diff --git a/config/language.php b/config/language.php
index 13822785b..d5dbc4087 100644
--- a/config/language.php
+++ b/config/language.php
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ return [
- 'allowed' => ['ar-SA', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-GB', 'es-ES', 'es-MX', 'fa-IR', 'fr-FR', 'he-IL', 'hr-HR', 'id-ID', 'it-IT', 'lv-LV', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ro-RO', 'ru-RU', 'sq-AL', 'sv-SE', 'th-TH', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'vi-VN', 'zh-TW'],
+ 'allowed' => ['ar-SA', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-GB', 'es-ES', 'es-MX', 'fa-IR', 'fr-FR', 'he-IL', 'hr-HR', 'id-ID', 'it-IT', 'lv-LV', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ro-RO', 'ru-RU', 'sq-AL', 'sv-SE', 'th-TH', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'vi-VN', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW'],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/accounts.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/accounts.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a74e148e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/accounts.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ '帐户名称',
+ 'number' => '号码',
+ 'opening_balance' => '开户余额',
+ 'current_balance' => '当前余额',
+ 'bank_name' => '银行名称',
+ 'bank_phone' => '银行电话',
+ 'bank_address' => '银行地址',
+ 'default_account' => '默认帐户',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/auth.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/auth.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcd916007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/auth.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ '个人资料',
+ 'logout' => '退出登录',
+ 'login' => '登录',
+ 'login_to' => '登录',
+ 'remember_me' => '记住我',
+ 'forgot_password' => '我忘记了我的密码',
+ 'reset_password' => '重置密码',
+ 'enter_email' => '请输入电子邮箱',
+ 'current_email' => '目前电子邮箱',
+ 'reset' => '重置',
+ 'never' => '永远不要',
+ 'password' => [
+ 'current' => '密码',
+ 'current_confirm' => '确认密码',
+ 'new' => '新的密码',
+ 'new_confirm' => '确认新的密码',
+ ],
+ 'error' => [
+ 'self_delete' => '错误:无法删除自己!',
+ 'no_company' => '错误: 你账户下没有公司,请联系管理员.',
+ ],
+ 'failed' => '账号或者密码错误',
+ 'disabled' => '此账号已被停用,请联系管理员',
+ 'throttle' => '尝试登录次数过多,请在 :seconds 秒后再试。',
+ 'notification' => [
+ 'message_1' => '您收到此电子邮件是因为我们收到了您帐户的密码重置请求.',
+ 'message_2' => '如果您未请求重置密码,则无需进一步操作.',
+ 'button' => '重置密码',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/bills.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/bills.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d3428933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/bills.php
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ '账单编号',
+ 'bill_date' => '账单日期',
+ 'total_price' => '总价',
+ 'due_date' => '到期日',
+ 'order_number' => '订单编号',
+ 'bill_from' => '账单来自',
+ 'quantity' => '数量',
+ 'price' => '价格',
+ 'sub_total' => '小计',
+ 'discount' => '折扣',
+ 'tax_total' => '税率',
+ 'total' => '总计',
+ 'item_name' => '产品名称 | 产品名称',
+ 'show_discount' => ':discount% 折扣',
+ 'add_discount' => '新增折扣',
+ 'discount_desc' => '小计',
+ 'payment_due' => '付款到期日',
+ 'amount_due' => '到期金额',
+ 'paid' => '已付款',
+ 'histories' => '历史记录',
+ 'payments' => '付款方式',
+ 'add_payment' => '新增付款方式',
+ 'mark_received' => '标记已收到',
+ 'download_pdf' => '下载 PDF格式',
+ 'send_mail' => '发送邮件',
+ 'status' => [
+ 'draft' => '草稿',
+ 'received' => '已收到',
+ 'partial' => '部分',
+ 'paid' => '已付款',
+ ],
+ 'messages' => [
