i701 c06c4fee3f Implement parental control features and enhance device management
- Added a new Parental Control page for managing device access and notifications.
- Introduced blockDevice function to handle blocking and unblocking devices based on payment status.
- Enhanced omada-actions.ts to include device blocking logic and improved error handling.
- Updated DevicesTable component to integrate BlockDeviceButton for managing device states.
- Implemented API route for checking device statuses and sending notifications for expiring devices.
- Refactored payment processing to update device statuses upon successful payment verification.
- Added new utility functions for API key validation and SMS notifications.

These changes improve user control over device management and enhance the overall functionality of the application.
2024-12-22 21:34:57 +05:00

56 lines
1.6 KiB

'use client';
import React, { useMemo, type JSX } from 'react';
import { motion } from 'motion/react';
import { cn } from '@/lib/utils';
interface TextShimmerProps {
children: string;
as?: React.ElementType;
className?: string;
duration?: number;
spread?: number;
export function TextShimmer({
as: Component = 'p',
duration = 2,
spread = 2,
}: TextShimmerProps) {
const MotionComponent = motion.create(
Component as keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
const dynamicSpread = useMemo(() => {
return children.length * spread;
}, [children, spread]);
return (
'relative inline-block bg-[length:250%_100%,auto] bg-clip-text',
'text-transparent [--base-color:#a1a1aa] [--base-gradient-color:#000]',
'[--bg:linear-gradient(90deg,#0000_calc(50%-var(--spread)),var(--base-gradient-color),#0000_calc(50%+var(--spread)))] [background-repeat:no-repeat,padding-box]',
'dark:[--base-color:#71717a] dark:[--base-gradient-color:#ffffff] dark:[--bg:linear-gradient(90deg,#0000_calc(50%-var(--spread)),var(--base-gradient-color),#0000_calc(50%+var(--spread)))]',
initial={{ backgroundPosition: '100% center' }}
animate={{ backgroundPosition: '0% center' }}
repeat: Infinity,
ease: 'linear',
'--spread': `${dynamicSpread}px`,
backgroundImage: `var(--bg), linear-gradient(var(--base-color), var(--base-color))`,
} as React.CSSProperties