2020-06-28 00:01:51 +03:00
# include "common.h"
# ifdef PS2_MENU
# include "MemoryCard.h"
# include "main.h"
# include "DMAudio.h"
# include "AudioScriptObject.h"
# include "Camera.h"
# include "CarGen.h"
# include "Cranes.h"
# include "Clock.h"
# include "MBlur.h"
# include "Date.h"
# include "FileMgr.h"
# include "Game.h"
# include "GameLogic.h"
# include "Gangs.h"
# include "Garages.h"
# include "GenericGameStorage.h"
# include "Pad.h"
# include "Particle.h"
# include "ParticleObject.h"
# include "PathFind.h"
# include "PCSave.h"
# include "Phones.h"
# include "Pickups.h"
# include "PlayerPed.h"
# include "ProjectileInfo.h"
# include "Pools.h"
# include "Radar.h"
# include "Restart.h"
# include "Script.h"
# include "Stats.h"
# include "Streaming.h"
# include "Sprite2d.h"
# include "Timer.h"
# include "TimeStep.h"
# include "Weather.h"
# include "World.h"
# include "Zones.h"
# include "Frontend_PS2.h"
CMemoryCard TheMemoryCard ;
char icon_one [ 16 ] = " slime1.ico " ;
char icon_two [ 16 ] = " slime2.ico " ;
char icon_three [ 16 ] = " slime3.ico " ;
char HostFileLocationOfIcons [ 64 ] = " icons \\ " ;
char TheGameRootDirectory [ 64 ] = " /BESLES-50330GTA30000 " ;
# define ReadDataFromBufferPointer(buf, to) memcpy(&to, buf, sizeof(to)); buf += align4bytes(sizeof(to));
# define WriteDataToBufferPointer(buf, from) memcpy(buf, &from, sizeof(from)); buf += align4bytes(sizeof(from));
static int
align4bytes ( int32 size )
return ( size + 3 ) & 0xFFFFFFFC ;
unsigned short ascii_table [ 3 ] [ 2 ] =
{ 0x824F , 0x30 } , /* 0-9 */
{ 0x8260 , 0x41 } , /* A-Z */
{ 0x8281 , 0x61 } , /* a-z */
} ;
unsigned short ascii_special [ 33 ] [ 2 ] =
{ 0x8140 , 0x20 } , /* " " */
{ 0x8149 , 0x21 } , /* "!" */
{ 0x8168 , 0x22 } , /* """ */
{ 0x8194 , 0x23 } , /* "#" */
{ 0x8190 , 0x24 } , /* "$" */
{ 0x8193 , 0x25 } , /* "%" */
{ 0x8195 , 0x26 } , /* "&" */
{ 0x8166 , 0x27 } , /* "'" */
{ 0x8169 , 0x28 } , /* "(" */
{ 0x816A , 0x29 } , /* ")" */
{ 0x8196 , 0x2A } , /* "*" */
{ 0x817B , 0x2B } , /* "+" */
{ 0x8143 , 0x2C } , /* "," */
{ 0x817C , 0x2D } , /* "-" */
{ 0x8144 , 0x2E } , /* "." */
{ 0x815E , 0x2F } , /* "/" */
{ 0x8146 , 0x3A } , /* ":" */
{ 0x8147 , 0x3B } , /* ";" */
{ 0x8171 , 0x3C } , /* "<" */
{ 0x8181 , 0x3D } , /* "=" */
{ 0x8172 , 0x3E } , /* ">" */
{ 0x8148 , 0x3F } , /* "?" */
{ 0x8197 , 0x40 } , /* "@" */
{ 0x816D , 0x5B } , /* "[" */
{ 0x818F , 0x5C } , /* "\" */
{ 0x816E , 0x5D } , /* "]" */
{ 0x814F , 0x5E } , /* "^" */
{ 0x8151 , 0x5F } , /* "_" */
{ 0x8165 , 0x60 } , /* "`" */
{ 0x816F , 0x7B } , /* "{" */
{ 0x8162 , 0x7C } , /* "|" */
{ 0x8170 , 0x7D } , /* "}" */
{ 0x8150 , 0x7E } , /* "~" */
} ;
unsigned short
Ascii2Sjis ( unsigned char ascii_code )
unsigned short sjis_code = 0 ;
unsigned char stmp ;
unsigned char stmp2 = 0 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x20 ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x2f ) )
stmp2 = 1 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x30 ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x39 ) )
stmp = 0 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x3a ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x40 ) )
stmp2 = 11 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x41 ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x5a ) )
stmp = 1 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x5b ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x60 ) )
stmp2 = 37 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x61 ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x7a ) )
stmp = 2 ;
if ( ( ascii_code > = 0x7b ) & & ( ascii_code < = 0x7e ) )
stmp2 = 63 ;
else {
printf ( " bad ASCII code 0x%x \n " , ascii_code ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( stmp2 )
sjis_code = ascii_special [ ascii_code - 0x20 - ( stmp2 - 1 ) ] [ 0 ] ;
sjis_code = ascii_table [ stmp ] [ 0 ] + ascii_code - ascii_table [ stmp ] [ 1 ] ;
return ( sjis_code ) ;
# if defined(GTA_PC)
extern " C "
extern void HandleExit ( ) ;
char CardCurDir [ MAX_CARDS ] [ 260 ] = { " " , " " } ;
char PCCardsPath [ 260 ] ;
char PCCardDir [ MAX_CARDS ] [ 12 ] = { " memcard1 " , " memcard2 " } ;
const char * _psGetUserFilesFolder ( ) ;
void _psCreateFolder ( LPCSTR path ) ;
PCMCInit ( )
sprintf ( PCCardsPath , " %s " , _psGetUserFilesFolder ( ) ) ;
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ CARD_ONE ] ) ;
_psCreateFolder ( path ) ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ CARD_TWO ] ) ;
_psCreateFolder ( path ) ;
# endif
CMemoryCardInfo : : CMemoryCardInfo ( void )
type = 0 ;
free = 0 ;
format = 0 ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( dir ) ; i + + )
dir [ i ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( dir , TheGameRootDirectory , sizeof ( dir ) - 1 ) ;
CMemoryCard : : Init ( void )
# if defined(PS2)
if ( sceMcInit ( ) = = sceMcIniSucceed )
printf ( " Memory card initialsed \n " ) ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
printf ( " Memory Card not being initialised \n " ) ;
return RES_FAILED ;
# else
PCMCInit ( ) ;
printf ( " Memory card initialsed \n " ) ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : CMemoryCard ( void )
_unk0 = 0 ;
CurrentCard = CARD_ONE ;
Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . port = 0 ;
Cards [ CARD_TWO ] . port = 1 ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( _unkName3 ) ; i + + )
_unkName3 [ i ] = ' \0 ' ;
m_bWantToLoad = false ;
_bunk2 = false ;
_bunk7 = false ;
JustLoadedDontFadeInYet = false ;
StillToFadeOut = false ;
TimeStartedCountingForFade = 0 ;
TimeToStayFadedBeforeFadeOut = 1750 ;
b_FoundRecentSavedGameWantToLoad = false ;
char date [ 64 ] ;
char time [ 64 ] ;
char day [ 8 ] ;
char month [ 8 ] ;
char year [ 8 ] ;
char hour [ 8 ] ;
char minute [ 8 ] ;
char second [ 8 ] ;
strncpy ( date , " Oct 7 2001 " , 62 ) ;
strncpy ( time , " 15:48:32 " , 62 ) ;
strncpy ( month , date , 3 ) ;
month [ 3 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( day , & date [ 4 ] , 2 ) ;
day [ 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( year , & date [ 7 ] , 4 ) ;
year [ 4 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( hour , time , 2 ) ;
hour [ 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( minute , & time [ 3 ] , 2 ) ;