+ 'received' => '成功标记账单为已收到!',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/companies.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/companies.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bacfca4bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/companies.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ '域名',
+ 'logo' => '标志',
+ 'manage' => '管理公司',
+ 'all' => '公司',
+ 'error' => [
+ 'delete_active' => '错误: 无法删除已激活的公司, 请先更改它!',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/currencies.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/currencies.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f0081b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/currencies.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ '货币代码',
+ 'rate' => '货币汇率',
+ 'default' => '默认货币',
+ 'decimal_mark' => '小数点',
+ 'thousands_separator' => '千位分隔符',
+ 'precision' => '精确度',
+ 'symbol' => [
+ 'symbol' => '货币符号',
+ 'position' => '货币符号位置',
+ 'before' => '货币兑换前',
+ 'after' => '货币兑换后',
+ ]
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/customers.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/customers.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69b558bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/customers.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ '允许登录?',
+ 'user_created' => '用户创建成功',
+ 'error' => [
+ 'email' => '邮箱已注册'
+ ]
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f75103b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ '总收入',
+ 'receivables' => '应收账款',
+ 'open_invoices' => '未结订单',
+ 'overdue_invoices' => '逾期订单',
+ 'total_expenses' => '总费用',
+ 'payables' => '应付账款',
+ 'open_bills' => '未结账单',
+ 'overdue_bills' => '过期账单',
+ 'total_profit' => '总利润',
+ 'open_profit' => '初始利润',
+ 'overdue_profit' => '逾期利润',
+ 'cash_flow' => '现金流',
+ 'no_profit_loss' => '无利润损失',
+ 'incomes_by_category' => '收入分类',
+ 'expenses_by_category' => '支出分类',
+ 'account_balance' => '账户余额',
+ 'latest_incomes' => '近期收入',
+ 'latest_expenses' => '近期支出',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/demo.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/demo.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba3610c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/demo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ '现金',
+ 'categories_deposit' => '存款',
+ 'categories_sales' => '业务员',
+ 'currencies_usd' => '美金',
+ 'currencies_eur' => '欧元',
+ 'currencies_gbp' => '英镑',
+ 'currencies_try' => '土耳其里拉',
+ 'taxes_exempt' => '免税',
+ 'taxes_normal' => '一般税率',
+ 'taxes_sales' => '销售税',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/footer.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/footer.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d46aa1c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/footer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ '当前版本',
+ 'powered' => '由 Akaunting 驱动',
+ 'software' => '免费会计软件',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/general.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/general.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7748a2552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/general.php
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ '产品 | 产品',
+ 'incomes' => '收入 | 收入',
+ 'invoices' => '订单 | 订单',
+ 'revenues' => '营业额 | 营业额',
+ 'customers' => '客戶 | 客戶',
+ 'expenses' => '支出 | 支出',
+ 'bills' => '账单 | 账单',
+ 'payments' => '付款 | 付款',
+ 'vendors' => '供应商 | 供应商',
+ 'accounts' => '账户 | 账户',
+ 'transfers' => '转账 | 转账',
+ 'transactions' => '交易 | 交易',
+ 'reports' => '报告 | 报告',
+ 'settings' => '设置 | 设置',
+ 'categories' => '分类 | 分类',
+ 'currencies' => '币种 | 币种',
+ 'tax_rates' => '税率 | 税率',
+ 'users' => '用户 | 用户',
+ 'roles' => '角色 | 角色',
