstalleerd. U wordt omgeleid naar het Update Centrum.',
- 'install' => 'Bezit met installatie van :module bestanden.',
+ 'download' => 'Downloading :module',
+ 'unzip' => 'Extracting :module files',
+ 'file_copy' => 'Copying :module files',
+ 'finish' => 'Finalizing :module installation',
+ 'redirect' => ':module installed, redirecting to updates page',
+ 'install' => 'Installing :module',
'errors' => [
- 'download' => ':module kan niet worden gedownload!',
- 'upload' => 'Gedownloade :module kan niet worden opgeslagen!',
- 'unzip' => ':module kan niet worden uitgepakt!',
- 'file_copy' => ':module bestanden kunnen niet worden gekopieerd!',
- 'migrate' => ':module migratie werkt niet!',
- 'migrate core' => ':module is al de nieuwste versie dus kan niet worden geüpdatet.',
+ 'download' => 'Not able to download :module',
+ 'zip' => 'Not able to create :module zip file',
+ 'unzip' => 'Not able to unzip :module',
+ 'file_copy' => 'Not able to copy :module files',
+ 'finish' => 'Not able to finalize :module installation',
'badge' => [
- 'installed' => 'Geïnstalleerd',
- 'pre_sale' => 'Pre-Sale',
+ 'installed' => 'Geïnstalleerd',
+ 'pre_sale' => 'Pre-Sale',
'button' => [
@@ -72,14 +69,16 @@ return [
'my' => [
- 'purchased' => 'Gekocht',
- 'installed' => 'Geïnstalleerd',
+ 'purchased' => 'Gekocht',
+ 'installed' => 'Geïnstalleerd',
'reviews' => [
'button' => [
- 'add' => 'Voeg een Recensie toe'
+ 'add' => 'Voeg een Recensie toe'
- 'na' => 'Er zijn geen reviews.'
- ]
+ 'na' => 'Er zijn geen reviews.'
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/pagination.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/pagination.php
index 4a2bc942e..de9b8023e 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/pagination.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/pagination.php
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
return [
- 'previous' => '« Vorige',
- 'next' => 'Volgende »',
- 'showing' => 'Weergave: :first naar :last van :total :type',
+ 'previous' => 'Previous',
+ 'next' => 'Next',
+ 'showing' => ':first-:last of :total records.',
+ 'page' => 'per page.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/passwords.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/passwords.php
index be52b4a6c..6910c6012 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/passwords.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/passwords.php
@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ return [
'sent' => 'Wij hebben uw wachtwoord reset link per e-mail naar u verstuurd!',
'token' => 'Dit wachtwoord reset-token is ongeldig.',
'user' => "Wij kunnen geen gebruiker met dat e-mail adres vinden.",
+ 'throttle' => 'Please wait before retrying.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/reconciliations.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/reconciliations.php
index 87aac99bf..967fb3cae 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/reconciliations.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/reconciliations.php
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ return [
'reconciled' => 'Afgestemd',
'closing_balance' => 'Eindsaldo',
'unreconciled' => 'Nog af te stemmen',
- 'list_transactions' => 'Lijst transacties',
+ 'transactions' => 'Transactions',
'start_date' => 'Start Datum',
'end_date' => 'Eind Datum',
'cleared_amount' => 'Vrijgemaakt bedrag',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/reports.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/reports.php
index 806134bda..5fd267c79 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/reports.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/reports.php
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ return [
'net_profit' => 'Nettowinst',
'total_expenses' => 'Totale uitgaven',
'net' => 'NET',
+ 'income_expense' => 'Income & Expense',
'summary' => [
'income' => 'Samenvatting inkomsten',
@@ -20,11 +21,10 @@ return [
'tax' => 'Belasting overzicht',
- 'quarter' => [
- '1' => 'Jan-Mrt',
- '2' => 'Apr-Jun',
- '3' => 'Jul-Sep',
- '4' => 'Okt-Dec',
+ 'charts' => [
+ 'line' => 'Line',
+ 'bar' => 'Bar',
+ 'pie' => 'Pie',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/settings.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/settings.php
index 564f67185..05f846b23 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/settings.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/settings.php
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