minute [ 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( second , & time [ 6 ] , 2 ) ;
second [ 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
# define _CMP(m) strncmp(month, m, sizeof(m)-1)
if ( ! _CMP ( " Jan " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 1 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Feb " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 2 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Mar " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 3 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Apr " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 4 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " May " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 5 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Jun " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 6 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Jul " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 7 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Aug " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 8 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Oct " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 9 ; // BUG: oct and sep is swapped here
if ( ! _CMP ( " Sep " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 10 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Nov " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 11 ;
if ( ! _CMP ( " Dec " ) ) CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth = 12 ;
# undef _CMP
CompileDateAndTime . m_nDay = atoi ( day ) ;
CompileDateAndTime . m_nYear = atoi ( year ) ;
CompileDateAndTime . m_nHour = atoi ( hour ) ;
CompileDateAndTime . m_nMinute = atoi ( minute ) ;
CompileDateAndTime . m_nSecond = atoi ( second ) ;
CMemoryCard : : RestoreForStartLoad ( void )
uint8 buf [ 30 ] ;
int32 file = OpenMemCardFileForReading ( CurrentCard , LoadFileName ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
ReadFromMemCard ( file , buf , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
uint8 * pBuf = buf + sizeof ( uint32 ) + sizeof ( uint32 ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( pBuf , CGame : : currLevel ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( pBuf , TheCamera . GetMatrix ( ) . GetPosition ( ) . x ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( pBuf , TheCamera . GetMatrix ( ) . GetPosition ( ) . y ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( pBuf , TheCamera . GetMatrix ( ) . GetPosition ( ) . z ) ;
if ( CGame : : currLevel ! = LEVEL_INDUSTRIAL )
CStreaming : : RemoveBigBuildings ( LEVEL_INDUSTRIAL ) ;
if ( CGame : : currLevel ! = LEVEL_COMMERCIAL )
CStreaming : : RemoveBigBuildings ( LEVEL_COMMERCIAL ) ;
if ( CGame : : currLevel ! = LEVEL_SUBURBAN )
CStreaming : : RemoveBigBuildings ( LEVEL_SUBURBAN ) ;
CStreaming : : RemoveIslandsNotUsed ( CGame : : currLevel ) ;
CCollision : : SortOutCollisionAfterLoad ( ) ;
CStreaming : : RequestBigBuildings ( CGame : : currLevel ) ;
CStreaming : : LoadAllRequestedModels ( false ) ;
CStreaming : : HaveAllBigBuildingsLoaded ( CGame : : currLevel ) ;
CGame : : TidyUpMemory ( true , false ) ;
CloseMemCardFile ( file ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
CMemoryCard : : LoadSavedGame ( void )
CheckSum = 0 ;
CDate date ;
int32 saveSize = 0 ;
uint32 size = 0 ;
int32 oldLang = CMenuManager : : m_PrefsLanguage ;
CPad : : ResetCheats ( ) ;
ChangeDirectory ( CurrentCard , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
int32 file = OpenMemCardFileForReading ( CurrentCard , LoadFileName ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
# define LoadSaveDataBlock()\
do { \
ReadFromMemCard ( file , & size , sizeof ( size ) ) ; \
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS ) return RES_FAILED ; \
size = align4bytes ( size ) ; \
ReadFromMemCard ( file , work_buff , size ) ; \
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS ) return RES_FAILED ; \
buf = work_buff ; \
} while ( 0 )
uint8 * buf ;
LoadSaveDataBlock ( ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , saveSize ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CGame : : currLevel ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . GetMatrix ( ) . GetPosition ( ) . x ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . GetMatrix ( ) . GetPosition ( ) . y ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . GetMatrix ( ) . GetPosition ( ) . z ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nMillisecondsPerGameMinute ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nLastClockTick ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nGameClockHours ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nGameClockMinutes ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CPad : : GetPad ( 0 ) - > Mode ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : m_snTimeInMilliseconds ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : ms_fTimeScale ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : ms_fTimeStep ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : ms_fTimeStepNonClipped ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : m_FrameCounter ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimeStep : : ms_fTimeStep ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimeStep : : ms_fFramesPerUpdate ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CTimeStep : : ms_fTimeScale ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : OldWeatherType ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : NewWeatherType ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : ForcedWeatherType ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : InterpolationValue ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsMusicVolume ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsSfxVolume ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsControllerConfig ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsUseVibration ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsStereoMono ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsRadioStation ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsBrightness ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsShowTrails ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsShowSubtitles ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsLanguage ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsUseWideScreen ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CPad : : GetPad ( 0 ) - > Mode ) ;