+ 'permissions' => '权限 | 权限',
+ 'modules' => 'App|Apps',
+ 'companies' => '公司 | 公司',
+ 'profits' => '利润 | 利润',
+ 'taxes' => '税额 | 税额',
+ 'logos' => 'Logo | Logo',
+ 'pictures' => '图片 | 图片',
+ 'types' => '类型 | 类型',
+ 'payment_methods' => '付款方式 | 付款方式',
+ 'compares' => '收入vs支出 | 收入vs支出',
+ 'notes' => '备注 | 备注',
+ 'totals' => '总计 | 总计',
+ 'languages' => '语言 | 语言',
+ 'updates' => '更新 | 更新',
+ 'numbers' => '编号 | 编号',
+ 'statuses' => '状态 | 状态',
+ 'others' => '其他 | 其他',
+ 'dashboard' => '统计',
+ 'banking' => '银行',
+ 'general' => '通用',
+ 'no_records' => '尚无记录。',
+ 'date' => '日期',
+ 'amount' => '金额',
+ 'enabled' => '启用',
+ 'disabled' => '停用',
+ 'yes' => '是',
+ 'no' => '否',
+ 'na' => 'N/A',
+ 'daily' => '每日',
+ 'monthly' => '每月',
+ 'quarterly' => '每季度',
+ 'yearly' => '每年',
+ 'add' => '新增',
+ 'add_new' => '新增',
+ 'show' => '显示',
+ 'edit' => '编辑',
+ 'delete' => '刪除',
+ 'send' => '发送',
+ 'download' => '下载',
+ 'delete_confirm' => '确认刪除 :name :type ?',
+ 'name' => '名称',
+ 'email' => '邮箱',
+ 'tax_number' => '统一编号',
+ 'phone' => '电话',
+ 'address' => '地址',
+ 'website' => '网站',
+ 'actions' => '操作',
+ 'description' => '描述',
+ 'manage' => '管理',
+ 'code' => '代码',
+ 'alias' => '別名',
+ 'balance' => '余额',
+ 'reference' => '参考',
+ 'attachment' => '附件',
+ 'change' => '修改',
+ 'switch' => '切换',
+ 'color' => '颜色',
+ 'save' => '保存',
+ 'cancel' => '取消',
+ 'from' => '來自',
+ 'to' => '收件人',
+ 'print' => '打印',
+ 'search' => '搜索',
+ 'search_placeholder' => '请输入..',
+ 'filter' => '筛选',
+ 'help' => '帮助',
+ 'all' => '全部',
+ 'all_type' => '所有 :type',
+ 'upcoming' => '待付账款',
+ 'created' => '已创建',
+ 'id' => 'ID',
+ 'more_actions' => '更多',
+ 'duplicate' => '复制',
+ 'unpaid' => '未付款',
+ 'paid' => '已付款',
+ 'overdue' => '已逾期',
+ 'partially' => '部分',
+ 'partially_paid' => '部分付款',
+ 'export' => '导出',
+ 'enable' => '启用',
+ 'disable' => '禁用',
+ 'title' => [
+ 'new' => '新增 :type',
+ 'edit' => '编辑 :type',
+ ],
+ 'form' => [
+ 'enter' => '输入 :field',
+ 'select' => [
+ 'field' => '- 选择 :field -',
+ 'file' => '选择文件',
+ ],
+ 'no_file_selected' => '未选择文件...',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/header.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/header.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..950b6c145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/header.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ '更换语言',
+ 'last_login' => '上次登录时间 :time',
+ 'notifications' => [
+ 'counter' => '{0} 您沒有任何通知 | {1} 您有 :count 个通知 | [2,*] 您有 :count个通知',
+ 'overdue_invoices' => '{1} :count 个逾期订单 | [2,*] :count 个逾期订单',
+ 'upcoming_bills' => '{1} :count 个即将到來的账单 | [2,*] :count 个即将到來的账单',
+ 'items_stock' => '{1} :count 項目无库存 | [2,*] :count 項目无库存',
+ 'view_all' => '查看全部'
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/import.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/import.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13de8c7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/import.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ '导入',
+ 'title' => '导入 :type',
+ 'message' => '允许的文件类型: CSV, XLS。请下载示例文件。',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/install.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/install.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8089c7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/install.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ '下一步',
+ 'refresh' => '重新整理',
+ 'steps' => [
+ 'requirements' => '請檢查以下系統需求!',
+ 'language' => '步驟一:選擇語系',
+ 'database' => '步驟二:設定資料庫',
+ 'settings' => '步驟三:公司與管理員資訊',
+ ],
+ 'language' => [
+ 'select' => '選擇語系',
+ ],
+ 'requirements' => [
