i701 bdf3729b0d Implement new features and enhance existing components for improved user experience
- Added a new `bun.lockb` file for dependency management.
- Updated `next.config.ts` to set output to "standalone" for better deployment options.
- Removed `package-lock.json` to streamline package management.
- Modified `package.json` to update dependencies, including `@prisma/client` and `sonner`, and adjusted build scripts for improved functionality.
- Enhanced Tailwind CSS configuration to include new animations and color schemes.
- Refactored various dashboard components to improve UI consistency, including adding a new `My Wallet` page and updating existing pages to use a unified styling approach.
- Introduced a new `BlockDeviceDialog` component for managing device blocking with user-defined reasons.
- Improved logging and error handling in payment verification and device management functions.

These changes enhance the overall functionality, maintainability, and user experience of the application.
2024-12-26 20:25:59 +05:00

66 lines
1.9 KiB

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