521 lines
16 KiB
521 lines
16 KiB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.createHttpError = createHttpError;
exports.parseJson = parseJson;
exports.configureRequestOptionsFromUrl = configureRequestOptionsFromUrl;
exports.configureRequestUrl = configureRequestUrl;
exports.safeGetHeader = safeGetHeader;
exports.configureRequestOptions = configureRequestOptions;
exports.safeStringifyJson = safeStringifyJson;
exports.DigestTransform = exports.HttpExecutor = exports.HttpError = void 0;
function _crypto() {
const data = require("crypto");
_crypto = function () {
return data;
return data;
var _debug2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("debug"));
var _fs = require("fs");
function _stream() {
const data = require("stream");
_stream = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _url() {
const data = require("url");
_url = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _CancellationToken() {
const data = require("./CancellationToken");
_CancellationToken = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _index() {
const data = require("./index");
_index = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _ProgressCallbackTransform() {
const data = require("./ProgressCallbackTransform");
_ProgressCallbackTransform = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
const debug = (0, _debug2.default)("electron-builder");
function createHttpError(response, description = null) {
return new HttpError(response.statusCode || -1, `${response.statusCode} ${response.statusMessage}` + (description == null ? "" : "\n" + JSON.stringify(description, null, " ")) + "\nHeaders: " + safeStringifyJson(response.headers), description);
const HTTP_STATUS_CODES = new Map([[429, "Too many requests"], [400, "Bad request"], [403, "Forbidden"], [404, "Not found"], [405, "Method not allowed"], [406, "Not acceptable"], [408, "Request timeout"], [413, "Request entity too large"], [500, "Internal server error"], [502, "Bad gateway"], [503, "Service unavailable"], [504, "Gateway timeout"], [505, "HTTP version not supported"]]);
class HttpError extends Error {
constructor(statusCode, message = `HTTP error: ${HTTP_STATUS_CODES.get(statusCode) || statusCode}`, description = null) {
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.description = description;
this.name = "HttpError";
this.code = `HTTP_ERROR_${statusCode}`;
exports.HttpError = HttpError;
function parseJson(result) {
return result.then(it => it == null || it.length === 0 ? null : JSON.parse(it));
class HttpExecutor {
constructor() {
this.maxRedirects = 10;
request(options, cancellationToken = new (_CancellationToken().CancellationToken)(), data) {
const encodedData = data == null ? undefined : Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data));
if (encodedData != null) {
options.method = "post";
options.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
options.headers["Content-Length"] = encodedData.length;
return this.doApiRequest(options, cancellationToken, it => {
doApiRequest(options, cancellationToken, requestProcessor, redirectCount = 0) {
if (debug.enabled) {
debug(`Request: ${safeStringifyJson(options)}`);
return cancellationToken.createPromise((resolve, reject, onCancel) => {
const request = this.createRequest(options, response => {
try {
this.handleResponse(response, options, cancellationToken, resolve, reject, redirectCount, requestProcessor);
} catch (e) {
this.addErrorAndTimeoutHandlers(request, reject);
this.addRedirectHandlers(request, options, reject, redirectCount, options => {
this.doApiRequest(options, cancellationToken, requestProcessor, redirectCount).then(resolve).catch(reject);
requestProcessor(request, reject);
onCancel(() => request.abort());
} // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
// eslint-disable-next-line
addRedirectHandlers(request, options, reject, redirectCount, handler) {// not required for NodeJS
addErrorAndTimeoutHandlers(request, reject) {
this.addTimeOutHandler(request, reject);
request.on("error", reject);
request.on("aborted", () => {
reject(new Error("Request has been aborted by the server"));
handleResponse(response, options, cancellationToken, resolve, reject, redirectCount, requestProcessor) {
if (debug.enabled) {
debug(`Response: ${response.statusCode} ${response.statusMessage}, request options: ${safeStringifyJson(options)}`);
} // we handle any other >= 400 error on request end (read detailed message in the response body)
if (response.statusCode === 404) {
// error is clear, we don't need to read detailed error description
reject(createHttpError(response, `method: ${options.method || "GET"} url: ${options.protocol || "https:"}//${options.hostname}${options.port ? `:${options.port}` : ""}${options.path}
Please double check that your authentication token is correct. Due to security reasons actual status maybe not reported, but 404.
