- Added new PaymentPage component for processing payments and displaying devices to pay.
- Introduced DeviceDetails component for viewing individual device information.
- Implemented PriceCalculator component for calculating costs based on user input.
- Integrated Jotai for state management across components, including device cart functionality.
- Updated layout to include Jotai Provider for state management.
- Enhanced DevicesTable with AddDevicesToCartButton for adding devices to the cart.
- Refactored sidebar to include a link to the new Price Calculator page.
- Updated Prisma schema to include Payment and BillFormula models for better data handling.
- Added new UI components for device cart management and drawer functionality.
- Improved overall user experience with responsive design adjustments and new UI elements.
- Updated AccountPopover to utilize session data for user information display.
- Modified ApplicationLayout to fetch user details from the database using Prisma.
- Replaced Checkbox components with native input elements in SignUpForm for better accessibility.
- Enhanced seed script to include default islands and create related data in the database.
- Replaced 'house_name' with 'address' in user schema and related files.
- Added new fields for terms and privacy policy acceptance in the signup form schema.
- Updated package.json and package-lock.json to include @radix-ui/react-checkbox for checkbox functionality.
- Modified seed script to reflect changes in the user model.