- Updated SMS API calls in auth-actions.ts, user-actions.ts, and check-devices/route.ts to utilize environment variables for the base URL and API key.
- Changed request body parameters from 'text' to 'message' and added 'check_delivery' to improve SMS delivery tracking.
These changes enhance security and maintainability by centralizing configuration settings.
- Implemented Rejectuser function to delete a user and send rejection details via SMS.
- Added SendUserRejectionDetailSMS function for SMS notifications.
- Introduced AddDevice function to create new devices associated with users.
- Updated user-actions.ts to include new functionalities and improve user management.
- Refactored auth-guard.ts to ensure proper session handling for admin access.
- Updated user verification logic to include atoll and island relationships.
- Introduced CreateClient function for integrating with external client API.
- Replaced 'house_name' with 'address' in user signup data handling.
- Added new Checkbox component for improved UI interactions.
- Migrated database provider from SQLite to PostgreSQL and redefined user schema.
- Removed obsolete migration files and ensured database integrity with new structure.
- Updated signin and signup actions to correctly handle phone number redirection and date of birth formatting.
- Introduced a new user-actions file to implement user verification logic.
- Added an auth guard to restrict access based on user roles.
- Enhanced the auth configuration to include user roles and language settings.
- Improved validation schemas for user input in the signup form.