} else if (response.statusCode === 204) {
// on DELETE request
const redirectUrl = safeGetHeader(response, "location");
if (redirectUrl != null) {
if (redirectCount > this.maxRedirects) {
this.doApiRequest(HttpExecutor.prepareRedirectUrlOptions(redirectUrl, options), cancellationToken, requestProcessor, redirectCount).then(resolve).catch(reject);
let data = "";
response.on("error", reject);
response.on("data", chunk => data += chunk);
response.on("end", () => {
try {
if (response.statusCode != null && response.statusCode >= 400) {
const contentType = safeGetHeader(response, "content-type");
const isJson = contentType != null && (Array.isArray(contentType) ? contentType.find(it => it.includes("json")) != null : contentType.includes("json"));
reject(createHttpError(response, isJson ? JSON.parse(data) : data));
} else {
resolve(data.length === 0 ? null : data);
} catch (e) {
async downloadToBuffer(url, options) {
return await options.cancellationToken.createPromise((resolve, reject, onCancel) => {
let result = null;
const requestOptions = {
headers: options.headers || undefined,
// because PrivateGitHubProvider requires HttpExecutor.prepareRedirectUrlOptions logic, so, we need to redirect manually
redirect: "manual"
configureRequestUrl(url, requestOptions);
this.doDownload(requestOptions, {
destination: null,
callback: error => {
if (error == null) {
} else {
responseHandler: (response, callback) => {
const contentLength = safeGetHeader(response, "content-length");
let position = -1;
if (contentLength != null) {
const size = parseInt(contentLength, 10);
if (size > 0) {
if (size > 52428800) {
callback(new Error("Maximum allowed size is 50 MB"));
result = Buffer.alloc(size);
position = 0;
response.on("data", chunk => {
if (position !== -1) {
chunk.copy(result, position);
position += chunk.length;
} else if (result == null) {
result = chunk;
} else {
if (result.length > 52428800) {
callback(new Error("Maximum allowed size is 50 MB"));
result = Buffer.concat([result, chunk]);
response.on("end", () => {
if (result != null && position !== -1 && position !== result.length) {
callback(new Error(`Received data length ${position} is not equal to expected ${result.length}`));
} else {
}, 0);
doDownload(requestOptions, options, redirectCount) {
const request = this.createRequest(requestOptions, response => {
if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
options.callback(new Error(`Cannot download "${requestOptions.protocol || "https:"}//${requestOptions.hostname}${requestOptions.path}", status ${response.statusCode}: ${response.statusMessage}`));
} // It is possible for the response stream to fail, e.g. when a network is lost while
// response stream is in progress. Stop waiting and reject so consumer can catch the error.
response.on("error", options.callback); // this code not relevant for Electron (redirect event instead handled)
const redirectUrl = safeGetHeader(response, "location");
if (redirectUrl != null) {
if (redirectCount < this.maxRedirects) {
this.doDownload(HttpExecutor.prepareRedirectUrlOptions(redirectUrl, requestOptions), options, redirectCount++);
} else {
if (options.responseHandler == null) {
configurePipes(options, response);
} else {
options.responseHandler(response, options.callback);
this.addErrorAndTimeoutHandlers(request, options.callback);
this.addRedirectHandlers(request, requestOptions, options.callback, redirectCount, requestOptions => {
this.doDownload(requestOptions, options, redirectCount++);
createMaxRedirectError() {
return new Error(`Too many redirects (> ${this.maxRedirects})`);
addTimeOutHandler(request, callback) {
request.on("socket", socket => {
socket.setTimeout(60 * 1000, () => {
callback(new Error("Request timed out"));
static prepareRedirectUrlOptions(redirectUrl, options) {
const newOptions = configureRequestOptionsFromUrl(redirectUrl, { ...options
const headers = newOptions.headers;
if (headers != null && headers.authorization != null && headers.authorization.startsWith("token")) {
const parsedNewUrl = new (_url().URL)(redirectUrl);
if (parsedNewUrl.hostname.endsWith(".amazonaws.com")) {
delete headers.authorization;
return newOptions;
exports.HttpExecutor = HttpExecutor;