return [
'company' => [
+ 'description' => 'Change company name, email, address, tax number etc',
'name' => 'Naam',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'phone' => 'Telefoonnummer',
'address' => 'Adres',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'localisation' => [
- 'tab' => 'Lokalisatie',
+ 'description' => 'Set fiscal year, time zone, date format and more locals',
'financial_start' => 'Start financieel boekjaar',
'timezone' => 'Tijdzone',
'date' => [
@@ -28,8 +30,9 @@ return [
'after' => 'Na aantal',
'invoice' => [
- 'tab' => 'Factuur',
+ 'description' => 'Customize invoice prefix, number, terms, footer etc',
'prefix' => 'Nummer voorvoegsel',
'digit' => 'Aantal cijfers',
'next' => 'Volgende nummer',
@@ -44,16 +47,25 @@ return [
'rate' => 'Tarief',
'quantity_name' => 'Hoeveelheid label',
'quantity' => 'Aantal',
+ 'payment_terms' => 'Payment Terms',
+ 'title' => 'Title',
+ 'subheading' => 'Subheading',
+ 'due_receipt' => 'Due upon receipt',
+ 'due_days' => 'Due within :days days',
+ 'choose_template' => 'Choose invoice template',
+ 'default' => 'Default',
+ 'classic' => 'Classic',
+ 'modern' => 'Modern',
'default' => [
- 'tab' => 'Standaardwaarden',
- 'account' => 'Standaard account',
- 'currency' => 'Standaard Valuta',
- 'tax' => 'Standaard BTW-tarief',
- 'payment' => 'Standaard betalingsmethode',
- 'language' => 'Standaard Taal',
+ 'description' => 'Default account, currency, language of your company',
+ 'list_limit' => 'Records Per Page',
+ 'use_gravatar' => 'Use Gravatar',
'email' => [
+ 'description' => 'Change the sending protocol and email templates',
'protocol' => 'Protocol',
'php' => 'PHP mail',
'smtp' => [
@@ -68,36 +80,44 @@ return [
'sendmail' => 'Sendmail',
'sendmail_path' => 'Sendmail pad',
'log' => 'E-mail logs',
+ 'templates' => [
+ 'subject' => 'Subject',
+ 'body' => 'Body',
+ 'tags' => 'Available Tags: :tag_list',
+ 'invoice_new_customer' => 'New Invoice Template (sent to customer)',
+ 'invoice_remind_customer' => 'Invoice Reminder Template (sent to customer)',
+ 'invoice_remind_admin' => 'Invoice Reminder Template (sent to admin)',
+ 'invoice_recur_customer' => 'Invoice Recurring Template (sent to customer)',
+ 'invoice_recur_admin' => 'Invoice Recurring Template (sent to admin)',
+ 'invoice_payment_customer' => 'Payment Received Template (sent to customer)',
+ 'invoice_payment_admin' => 'Payment Received Template (sent to admin)',
+ 'bill_remind_admin' => 'Bill Reminder Template (sent to admin)',
+ 'bill_recur_admin' => 'Bill Recurring Template (sent to admin)',
+ ],
'scheduling' => [
- 'tab' => 'Schema',
+ 'name' => 'Scheduling',
+ 'description' => 'Automatic reminders and command for recurring',
'send_invoice' => 'Factuur herinnering sturen',
'invoice_days' => 'Aantal dagen na vervaldatum sturen',
'send_bill' => 'Factuur herinnering sturen',
'bill_days' => 'Aantal dagen voor vervaldatum sturen',
'cron_command' => 'Cron opdracht',
'schedule_time' => 'Uren duurtijd',
- 'send_item_reminder'=> 'Stuur item herinnering',
- 'item_stocks' => 'Stuur bericht waneer item op voorraad is',
- 'appearance' => [
- 'tab' => 'Opmaak',
- 'theme' => 'Thema',
- 'light' => 'Licht',
- 'dark' => 'Donker',
- 'list_limit' => 'Resultaten per pagina',
- 'use_gravatar' => 'Gebruik Gravatar',
+ 'categories' => [
+ 'description' => 'Unlimited categories for income, expense, and item',
- 'system' => [
- 'tab' => 'Systeem',
- 'session' => [
- 'lifetime' => 'Sessie levensduur (minuten)',
- 'handler' => 'Sessie Beheerder',
- 'file' => 'Bestand',
- 'database' => 'Database',
- ],
- 'file_size' => 'Maximale bestandsgrootte (MB)',
- 'file_types' => 'Toegestane bestandstypes',
+ 'currencies' => [
+ 'description' => 'Create and manage currencies and set their rates',
+ ],
+ 'taxes' => [
+ 'description' => 'Fixed, normal, inclusive, and compound tax rates',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/taxes.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/taxes.php
index 55c05e579..32069736d 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/taxes.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/taxes.php
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ return [
'normal' => 'Normaal',
'inclusive' => 'Inclusief',
'compound' => 'Samenstelling',
+ 'fixed' => 'Fixed',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/validation.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/validation.php
index 71c9023d4..2170953dc 100644
--- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/validation.php
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/validation.php
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ return [
'alpha' => ':attribute mag enkel letters bevatten.',
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute mag enkel letters, cijfers of koppeltekens bevatten.',
'alpha_num' => ':attribute mag enkel letters en cijfers bevatten.',
- 'array' => ':attribute moet een rangschikking zijn.',
+ 'array' => ':Attribute moet geselecteerde elementen bevatten.',
'before' => ':attribute moet een datum zijn voor :date.',
'before_or_equal' => ':attribute moet een datum zijn voor of gelijk aan :date.',
'between' => [
@@ -33,19 +33,20 @@ return [
'confirmed' => 'De kenmerken :attribute komen niet overeen.',
'date' => ':attribute is geen geldige datum.',
'date_format' => ':attribute komt niet overeen met het volgende formaat :format.',
- 'different' => ':attribute en :other mag niet hetzelfde zijn.',
+ 'different' => ':Attribute en :other moeten verschillend zijn.',
'digits' => ':attribute moet bestaan uit :digits cijfers.',
'digits_between' => ':attribute moet tussen de :min en :max aantal karakters lang zijn.',
'dimensions' => ':attribute heeft ongeldige afbeelding afmetingen.',
'distinct' => ':attribute velden bevat dubbele waarden.',
- 'email' => ':attribute moet een geldig e-mailadres zijn.',
+ 'email' => ':Attribute is geen geldig e-mailadres.',
+ 'ends_with' => ':Attribute moet met één van de volgende waarden eindigen: :values',
'exists' => 'Het geselecteerde kenmerk :attribute is ongeldig.',
- 'file' => ':attribute moet een bestand zijn.',
- 'filled' => ':attribute veld moet een waarde bevatten.',
- 'image' => ':attribute moet een afbeelding zijn.',
+ 'file' => ':Attribute moet een bestand zijn.',
+ 'filled' => ':Attribute is verplicht.',
+ 'image' => ':Attribute moet een afbeelding zijn.',
'in' => 'Het geselecteerde :attribute is ongeldig.',
'in_array' => ':attribute veld bestaat niet in :other.',
- 'integer' => 'Het :attribute moet een getal zijn.',
+ 'integer' => ':Attribute moet een getal zijn.',
'ip' => ':attribute moet een geldig IP-adres zijn.',
'json' => ':attribute moet een geldige JSON string zijn.',
'max' => [
@@ -64,27 +65,27 @@ return [
'not_in' => 'De geselecteerde kenmerk :attribute is ongeldig.',
'numeric' => ':attribute moet een getal zijn.',
- 'present' => ':attribute moet aanwezig zijn.',
- 'regex' => 'De indeling van kenmerk :attribute is ongeldig.',
- 'required' => ':attribute is verplicht.',
+ 'present' => ':Attribute moet bestaan.',
+ 'regex' => ':Attribute formaat is ongeldig.',
+ 'required' => ':Attribute is verplicht.',
'required_if' => ':attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :other :value is.',
'required_unless' => ':attribute veld is verplicht tenzij :other bestaat in :values.',
'required_with' => ':attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values aanwezig is.',
- 'required_with_all' => ':attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values aanwezig is.',
- 'required_without' => ':attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values niet aanwezig is.',
- 'required_without_all' => ':attribute veld is verplicht wanneer geen van :values aanwezig zijn.',
+ 'required_with_all' => ':Attribute is verplicht i.c.m. :values',
+ 'required_without' => ':Attribute is verplicht als :values niet ingevuld is.',
+ 'required_without_all' => ':Attribute is verplicht als :values niet ingevuld zijn.',
'same' => ':attribute en :other moeten overeenkomen.',
'size' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute moet :size zijn.',
'file' => ':attribute moet :size kilobytes zijn.',
- 'string' => ':attribute moet :size tekens zijn.',
+ 'string' => ':Attribute moet :size tekens zijn.',
'array' => ':attribute moet :size items bevatten.',
- 'string' => ':attribute moet een string zijn.',
+ 'string' => ':Attribute moet een tekst zijn.',
'timezone' => ':attribute moet een geldige zone zijn.',
- 'unique' => ':attribute is al reeds in gebruik.',
- 'uploaded' => 'Mislukt om :attribute te uploaden.',
- 'url' => ':attribute kenmerk is ongeldig.',
+ 'unique' => ':Attribute is al in gebruik.',
+ 'uploaded' => 'Het uploaden van :attribute is mislukt.',
+ 'url' => ':Attribute moet een geldig URL zijn.',
@@ -99,10 +100,11 @@ return [
'custom' => [
'attribute-name' => [
- 'rule-name' => 'aangepast bericht',
+ 'rule-name' => 'aangepast bericht',
