- Updated `package.json` to include the latest version of `@radix-ui/react-separator` and added `moment` for date handling.
- Modified `blockDevice` function in `omada-actions.ts` to include a `blockedBy` parameter, allowing differentiation between admin and parent actions.
- Refactored `payment.ts` to include expiry date handling for devices during payment processing.
- Improved `DevicesTable` and `ClickableRow` components to support admin functionalities and enhance device interaction.
- Updated `BlockDeviceDialog` to accept an `admin` prop, allowing for tailored blocking actions based on user role.
- Enhanced UI components for better consistency and responsiveness across the dashboard.
These changes improve the overall functionality and maintainability of the application, providing a better user experience in device management.
- Updated user verification logic to include atoll and island relationships.
- Introduced CreateClient function for integrating with external client API.
- Replaced 'house_name' with 'address' in user signup data handling.
- Added new Checkbox component for improved UI interactions.
- Migrated database provider from SQLite to PostgreSQL and redefined user schema.
- Removed obsolete migration files and ensured database integrity with new structure.