# ifdef PS2
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , BlurOn ) ;
# else
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CMBlur : : BlurOn ) ;
# endif
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , date . m_nSecond ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , date . m_nMinute ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , date . m_nHour ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , date . m_nDay ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , date . m_nMonth ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , date . m_nYear ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : WeatherTypeInList ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . CarZoomIndicator ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . PedZoomIndicator ) ;
if ( date > CompileDateAndTime )
if ( date < CompileDateAndTime )
# define ReadDataFromBlock(load_func)\
do { \
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( buf , size ) ; \
load_func ( buf , size ) ; \
size = align4bytes ( size ) ; \
buf + = size ; \
} while ( 0 )
printf ( " Loading Scripts \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CTheScripts : : LoadAllScripts ) ;
printf ( " Loading PedPool \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CPools : : LoadPedPool ) ;
printf ( " Loading Garages \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CGarages : : Load ) ;
printf ( " Loading Vehicles \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CPools : : LoadVehiclePool ) ;
LoadSaveDataBlock ( ) ;
CProjectileInfo : : RemoveAllProjectiles ( ) ;
CObject : : DeleteAllTempObjects ( ) ;
printf ( " Loading Objects \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CPools : : LoadObjectPool ) ;
printf ( " Loading Paths \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( ThePaths . Load ) ;
printf ( " Loading Cranes \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CCranes : : Load ) ;
LoadSaveDataBlock ( ) ;
printf ( " Loading Pickups \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CPickups : : Load ) ;
printf ( " Loading Phoneinfo \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( gPhoneInfo . Load ) ;
printf ( " Loading Restart \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CRestart : : LoadAllRestartPoints ) ;
printf ( " Loading Radar Blips \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CRadar : : LoadAllRadarBlips ) ;
printf ( " Loading Zones \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CTheZones : : LoadAllZones ) ;
printf ( " Loading Gang Data \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CGangs : : LoadAllGangData ) ;
printf ( " Loading Car Generators \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CTheCarGenerators : : LoadAllCarGenerators ) ;
printf ( " Loading Particles \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CParticleObject : : LoadParticle ) ;
printf ( " Loading AudioScript Objects \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( cAudioScriptObject : : LoadAllAudioScriptObjects ) ;
printf ( " Loading Player Info \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CWorld : : Players [ CWorld : : PlayerInFocus ] . LoadPlayerInfo ) ;
printf ( " Loading Stats \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CStats : : LoadStats ) ;
printf ( " Loading Streaming Stuff \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CStreaming : : MemoryCardLoad ) ;
printf ( " Loading PedType Stuff \n " ) ;
ReadDataFromBlock ( CPedType : : Load ) ;
# undef LoadSaveDataBlock
# undef ReadDataFromBlock
FrontEndMenuManager . SetSoundLevelsForMusicMenu ( ) ;
FrontEndMenuManager . InitialiseMenuContentsAfterLoadingGame ( ) ;
CloseMemCardFile ( file ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
if ( oldLang ! = CMenuManager : : m_PrefsLanguage )
TheText . Unload ( ) ;
TheText . Load ( ) ;
JustLoadedDontFadeInYet = true ;
StillToFadeOut = true ;
CTheScripts : : Process ( ) ;
printf ( " Game sucessfully loaded \n " ) ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
CMemoryCard : : CheckCardInserted ( int32 cardID )
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoCardInfo ;
int type = sceMcTypeNoCard ;
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
while ( sceMcGetInfo ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , & type , 0 , 0 ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( type = = sceMcTypePS2 )
if ( result = = sceMcResChangedCard | | result = = sceMcResSucceed )
return nError ;
else if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : PopulateCardFlags ( int32 cardID , bool bSlotFlag , bool bTypeFlag , bool bFreeFlag , bool bFormatFlag )
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoCardInfo ;
int type = sceMcTypeNoCard ;
int free = 0 ;
int format = 0 ;
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . type = 0 ;
Cards [ cardID ] . free = 0 ;
Cards [ cardID ] . format = 0 ;
while ( sceMcGetInfo ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , & type , & free , & format ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( type = = sceMcTypePS2 )
if ( result = = sceMcResChangedCard | | result = = sceMcResSucceed )
if ( bSlotFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . slot = 0 ;
//if ( bTypeFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . type = type ;
if ( bFreeFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . free = free ;
if ( bFormatFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . format = format ;
printf ( " Memory card %i present \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
else if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . type = 0 ;
Cards [ cardID ] . free = 0 ;
Cards [ cardID ] . format = 0 ;
if ( bSlotFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . slot = 0 ;
//if ( bTypeFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . type = 0 ;
if ( bFreeFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . free = 1024 * 1024 * 4 ;
if ( bFormatFlag )
