- Updated SMS API calls in auth-actions.ts, user-actions.ts, and check-devices/route.ts to utilize environment variables for the base URL and API key.
- Changed request body parameters from 'text' to 'message' and added 'check_delivery' to improve SMS delivery tracking.
These changes enhance security and maintainability by centralizing configuration settings.
- Introduced wallet payment option in verifyPayment function to allow users to pay using their wallet balance.
- Added new BlockDeviceDialog component for managing device blocking and unblocking actions.
- Updated DeviceCard component to display device status and integrate blocking functionality.
- Refactored DevicesTable to utilize DeviceCard for better UI representation of devices.
- Implemented Wallet component to manage wallet balance and top-up functionality.
- Enhanced API routes and Prisma schema to support wallet transactions and device blocking reasons.
- Improved overall user experience with responsive design adjustments and new UI elements.
These changes improve user control over payments and device management, enhancing the overall functionality of the application.
- Added a new Parental Control page for managing device access and notifications.
- Introduced blockDevice function to handle blocking and unblocking devices based on payment status.
- Enhanced omada-actions.ts to include device blocking logic and improved error handling.
- Updated DevicesTable component to integrate BlockDeviceButton for managing device states.
- Implemented API route for checking device statuses and sending notifications for expiring devices.
- Refactored payment processing to update device statuses upon successful payment verification.
- Added new utility functions for API key validation and SMS notifications.
These changes improve user control over device management and enhance the overall functionality of the application.