import type { Device } from "@prisma/client"; import { atom, createStore } from "jotai"; // Create a single store instance export const store = createStore(); // Create atoms with the store export const initialPriceAtom = atom(100); export const discountPercentageAtom = atom(75); export const numberOfDevicesAtom = atom(1); export const numberOfDaysAtom = atom(30); export const numberOfMonths = atom(1); export const walletTopUpValue = atom(1); export const formulaResultAtom = atom(""); export const deviceCartAtom = atom([]); export const cartDrawerOpenAtom = atom(false); export const WalletDrawerOpenAtom = atom(false); // Export the atoms with their store export const atoms = { initialPriceAtom, discountPercentageAtom, numberOfDevicesAtom, numberOfDaysAtom, numberOfMonths, formulaResultAtom, deviceCartAtom, cartDrawerOpenAtom, walletTopUpValue, };