Cards [ cardID ] . format = 0 ;
printf ( " Memory card %i present \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : FormatCard ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoFormat ;
int32 r = CheckCardInserted ( cardID ) ;
if ( r = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
while ( sceMcFormat ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result < sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory card %i could not be formatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i present and formatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
return r ;
# else
printf ( " Memory card %i present and formatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : PopulateFileTable ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined (PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoGetDir ;
ClearFileTableBuffer ( cardID ) ;
while ( sceMcGetDir ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , " * " , 0 , ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) , Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result > = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory card %i present PopulateFileTables function successfull \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory card %i PopulateFileTables function successfull. MemoryCard not Formatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory card %i PopulateFileTables function unsuccessfull. Path does not exist \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not Present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
ClearFileTableBuffer ( cardID ) ;
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s \\ * " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , CardCurDir [ cardID ] ) ;
memset ( Cards [ cardID ] . table , 0 , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ) ;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fd ; HANDLE hFind ; int32 num = 0 ;
if ( ( hFind = FindFirstFile ( path , & fd ) ) = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
printf ( " Memory card %i not Present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
FileTimeToSystemTime ( & fd . ftCreationTime , & st ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Sec = st . wSecond ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Min = st . wMinute ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Hour = st . wHour ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Day = st . wDay ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Month = st . wMonth ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Year = st . wYear ;
FileTimeToSystemTime ( & fd . ftLastWriteTime , & st ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Sec = st . wSecond ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Min = st . wMinute ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Hour = st . wHour ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Day = st . wDay ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Month = st . wMonth ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Year = st . wYear ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . FileSizeByte = fd . nFileSizeLow ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . EntryName , fd . cFileName , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . EntryName ) - 1 ) ;
num + + ;
} while ( FindNextFile ( hFind , & fd ) & & num < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ) ;
FindClose ( hFind ) ;
//todo errors
printf ( " Memory card %i present PopulateFileTables function successfull \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : CreateRootDirectory ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoMkdir ;
while ( sceMcMkdir ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , Cards [ cardID ] . dir ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result = = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory card %i present. RootDirectory Created \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory card %i RootDirectory not created card unformatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResFullDevice )
printf ( " Memory card %i RootDirectory not created due to insufficient memory card capacity \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory card %i RootDirectory not created due to problem with pathname \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not present so RootDirectory not created \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , Cards [ cardID ] . dir ) ;
_psCreateFolder ( path ) ;
printf ( " Memory card %i present. RootDirectory Created \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : ChangeDirectory ( int32 cardID , char * dir )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoChDir ;
while ( sceMcChdir ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , dir , 0 ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result = = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory Card %i. Changed to the directory %s \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory card %i. Couldn't change to the directory %s. MemoryCard not Formatted \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory card %i Couldn't change to the directory %s. Path does not exist \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not Present. So could not change to directory %s. \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
if ( ! strcmp ( dir , " / " ) )
strncpy ( CardCurDir [ cardID ] , dir , sizeof ( CardCurDir [ cardID ] ) - 1 ) ;
printf ( " Memory Card %i. Changed to the directory %s \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
return nError ;
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , dir ) ;
if ( ( hFind = FindFirstFile ( path , & fd ) ) = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
printf ( " Memory card %i Couldn't change to the directory %s. Path does not exist \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
return nError ;
FindClose ( hFind ) ;
strncpy ( CardCurDir [ cardID ] , dir , sizeof ( CardCurDir [ cardID ] ) - 1 ) ;
printf ( " Memory Card %i. Changed to the directory %s \n " , cardID , dir ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : CreateIconFiles ( int32 cardID , char * icon_one , char * icon_two , char * icon_three )