- 'invalid_currency' => ':attribute code is ongeldig.',
- 'invalid_amount' => 'De hoeveelheid :attribute is ongeldig.',
+ 'invalid_currency' => ':attribute code is ongeldig.',
+ 'invalid_amount' => 'De hoeveelheid :attribute is ongeldig.',
+ 'invalid_extension' => 'The file extension is invalid.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/widgets.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/widgets.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9fe1fce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/widgets.php
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ 'Total Income',
+ 'receivables' => 'Receivables',
+ 'open_invoices' => 'Open Invoices',
+ 'overdue_invoices' => 'Overdue Invoices',
+ 'total_expenses' => 'Total Expenses',
+ 'payables' => 'Payables',
+ 'open_bills' => 'Open Bills',
+ 'overdue_bills' => 'Overdue Bills',
+ 'total_profit' => 'Total Profit',
+ 'open_profit' => 'Open Profit',
+ 'overdue_profit' => 'Overdue Profit',
+ 'cash_flow' => 'Cash Flow',
+ 'no_profit_loss' => 'No Profit Loss',
+ 'income_by_category' => 'Income By Category',
+ 'expenses_by_category' => 'Expenses By Category',
+ 'account_balance' => 'Account Balance',
+ 'latest_income' => 'Latest Income',
+ 'latest_expenses' => 'Latest Expenses',
diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/bulk_actions.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/bulk_actions.php
index bd6e86581..7b3f750f2 100644
--- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/bulk_actions.php
+++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/bulk_actions.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ return [
'bulk_actions' => 'Ação em massa | Ações em massa',
'selected' => 'selecionado',
- 'no_action' => 'No action available',
+ 'no_action' => 'Nenhuma ação disponível',
'message' => [
'duplicate' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja duplicar o registro selecionado?',
diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/messages.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/messages.php
index 397eb5d9a..4801f8f44 100644
--- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/messages.php
+++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/messages.php
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ return [
'warning' => [
'deleted' => 'Aviso: Você não têm permissão para excluir :name, porque possui o :text relacionado.',
'disabled' => 'Aviso: Você não tem permissão para desativar :name, porque tem :text relacionado.',
- 'reconciled_tran' => 'Warning: You are not allowed to change/delete transaction because it is reconciled!',
- 'reconciled_doc' => 'Warning: You are not allowed to change/delete :type because it has reconciled transactions!',
+ 'reconciled_tran' => 'Aviso: Você não tem permissão para alterar/excluir transações porque elas estão reconciliadas!',
+ 'reconciled_doc' => 'Aviso: Você não tem permissão para alterar/excluir :type, porque as transações estão reconciliadas!',
'disable_code' => 'Aviso: você não tem permissão para desativar ou alterar a moeda de :name porque possui :text relacionado.',
'payment_cancel' => 'Aviso: Você cancelou recentemente o método de pagamento :method!',
diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/passwords.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/passwords.php
index 23a195cd1..d310fe667 100644
--- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/passwords.php
+++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/passwords.php
@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ return [
'sent' => 'O link para redefinição de senha foi enviado para o seu e-mail!',
'token' => 'Token para recuperação de senha inválido.',
'user' => "Não encontramos nenhum usuário com esse endereço de e-mail.",
- 'throttle' => 'Please wait before retrying.',
+ 'throttle' => 'Por favor, aguarde antes de tentar novamente.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/validation.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/validation.php
index ffb00d8f2..443601f44 100644
--- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/validation.php
+++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/validation.php
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'invalid_currency' => 'O código :attribute é inválido.',
'invalid_amount' => 'O :attribute é inválido.',
- 'invalid_extension' => 'The file extension is invalid.',
+ 'invalid_extension' => 'A extensão do arquivo é inválida.',