function configureRequestOptionsFromUrl(url, options) {
const result = configureRequestOptions(options);
configureRequestUrl(new (_url().URL)(url), result);
return result;
function configureRequestUrl(url, options) {
options.protocol = url.protocol;
options.hostname = url.hostname;
if (url.port) {
options.port = url.port;
} else if (options.port) {
delete options.port;
options.path = url.pathname + url.search;
class DigestTransform extends _stream().Transform {
constructor(expected, algorithm = "sha512", encoding = "base64") {
this.expected = expected;
this.algorithm = algorithm;
this.encoding = encoding;
this._actual = null;
this.isValidateOnEnd = true;
this.digester = (0, _crypto().createHash)(algorithm);
} // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
get actual() {
return this._actual;
} // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
_transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
callback(null, chunk);
} // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
_flush(callback) {
this._actual = this.digester.digest(this.encoding);
if (this.isValidateOnEnd) {
try {
} catch (e) {
validate() {
if (this._actual == null) {
throw (0, _index().newError)("Not finished yet", "ERR_STREAM_NOT_FINISHED");
if (this._actual !== this.expected) {
throw (0, _index().newError)(`${this.algorithm} checksum mismatch, expected ${this.expected}, got ${this._actual}`, "ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH");
return null;
exports.DigestTransform = DigestTransform;
function checkSha2(sha2Header, sha2, callback) {
if (sha2Header != null && sha2 != null && sha2Header !== sha2) {
callback(new Error(`checksum mismatch: expected ${sha2} but got ${sha2Header} (X-Checksum-Sha2 header)`));
return false;
return true;
function safeGetHeader(response, headerKey) {
const value = response.headers[headerKey];
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// electron API
return value.length === 0 ? null : value[value.length - 1];
} else {
return value;
function configurePipes(options, response) {
if (!checkSha2(safeGetHeader(response, "X-Checksum-Sha2"), options.options.sha2, options.callback)) {
const streams = [];
if (options.options.onProgress != null) {
const contentLength = safeGetHeader(response, "content-length");
if (contentLength != null) {
streams.push(new (_ProgressCallbackTransform().ProgressCallbackTransform)(parseInt(contentLength, 10), options.options.cancellationToken, options.options.onProgress));
const sha512 = options.options.sha512;
if (sha512 != null) {
streams.push(new DigestTransform(sha512, "sha512", sha512.length === 128 && !sha512.includes("+") && !sha512.includes("Z") && !sha512.includes("=") ? "hex" : "base64"));
} else if (options.options.sha2 != null) {
streams.push(new DigestTransform(options.options.sha2, "sha256", "hex"));
const fileOut = (0, _fs.createWriteStream)(options.destination);
let lastStream = response;
for (const stream of streams) {
stream.on("error", error => {
if (!options.options.cancellationToken.cancelled) {
lastStream = lastStream.pipe(stream);
fileOut.on("finish", () => {
function configureRequestOptions(options, token, method) {
if (method != null) {
options.method = method;
options.headers = { ...options.headers
const headers = options.headers;
if (token != null) {
headers.authorization = token.startsWith("Basic") ? token : `token ${token}`;
if (headers["User-Agent"] == null) {
headers["User-Agent"] = "electron-builder";
if (method == null || method === "GET" || headers["Cache-Control"] == null) {
headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";
} // do not specify for node (in any case we use https module)
if (options.protocol == null && process.versions.electron != null) {
options.protocol = "https:";
return options;
function safeStringifyJson(data, skippedNames) {
return JSON.stringify(data, (name, value) => {
if (name.endsWith("authorization") || name.endsWith("Password") || name.endsWith("PASSWORD") || name.endsWith("Token") || name.includes("password") || name.includes("token") || skippedNames != null && skippedNames.has(name)) {
return "<stripped sensitive data>";
return value;
}, 2);
// __ts-babel@6.0.4
//# sourceMappingURL=httpExecutor.js.map