# if defined(PS2)
sceMcIconSys icon ;
static sceVu0IVECTOR bgcolor [ 4 ] = {
{ 0x80 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 0x80 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0x80 , 0 } ,
{ 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 , 0 } ,
} ;
static sceVu0FVECTOR lightdir [ 3 ] = {
{ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.0 } ,
{ 0.0 , - 0.4 , - 0.1 , 0.0 } ,
{ - 0.5 , - 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.0 } ,
} ;
static sceVu0FVECTOR lightcol [ 3 ] = {
{ 0.48 , 0.48 , 0.03 , 0.00 } ,
{ 0.50 , 0.33 , 0.20 , 0.00 } ,
{ 0.14 , 0.14 , 0.38 , 0.00 } ,
} ;
static sceVu0FVECTOR ambient = { 0.50 , 0.50 , 0.50 , 0.00 } ;
char head [ 8 ] = " PS2D " ;
char title [ 8 ] = " GTA3 " ;
memset ( & icon , 0 , sizeof ( icon ) ) ;
memcpy ( icon . BgColor , bgcolor , sizeof ( bgcolor ) ) ;
memcpy ( icon . LightDir , lightdir , sizeof ( lightdir ) ) ;
memcpy ( icon . LightColor , lightcol , sizeof ( lightcol ) ) ;
memcpy ( icon . Ambient , ambient , sizeof ( ambient ) ) ;
icon . OffsLF = 24 ;
icon . TransRate = 0x60 ;
unsigned short * titleName = ( unsigned short * ) icon . TitleName ;
uint32 titlec = 0 ;
while ( titlec < strlen ( title ) )
unsigned short sjis = Ascii2Sjis ( title [ titlec ] ) ;
titleName [ titlec ] = ( sjis < < 8 ) | ( sjis > > 8 ) ;
titlec + + ;
titleName [ titlec ] = L ' \0 ' ;
char icon1 [ 80 ] ;
char icon2 [ 80 ] ;
char icon3 [ 80 ] ;
strncpy ( icon1 , icon_one , sizeof ( icon1 ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon2 , icon_two , sizeof ( icon2 ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon3 , icon_three , sizeof ( icon3 ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) icon . FnameView , icon1 , sizeof ( icon . FnameView ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) icon . FnameCopy , icon2 , sizeof ( icon . FnameCopy ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) icon . FnameDel , icon3 , sizeof ( icon . FnameDel ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) icon . Head , head , sizeof ( icon . Head ) ) ;
int32 iconFile = CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , " icon.sys " ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
WritetoMemCard ( iconFile , & icon , sizeof ( icon ) ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
CloseMemCardFile ( iconFile ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
if ( LoadIconFiles ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , icon_one , icon_two , icon_three ) = = RES_SUCCESS )
printf ( " All Icon files Created and loaded. \n " ) ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
printf ( " Could not load all the icon files \n " ) ;
return RES_FAILED ;
# else
return RES_SUCCESS ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : LoadIconFiles ( int32 cardID , char * icon_one , char * icon_two , char * icon_three )
# if defined(PS2)
const uint32 size = 50968 ;
uint8 * data = new uint8 [ size ] ;
char icon1_path [ 80 ] ;
char icon2_path [ 80 ] ;
char icon3_path [ 80 ] ;
char icon1 [ 32 ] ;
char icon2 [ 32 ] ;
char icon3 [ 32 ] ;
strncpy ( icon1 , icon_one , sizeof ( icon1 ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon2 , icon_two , sizeof ( icon2 ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon3 , icon_three , sizeof ( icon3 ) - 1 ) ;
int hostlen = strlen ( HostFileLocationOfIcons ) ;
strncpy ( icon1_path , HostFileLocationOfIcons , sizeof ( icon1_path ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon2_path , HostFileLocationOfIcons , sizeof ( icon2_path ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon3_path , HostFileLocationOfIcons , sizeof ( icon3_path ) - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( icon1_path + hostlen , icon_one , sizeof ( icon1_path ) - 1 - hostlen ) ;
strncpy ( icon2_path + hostlen , icon_two , sizeof ( icon2_path ) - 1 - hostlen ) ;
strncpy ( icon3_path + hostlen , icon_three , sizeof ( icon3_path ) - 1 - hostlen ) ;
// ico1 copy
int32 ico1file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( icon1_path ) ;
CFileMgr : : Read ( ico1file , ( char * ) data , size ) ;
CFileMgr : : CloseFile ( ico1file ) ;
int32 ico1mc = CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , icon1 ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
WritetoMemCard ( ico1mc , data , size ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
CloseMemCardFile ( ico1mc ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
// ico2 copy
int32 ico2file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( icon2_path ) ;
CFileMgr : : Read ( ico2file , ( char * ) data , size ) ;
CFileMgr : : CloseFile ( ico2file ) ;
int32 ico2mc = CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , icon2 ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
WritetoMemCard ( ico2mc , data , size ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
CloseMemCardFile ( ico2mc ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
// ico3 copy
int32 ico3file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( icon3_path ) ;
CFileMgr : : Read ( ico3file , ( char * ) data , size ) ;
CFileMgr : : CloseFile ( ico3file ) ;
int32 ico3mc = CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , icon3 ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
WritetoMemCard ( ico3mc , data , size ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
CloseMemCardFile ( ico3mc ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_FAILED ;
delete [ ] data ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
# else
return RES_SUCCESS ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : CloseMemCardFile ( int32 file )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoClose ;
while ( sceMcClose ( file ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result = = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " File %i closed \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory Card is Unformatted " ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory Card File Handle %i has not been opened " , file ) ;
return nError ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
CFileMgr : : CloseFile ( file ) ;
printf ( " File %i closed \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( int32 cardID , char * filename )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoOpen ;
char buff [ 255 ] ;
strncpy ( buff , filename , sizeof ( buff ) ) ;
while ( sceMcOpen ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , buff , SCE_RDWR | SCE_CREAT ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result > = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " %s File Created for MemoryCard. Its File handle is %i. \n " , buff , result ) ;
return result ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResFullDevice )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResDeniedPermit )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResUpLimitHandle )
return nError ;
printf ( " File %s not created on memory card. \n " , buff ) ;
return ERR_NONE ;
# else
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , CardCurDir [ cardID ] , filename ) ;
int32 file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( path , " wb+ " ) ;
if ( file = = 0 )
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , filename ) ;
file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( path , " wb+ " ) ;
if ( file )
printf ( " %s File Created for MemoryCard. Its File handle is %i. \n " , filename , file ) ;
return file ;
printf ( " File %s not created on memory card. \n " , path ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return 0 ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : OpenMemCardFileForReading ( int32 cardID , char * filename )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoOpen ;
char buff [ 255 ] ;
strncpy ( buff , filename , sizeof ( buff ) ) ;
while ( sceMcOpen ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , buff , SCE_RDONLY ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result > = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " %s File Created for MemoryCard. Its File handle is %i. \n " , buff , result ) ;
return result ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResFullDevice )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResDeniedPermit )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResUpLimitHandle )
return nError ;
printf ( " File %s not created on memory card. \n " , buff ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , CardCurDir [ cardID ] , filename ) ;
int32 file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( path , " rb " ) ;
if ( file = = 0 )
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , filename ) ;
file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( path , " rb " ) ;
if ( file )
printf ( " %s File Created for MemoryCard. Its File handle is %i. \n " , filename , file ) ;
return file ;
printf ( " File %s not created on memory card. \n " , path ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return 0 ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : ReadFromMemCard ( int32 file , void * buff , int32 size )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoRead ;
while ( sceMcRead ( file , buff , size ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result > = sceMcResSucceed )
if ( size > = result )
printf ( " %i Bytes Read for Filehandle %i \n " , result , file ) ;
return result ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResDeniedPermit )
return nError ;
printf ( " No Bytes Read for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return result ;
# else
int32 s = CFileMgr : : Read ( file , ( const char * ) buff , size ) ;
if ( s = = size )
printf ( " %i Bytes Read for Filehandle %i \n " , s , file ) ;
return s ;
printf ( " No Bytes Read for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return s ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : DeleteMemoryCardFile ( int32 cardID , char * filename )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoDelete ;
while ( sceMcDelete ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , filename ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result = = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s NO_ERR_SUCCESSfully deleted " , cardID , filename ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s not deleted as memory Card is unformatted " , cardID , filename ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s attempt made to delete non existing file " , cardID , filename ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResDeniedPermit )
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s not deleted as file is in use or write protected " , cardID , filename ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNotEmpty )
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s not deleted. Entries remain in subdirectory " , cardID , filename ) ;
return nError ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , CardCurDir [ cardID ] , filename ) ;
int32 file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( path , " rb " ) ;
if ( file = = 0 )
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , filename ) ;
file = CFileMgr : : OpenFile ( path , " rb " ) ;
if ( file )
CFileMgr : : CloseFile ( file ) ;
DeleteFile ( path ) ;
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s NO_ERR_SUCCESSfully deleted " , cardID , filename ) ;
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory Card %i, %s attempt made to delete non existing file " , cardID , filename ) ;
//nError = ERR_NONE;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : PopulateErrorMessage ( )
switch ( nError )
pErrorMsg = TheText . Get ( " SLONDR " ) ; break ; // Insufficient space to save. Please insert a Memory Card (PS2) with at least 500KB of free space available into MEMORY CARD slot 1.
pErrorMsg = TheText . Get ( " SLONFM " ) ; break ; // Error formatting Memory Card (PS2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1.
pErrorMsg = TheText . Get ( " SLNSP " ) ; break ; // Insufficient space to save. Please insert a Memory Card (PS2) with at least 200KB of free space available into MEMORY CARD slot 1.
pErrorMsg = TheText . Get ( " SLONNF " ) ; break ; // Memory Card (PS2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 is unformatted.
case ERR_NONE :
pErrorMsg = TheText . Get ( " SLONNO " ) ; break ; // No Memory Card (PS2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1.
CMemoryCard : : WritetoMemCard ( int32 file , void * buff , int32 size )
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoWrite ;
int result = sceMcResSucceed ;
int result1 = sceMcResSucceed ;
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
while ( sceMcWrite ( file , buff , size ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResFullDevice )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResDeniedPermit )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResFailReplace )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result < = - 10 )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
cmd = sceMcFuncNoFlush ;
while ( sceMcFlush ( file ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result1 ) ;
if ( result1 = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result1 = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result1 < = - 10 )
printf ( " No Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , file ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
if ( result > 0 & & result1 = = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " %i Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , result , file ) ;
else if ( result = = sceMcResSucceed & & result1 = = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Filehandle %i was flushed \n " , file ) ;
return nError ;
# else
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
int32 s = CFileMgr : : Write ( file , ( const char * ) buff , size ) ;
if ( s = = size )
printf ( " %i Bytes written for Filehandle %i \n " , s , file ) ;
return s ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return s ;
# endif
inline void
MakeSpaceForSizeInBufferPointer ( uint8 * & presize , uint8 * & buf , uint8 * & postsize )
presize = buf ;
buf + = sizeof ( uint32 ) ;
postsize = buf ;
inline void
CopySizeAndPreparePointer ( uint8 * & buf , uint8 * & postbuf , uint8 * & postbuf2 , uint32 & unused , uint32 & size )
memcpy ( buf , & size , sizeof ( size ) ) ;
size = align4bytes ( size ) ;
postbuf2 + = size ;
postbuf = postbuf2 ;
CMemoryCard : : SaveGame ( void )
uint32 saveSize = 0 ;
uint32 totalSize = 0 ;
CurrentCard = CARD_ONE ;
CheckSum = 0 ;
CGameLogic : : PassTime ( 360 ) ;
CPlayerPed * ped = FindPlayerPed ( ) ;
ped - > m_fCurrentStamina = ped - > m_fMaxStamina ;
CGame : : TidyUpMemory ( true , false ) ;
saveSize = SAVE_FILE_SIZE ;
int32 minfree = 198 ;
PopulateCardFlags ( CurrentCard , false , false , true , false ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
minfree + = GetClusterAmountForFileCreation ( CurrentCard ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
if ( Cards [ CurrentCard ] . free < 200 )
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
uint32 startTime = CTimer : : GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode ( ) ;
while ( CTimer : : GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode ( ) - startTime < 1250 )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i + + )
powf ( 3.33f , 3.444f ) ;
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
return false ;
if ( Cards [ CurrentCard ] . free < minfree )
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
uint32 startTime = CTimer : : GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode ( ) ;
while ( CTimer : : GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode ( ) - startTime < 1250 )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i + + )
powf ( 3.33f , 3.444f ) ;
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
return false ;
uint32 size ;
uint8 * buf = work_buff ;
uint32 reserved = 0 ;
int32 file = CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( CurrentCard , ValidSaveName ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
strncpy ( SaveFileNameJustSaved , ValidSaveName , sizeof ( SaveFileNameJustSaved ) - 1 ) ;
return false ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , saveSize ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CGame : : currLevel ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . GetPosition ( ) . x ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . GetPosition ( ) . y ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . GetPosition ( ) . z ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nMillisecondsPerGameMinute ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nLastClockTick ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nGameClockHours ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CClock : : ms_nGameClockMinutes ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CPad : : GetPad ( 0 ) - > Mode ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : m_snTimeInMilliseconds ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : ms_fTimeScale ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : ms_fTimeStep ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : ms_fTimeStepNonClipped ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimer : : m_FrameCounter ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimeStep : : ms_fTimeStep ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimeStep : : ms_fFramesPerUpdate ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CTimeStep : : ms_fTimeScale ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : OldWeatherType ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : NewWeatherType ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : ForcedWeatherType ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : InterpolationValue ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsMusicVolume ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsSfxVolume ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsControllerConfig ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsUseVibration ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsStereoMono ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsRadioStation ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsBrightness ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsShowTrails ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsShowSubtitles ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsLanguage ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMenuManager : : m_PrefsUseWideScreen ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CPad : : GetPad ( 0 ) - > Mode ) ;
# ifdef PS2
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , BlurOn ) ;
# else
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CMBlur : : BlurOn ) ;
# endif
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CompileDateAndTime . m_nSecond ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CompileDateAndTime . m_nMinute ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CompileDateAndTime . m_nHour ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CompileDateAndTime . m_nDay ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CompileDateAndTime . m_nMonth ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CompileDateAndTime . m_nYear ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , CWeather : : WeatherTypeInList ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . CarZoomIndicator ) ;
WriteDataToBufferPointer ( buf , TheCamera . PedZoomIndicator ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
strncpy ( SaveFileNameJustSaved , ValidSaveName , sizeof ( SaveFileNameJustSaved ) - 1 ) ;
return false ;
uint8 * presize ;
uint8 * postsize ;
# define WriteSaveDataBlock(save_func)\
do { \
MakeSpaceForSizeInBufferPointer ( presize , buf , postsize ) ; \
save_func ( buf , & size ) ; \
CopySizeAndPreparePointer ( presize , buf , postsize , reserved , size ) ; \
} while ( 0 )
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CTheScripts : : SaveAllScripts ) ;
printf ( " Script Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CPools : : SavePedPool ) ;
printf ( " PedPool Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CGarages : : Save ) ;
printf ( " Garage Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CPools : : SaveVehiclePool ) ;
printf ( " Vehicle Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
DoClassSaveRoutine ( file , work_buff , buf - work_buff ) ;
totalSize + = buf - work_buff ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
buf = work_buff ;
reserved = 0 ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CPools : : SaveObjectPool ) ;
printf ( " Object Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( ThePaths . Save ) ;
printf ( " The Paths Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CCranes : : Save ) ;
printf ( " Cranes Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
DoClassSaveRoutine ( file , work_buff , buf - work_buff ) ;
totalSize + = buf - work_buff ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
buf = work_buff ;
reserved = 0 ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CPickups : : Save ) ;
printf ( " Pick Ups Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( gPhoneInfo . Save ) ;
printf ( " Phones Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CRestart : : SaveAllRestartPoints ) ;
printf ( " RestartPoints Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CRadar : : SaveAllRadarBlips ) ;
printf ( " Radar Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CTheZones : : SaveAllZones ) ;
printf ( " Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CGangs : : SaveAllGangData ) ;
printf ( " Gangs Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CTheCarGenerators : : SaveAllCarGenerators ) ;
printf ( " Car Gens Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CParticleObject : : SaveParticle ) ;
printf ( " Particles Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( cAudioScriptObject : : SaveAllAudioScriptObjects ) ;
printf ( " Audio Script Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CWorld : : Players [ CWorld : : PlayerInFocus ] . SavePlayerInfo ) ;
printf ( " Player Info Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CStats : : SaveStats ) ;
printf ( " Stats Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CStreaming : : MemoryCardSave ) ;
printf ( " Streaming Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
WriteSaveDataBlock ( CPedType : : Save ) ;
printf ( " PedType Save Size %d, \n " , size ) ;
DoClassSaveRoutine ( file , work_buff , buf - work_buff ) ;
totalSize + = buf - work_buff ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
buf = work_buff ;
reserved = 0 ;
2020-06-28 01:57:01 +03:00
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
2020-06-28 00:01:51 +03:00
size = align4bytes ( saveSize - totalSize - 4 ) ;
if ( size > sizeof ( work_buff ) )
size = sizeof ( work_buff ) ;
if ( size > 4 ) {
DoClassSaveRoutine ( file , work_buff , size ) ;
totalSize + = size ;
WritetoMemCard ( file , & CheckSum , sizeof ( CheckSum ) ) ;
CloseMemCardFile ( file ) ;
# undef WriteSaveDataBlock
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
strncpy ( SaveFileNameJustSaved , ValidSaveName , sizeof ( SaveFileNameJustSaved ) - 1 ) ;
DoHackRoundSTUPIDSonyDateTimeStuff ( CARD_ONE , ValidSaveName ) ;
return false ;
DoHackRoundSTUPIDSonyDateTimeStuff ( CARD_ONE , ValidSaveName ) ;
strncpy ( SaveFileNameJustSaved , ValidSaveName , sizeof ( SaveFileNameJustSaved ) - 1 ) ;
return true ;
CMemoryCard : : DoHackRoundSTUPIDSonyDateTimeStuff ( int32 port , char * filename )
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoFileInfo ;
int result = sceMcResSucceed ;
sceCdCLOCK rtc ;
sceCdReadClock ( & rtc ) ;
sceScfGetLocalTimefromRTC ( & rtc ) ;
# define ROUNDHACK(a) ( ((a) & 15) + ( ( ( ((a) >> 4) << 2 ) + ((a) >> 4) ) << 1 ) )
sceMcTblGetDir info ;
info . _Create . Sec = ROUNDHACK ( rtc . second ) ;
info . _Create . Min = ROUNDHACK ( rtc . minute ) ;
info . _Create . Hour = ROUNDHACK ( rtc . hour ) ;
info . _Create . Day = ROUNDHACK ( rtc . day ) ;
info . _Create . Month = ROUNDHACK ( rtc . month ) ;
info . _Create . Year = ROUNDHACK ( rtc . year ) + 2000 ;
while ( sceMcSetFileInfo ( port , 0 , filename , ( char * ) & info , sceMcFileInfoCreate ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
return sceMcResSucceed > = result ;
# else
return true ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : LookForRootDirectory ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoGetDir ;
while ( sceMcGetDir ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , Cards [ cardID ] . dir , 0 , ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) , