'description'=>'The update of :alias from :current_version to :new_version failed in <strong>:step</strong> step with the following message: :error_message',
'description'=>'Not able to create the export file due to the following issue:',
'title'=>'Export is ready',
'description'=>'Your <strong>:type</strong> export file is ready to <a href=":url" target="_blank"><strong>download</strong></a>.',
'title'=>'Export failed',
'description'=>'Not able to create the export file due to the following issue: :issues',
'title'=>'Import completed',
'description'=>'Your <strong>:type</strong> lined <strong>:count</strong> data is imported successfully.',
'title'=>'New App',
'description'=>'<strong>:name</strong> app is out. You can <a href=":url">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'New Invoice',
'description'=>'<strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice is created. You can <a href=":invoice_portal_link">click here</a> to see the details and proceed with the payment.',
'title'=>'Invoice Overdue',
'description'=>'<strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice was due <strong>:invoice_due_date</strong>. You can <a href=":invoice_portal_link">click here</a> to see the details and proceed with the payment.',
'title'=>'Invoice Overdue',
'description'=>'<strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice was due <strong>:invoice_due_date</strong>. You can <a href=":invoice_admin_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'New Recurring Invoice',
'description'=>'<strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice is created based on your recurring circle. You can <a href=":invoice_portal_link">click here</a> to see the details and proceed with the payment.',
'title'=>'New Recurring Invoice',
'description'=>'<strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice is created based on <strong>:customer_name</strong> recurring circle. You can <a href=":invoice_admin_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'Invoice Viewed',
'description'=>'<strong>:customer_name</strong> has viewed the <strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice. You can <a href=":invoice_admin_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'Payment Received',
'description'=>'Thank you for the payment for <strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice. You can <a href=":invoice_portal_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'Payment Received',
'description'=>'Thank you for the payment for <strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice. You can <a href=":invoice_portal_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'Payment Received',
'description'=>':customer_name recorded payment for <strong>:invoice_number</strong> invoice. You can <a href=":invoice_admin_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'Bill Overdue',
'description'=>'<strong>:bill_number</strong> bill was due <strong>:bill_due_date</strong>. You can <a href=":bill_admin_link">click here</a> to see the details.',
'title'=>'New Recurring Bill',
'description'=>'<strong>:bill_number</strong> bill is created based on <strong>:vendor_name</strong> recurring circle. You can <a href=":bill_admin_link">click here</a> to see the details.',