+ 'enabled' => ':feature 必須啟動!',
+ 'disabled' => ':feature 必須關閉!',
+ 'extension' => ':extension 必須載入!',
+ 'directory' => ':directory 必須可寫入!',
+ ],
+ 'database' => [
+ 'hostname' => '主機名稱',
+ 'username' => '使用者名稱',
+ 'password' => '密碼',
+ 'name' => '資料庫',
+ ],
+ 'settings' => [
+ 'company_name' => '公司名稱',
+ 'company_email' => '公司電子郵件',
+ 'admin_email' => '管理員電子郵件',
+ 'admin_password' => '管理員密碼',
+ ],
+ 'error' => [
+ 'connection' => '錯誤:無法連線到資料庫!請確認所提供的資訊正確無誤。',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/invoices.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/invoices.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ee63f94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/invoices.php
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ '订单号码',
+ 'invoice_date' => '订单日期',
+ 'total_price' => '总价',
+ 'due_date' => '到期日',
+ 'order_number' => '订单编号',
+ 'bill_to' => '账单收件人',
+ 'quantity' => '数量',
+ 'price' => '价格',
+ 'sub_total' => '小计',
+ 'discount' => '折扣',
+ 'tax_total' => '税额',
+ 'total' => '总计',
+ 'item_name' => '产品名称 | 产品名称',
+ 'show_discount' => ':discount% 折扣',
+ 'add_discount' => '新增折扣',
+ 'discount_desc' => '小计',
+ 'payment_due' => '付款到期日',
+ 'paid' => '已付款',
+ 'histories' => '历史记录',
+ 'payments' => '付款方式',
+ 'add_payment' => '新增付款方式',
+ 'mark_paid' => '标记为已付款',
+ 'mark_sent' => '标记为已发送',
+ 'download_pdf' => '下载 PDF格式',
+ 'send_mail' => '发送邮件',
+ 'status' => [
+ 'draft' => '草稿',
+ 'sent' => '已发送',
+ 'viewed' => '已浏览',
+ 'approved' => '已批准',
+ 'partial' => '部分',
+ 'paid' => '已付款',
+ ],
+ 'messages' => [
+ 'email_sent' => '成功发送账单邮件!',
+ 'marked_sent' => '成功标记账单为已发送!',
+ 'email_required' => '此客户沒有邮箱!',
+ ],
+ 'notification' => [
+ 'message' => '由于您有一个即将到來的 :amount 账单给客户 :customer,因此收到此邮件。',
+ 'button' => '立即付款',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/items.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/items.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16297ba44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/items.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ '数量 | 数量',
+ 'sales_price' => '定价',
+ 'purchase_price' => '售价',
+ 'sku' => '库存',
+ 'notification' => [
+ 'message' => '由于 :name 已经无库存,因此您会收到此封邮件。',
+ 'button' => '现在查看',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/messages.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/messages.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b216071ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/messages.php
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ [
+ 'added' => '已新增:type !',
+ 'updated' => '已更新:type !',
+ 'deleted' => '已刪除:type !',
+ 'duplicated' => ':type 重复!',
+ 'imported' => ':type 已导入!',
+ 'enabled' => ':type 已启用!',
+ 'disabled' => ':type 已禁用!',
+ ],
+ 'error' => [
+ 'over_payment' => '错误:未加入付款方式!数量超过总计。',
+ 'not_user_company' => '错误:您不允许管理此公司!',
+ 'customer' => '错误:未创建用户!:name已经使用此邮箱。',
+ 'no_file' => '错误:沒有选择文件!',
+ 'last_category' => '错误:无法刪除最后一个 :type 分类!',
+ 'invalid_token' => '错误:token输入错误!',
+ 'import_column' => '错误: :message Sheet name: :sheet. Line number: :line.',
+ 'import_sheet' => '错误: Sheet name 无效. 请检查示例文件.',
+ ],
+ 'warning' => [
+ 'deleted' => '警告:由于和 :text 相关,你不能刪除:name。',
+ 'disabled' => '警告:由于和 :text 相关,你不能停用:name。',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/modules.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/modules.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11eaafca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/modules.php
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ 'API Token',
+ 'api_token' => 'Token',
+ 'my_apps' => '我的应用',
+ 'top_paid' => '最佳销售',
+ 'new' => '新增',
+ 'top_free' => '最佳免费',
+ 'free' => '免费',
+ 'search' => '搜索',
+ 'install' => '安装',
+ 'buy_now' => '马上购买',
+ 'token_link' => '点这里取得您的 API token.',
+ 'no_apps' => '此分类中尚无App。',
+ 'developer' => '您是開發人員嗎?這裡可以幫助您學習如何建立應用程式並立即開始銷售!',
+ 'about' => '關於',
+ 'added' => '已新增',
+ 'updated' => '已更新',
+ 'compatibility' => '相容性',
+ 'installed' => '已安裝 :module',
+ 'uninstalled' => '已移除 :module',
+ //'updated' => ':module updated',
+ 'enabled' => '已啟用 :module',
+ 'disabled' => '已停用 :module',
+ 'tab' => [
+ 'installation' => '安裝',
+ 'faq' => '常見問題',
+ 'changelog' => '更新日誌',
+ ],
+ 'installation' => [
+ 'header' => '應用程式安裝',
+ 'download' => '下載模組檔案中::module',
+ 'unzip' => '解開模組封裝中::module',
+ 'install' => '安裝 :module檔案中。',
+ ],
+ 'badge' => [
+ 'installed' => '安装成功',
+ ],
+ 'button' => [
+ 'uninstall' => '移除',
+ 'disable' => '停用',
+ 'enable' => '啟用',
+ ],
+ 'my' => [
+ 'purchased' => '已购买',
+ 'installed' => '已安装',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/notifications.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/notifications.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33646c6b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/notifications.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ '啊噢!',
+ 'hello' => 'Hello!',
+ 'salutation' => '尊敬的,
+ 'subcopy' => '如果您在点击":text" 按钮时遇到问题,请将以下网址复制并粘贴到您的网络浏览器中: [:url](:url)',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/pagination.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/pagination.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96986853b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/pagination.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ '« 上一页',
+ 'next' => '下一页 »',
+ 'showing' => '显示 :first 至 :last 的 :total :type',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/passwords.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/passwords.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a66bca0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/passwords.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ '密码至少是六位字符并且匹配。',
+ 'reset' => '密码重置成功!',
+ 'sent' => '密码重置邮件已发送!',
+ 'token' => '密码重置令牌无效。',
+ 'user' => "找不到该邮箱对应的用户。",
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/recurring.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/recurring.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e0d17ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/recurring.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ '循环',
+ 'every' => '每个',
+ 'period' => '周期',
+ 'times' => '次',
+ 'daily' => '每日',
+ 'weekly' => '每周',
+ 'monthly' => '每月',
+ 'yearly' => '每年',
+ 'custom' => '自定义',
+ 'days' => '天',
+ 'weeks' => '周',
+ 'months' => '月',
+ 'years' => '年',
+ 'message' => '这是一个循环的 :type 且下次的 :type 将会自动产生于 :date',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/reports.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/reports.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0712ced5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/reports.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ '今年',
+ 'previous_year' => '去年',
+ 'this_quarter' => '本季',
+ 'previous_quarter' => '前一季',
+ 'last_12_months' => '过去 12 个月',
+ 'profit_loss' => '损益',
+ 'gross_profit' => '毛利',
+ 'net_profit' => '初始利润',
+ 'total_expenses' => '总费用',
+ 'net' => '初始',
+ 'summary' => [
+ 'income' => '收入概要',
+ 'expense' => '支出概要',
+ 'income_expense' => '收入 vs 支出',
+ 'tax' => '税务概要',
+ ],
+ 'quarter' => [
+ '1' => '一至三月',
+ '2' => '四至六月',
+ '3' => '七至九月',
+ '4' => '十至十二月',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/settings.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/settings.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5d30aa3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/settings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ [
+ 'name' => '名称',
+ 'email' => '电子邮箱',
+ 'phone' => '电话',
+ 'address' => '地址',
+ 'logo' => '标志',
+ ],
+ 'localisation' => [
+ 'tab' => '本地化',
+ 'date' => [
+ 'format' => '日期格式',
+ 'separator' => '日期分隔',
+ 'dash' => '破折号 (-)',
+ 'dot' => '点 (.)',
+ 'comma' => '逗号 (,)',
+ 'slash' => '斜线 (/)',
+ 'space' => '空格 ( )',
+ ],
+ 'timezone' => '时区',
+ 'percent' => [
+ 'title' => '百分比 (%) 位置',
+ 'before' => '编号之前',
+ 'after' => '编号之后',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'invoice' => [
+ 'tab' => '订单',
+ 'prefix' => '订单前缀',
+ 'digit' => '数字位数',
+ 'next' => '下一个号码',
+ 'logo' => 'Logo',
+ ],
+ 'default' => [
+ 'tab' => '默认',
+ 'account' => '默认账户',
+ 'currency' => '默认货币',
+ 'tax' => '默认税率',
+ 'payment' => '默认付款方式',
+ 'language' => '默认语言',
+ ],
+ 'email' => [
+ 'protocol' => '协议',
+ 'php' => 'PHP Mail',
+ 'smtp' => [
+ 'name' => 'SMTP',
+ 'host' => 'SMTP IP',
+ 'port' => 'SMTP Port',
+ 'username' => 'SMTP 账户',
+ 'password' => 'SMTP 绵绵',
+ 'encryption' => 'SMTP 安全性',
+ 'none' => '无',
+ ],
+ 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail',
+ 'sendmail_path' => 'Sendmail 路径',
+ 'log' => '邮件日志',
+ ],
+ 'scheduling' => [
+ 'tab' => '计划任务',
+ 'send_invoice' => '发送订单提醒',
+ 'invoice_days' => '与到期日后发送',
+ 'send_bill' => '发送账单提醒',
+ 'bill_days' => '与到期日前发送',
+ 'cron_command' => 'Cron命令',
+ 'schedule_time' => '执行时间',
+ ],
+ 'appearance' => [
+ 'tab' => '显示',
+ 'theme' => '主题',
+ 'light' => '明亮',
+ 'dark' => '暗色',
+ 'list_limit' => '每页记录数量',
+ 'use_gravatar' => '使用 Gravatar(邮箱头像:不建议开启,影响系统速度)',
+ ],
+ 'system' => [
+ 'tab' => '系统',
+ 'session' => [
+ 'lifetime' => 'Session周期 (分钟)',
+ 'handler' => 'Session管理',
+ 'file' => '文件',
+ 'database' => '数据库',
+ ],
+ 'file_size' => '最大文件容量 (MB)',
+ 'file_types' => '允许文件格式',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/taxes.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/taxes.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba57ab0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/taxes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ '税率',
+ 'rate_percent' => '税率 (%)',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/transfers.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/transfers.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6e3fa88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/transfers.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ '来自账户',
+ 'to_account' => '收件账户',
+ 'messages' => [
+ 'delete' => ':from to :to (:amount)',
+ ],
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/updates.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/updates.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b52875d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/updates.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ '已安装版本',
+ 'latest_version' => '最新版本',
+ 'update' => '更新 Akaunting 至 :version 版',
+ 'changelog' => '更新日誌',
+ 'check' => '檢查',
+ 'new_core' => '新版 Akaunting 已準備好。',
+ 'latest_core' => '太好了!你已經使用最新版 Akaunting,未來將會自動套用安全性更新。',
+ 'success' => '更新程序已完成。',
+ 'error' => '更新程序失敗,請重試。',
diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27872f8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ '必须接受 :attribute。',
+ 'active_url' => ':attribute 并非一个有效的网址。',
+ 'after' => ':attribute 必须要晚于 :date。',
+ 'after_or_equal' => ':attribute 必须要等于 :date 或更晚',
+ 'alpha' => ':attribute 只能以字母组成。',
+ 'alpha_dash' => ':attribute 只能以字母、数字及斜线组成。',
+ 'alpha_num' => ':attribute 只能以字母及数字组成。',
+ 'array' => ':attribute 必须为数组。',
+ 'before' => ':attribute 必须要早于 :date。',
+ 'before_or_equal' => ':attribute 必须要等于 :date 或更早。',
+ 'between' => [
+ 'numeric' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min 至 :max 之间。',
+ 'file' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min 至 :max kb 之间。 ',
+ 'string' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min 至 :max 个字符之间。',
+ 'array' => ':attribute: 必须有 :min - :max 个元素。',
+ ],
+ 'boolean' => ':attribute 必须为布尔值(是、否/真、假)。',
+ 'confirmed' => ':attribute 确认值的输入不一致。',
+ 'date' => ':attribute 并非一个有效日期。',
+ 'date_format' => ':attribute 不符合 :format 的格式。',
+ 'different' => ':attribute 与 :other 必须不同。',
+ 'digits' => ':attribute 必须是 :digits 位数字。',
+ 'digits_between' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min 至 :max 位数字。',
+ 'dimensions' => ':attribute 图片尺寸不正确。',
+ 'distinct' => ':attribute 已存在。',
+ 'email' => ':attribute 必须是有效的邮箱。',
+ 'exists' => '所选择的 :attribute 选项无效。',
+ 'file' => ':attribute 必须是文件。',
+ 'filled' => ':attribute 不能留空。',
+ 'image' => ':attribute 必须是图片。',
+ 'in' => '所选择的 :attribute 选项无效。',
+ 'in_array' => ':attribute 没有在 :other 中。',
+ 'integer' => ':attribute 必须是整数。',
+ 'ip' => ':attribute 必须是有效的 IP 地址。',
+ 'json' => ':attribute 必须是正确的 JSON 字符串。',
+ 'max' => [
+ 'numeric' => ':attribute 不能大于 :max。',
+ 'file' => ':attribute 不能大于 :max kb。',
+ 'string' => ':attribute 不能多于 :max 个字符。',
+ 'array' => ':attribute 最多有 :max 个元素。',
+ ],
+ 'mimes' => ':attribute 必须为 :values 的文件。',
+ 'mimetypes' => ':attribute 必须为 :values 的文件。',
+ 'min' => [
+ 'numeric' => ':attribute 不能小于 :min。',
+ 'file' => ':attribute 不能小于 :min kb。',
+ 'string' => ':attribute 不能小于 :min 个字符。',
+ 'array' => ':attribute 至少有 :min 个元素。',
+ ],
+ 'not_in' => '所选择的 :attribute 选项无效。',
+ 'numeric' => ':attribute 必须为数字。',
+ 'present' => ':attribute 必须存在。',
+ 'regex' => ':attribute 的格式错误。',
+ 'required' => ':attribute 不能留空。',
+ 'required_if' => '当 :other 是 :value 时 :attribute 不能留空。',
+ 'required_unless' => '当 :other 不是 :value 时 :attribute 不能留空。',
+ 'required_with' => '当 :values 出现时 :attribute 不能留空。',
+ 'required_with_all' => '当 :values 出现时 :attribute 不能為空。',
+ 'required_without' => '当 :values 留空时 :attribute field 不能留空。',
+ 'required_without_all' => '当 :values 都不出现时 :attribute 不能留空。',
+ 'same' => ':attribute 与 :other 必须相同。',
+ 'size' => [
+ 'numeric' => ':attribute 的大小必须是 :size。',
+ 'file' => ':attribute 的大小必须是 :size kb。',
+ 'string' => ':attribute 必须是 :size 个字符。',
+ 'array' => ':attribute 必须是 :size 个元素。',
+ ],
+ 'string' => ':attribute 必须是字符串。',
+ 'timezone' => ':attribute 必须是争取的时区值。',
+ 'unique' => ':attribute 已经存在。',
+ 'uploaded' => ':attribute 上传失败。',
+ 'url' => ':attribute 的格式错误。',
+ /*
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Custom Validation Language Lines
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ |
+ | Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
+ | convention "attribute.rule" to name the lines. This makes it quick to
+ | specify a specific custom language line for a given attribute rule.
+ |
+ */
+ 'custom' => [
+ 'attribute-name' => [
+ 'rule-name' => '自定信息',
+ ],
+ 'invalid_currency' => ':attribute code 无效.',
+ ],
+ /*
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Custom Validation Attributes
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ |
+ | The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
+ | with something more reader friendly such as E-Mail Address instead
+ | of "email". This simply helps us make messages a little cleaner.
+ |
+ */
+ 'attributes' => [],