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2020-12-24 01:28:38 +03:00
namespace App\Models\Document;
use App\Abstracts\Model;
use App\Models\Setting\Tax;
2020-12-26 16:13:34 +03:00
use App\Scopes\Document as Scope;
2020-12-24 01:28:38 +03:00
use App\Traits\Currencies;
use App\Traits\DateTime;
use App\Traits\Documents;
use App\Traits\Media;
use App\Traits\Recurring;
use Bkwld\Cloner\Cloneable;
use Database\Factories\Document as DocumentFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
class Document extends Model
use HasFactory, Documents, Cloneable, Currencies, DateTime, Media, Recurring;
public const INVOICE_TYPE = 'invoice';
public const BILL_TYPE = 'bill';
protected $table = 'documents';
protected $appends = ['attachment', 'amount_without_tax', 'discount', 'paid', 'received_at', 'status_label', 'sent_at'];
2020-12-24 01:28:38 +03:00
protected $dates = ['deleted_at', 'issued_at', 'due_at'];
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be cast.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'amount' => 'double',
'currency_rate' => 'double',
* @var array
public $sortable = ['document_number', 'contact_name', 'amount', 'status', 'issued_at', 'due_at'];
* @var array
public $cloneable_relations = ['items', 'recurring', 'totals'];
* The "booting" method of the model.
* @return void
protected static function boot()
static::addGlobalScope(new Scope);
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Setting\Category')->withDefault(['name' => trans('general.na')]);
public function contact()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Common\Contact')->withDefault(['name' => trans('general.na')]);
public function currency()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Setting\Currency', 'currency_code', 'code');
public function items()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Document\DocumentItem', 'document_id');
public function item_taxes()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Document\DocumentItemTax', 'document_id');
public function histories()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Document\DocumentHistory', 'document_id');
public function payments()
return $this->transactions();
public function recurring()
return $this->morphOne('App\Models\Common\Recurring', 'recurable');
public function totals()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Document\DocumentTotal', 'document_id');
public function transactions()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Banking\Transaction', 'document_id')->where('type', 'income');
public function totals_sorted()
return $this->totals()->orderBy('sort_order');
public function scopeLatest(Builder $query)
return $query->orderBy('issued_at', 'desc');
public function scopeNumber(Builder $query, string $number)
return $query->where('document_number', '=', $number);
public function scopeDue($query, $date)
return $query->whereDate('due_at', '=', $date);
public function scopeAccrued($query)
return $query->whereNotIn('status', ['draft', 'cancelled']);
public function scopePaid($query)
return $query->where('status', '=', 'paid');
public function scopeNotPaid($query)
return $query->where('status', '<>', 'paid');
public function scopeType(Builder $query, string $type)
return $query->where($this->table . '.type', '=', $type);
public function scopeInvoice(Builder $query)
return $query->where($this->table . '.type', '=', self::INVOICE_TYPE);
public function scopeBill(Builder $query)
return $query->where($this->table . '.type', '=', self::BILL_TYPE);
* @inheritDoc
* @param Document $src
* @param boolean $child
public function onCloning($src, $child = null)
$this->status = 'draft';
$this->document_number = $this->getNextDocumentNumber($src->type);
public function getSentAtAttribute(string $value = null)
$sent = $this->histories()->where('status', 'sent')->first();
return $sent->created_at ?? null;
public function getReceivedAtAttribute(string $value = null)
$received = $this->histories()->where('status', 'received')->first();
return $received->created_at ?? null;
* Get the current balance.
* @return string
public function getAttachmentAttribute($value = null)
if (!empty($value) && !$this->hasMedia('attachment')) {
return $value;
} elseif (!$this->hasMedia('attachment')) {
return false;
return $this->getMedia('attachment')->last();
* Get the discount percentage.
* @return string
public function getDiscountAttribute()
$percent = 0;
$discount = $this->totals->where('code', 'discount')->makeHidden('title')->pluck('amount')->first();
if ($discount) {
$sub_total = $this->totals->where('code', 'sub_total')->makeHidden('title')->pluck('amount')->first();
$percent = number_format((($discount * 100) / $sub_total), 0);
return $percent;
* Get the paid amount.
* @return string
public function getPaidAttribute()
if (empty($this->amount)) {
return false;
$paid = 0;
$reconciled = $reconciled_amount = 0;
$code = $this->currency_code;
$rate = config('money.' . $code . '.rate');
$precision = config('money.' . $code . '.precision');
if ($this->transactions->count()) {
foreach ($this->transactions as $item) {
$amount = $item->amount;
if ($code != $item->currency_code) {
$amount = $this->convertBetween($amount, $item->currency_code, $item->currency_rate, $code, $rate);
$paid += $amount;
if ($item->reconciled) {
$reconciled_amount = +$amount;
if (bccomp(round($this->amount, $precision), round($reconciled_amount, $precision), $precision) === 0) {
$reconciled = 1;
$this->setAttribute('reconciled', $reconciled);
return round($paid, $precision);
* Get the status label.
* @return string
public function getStatusLabelAttribute()
switch ($this->status) {
case 'paid':
$label = 'success';
case 'partial':
$label = 'info';
case 'sent':
case 'received':
$label = 'danger';
case 'viewed':
$label = 'warning';
case 'cancelled':
$label = 'dark';
$label = 'primary';
return $label;
* Get the amount without tax.
* @return string
public function getAmountWithoutTaxAttribute()
$amount = $this->amount;
$this->totals->where('code', 'tax')->each(function ($total) use(&$amount) {
$tax = Tax::name($total->name)->first();
if (!empty($tax) && ($tax->type == 'withholding')) {
$amount -= $total->amount;
return $amount;
protected static function newFactory(): Factory
return DocumentFactory::new();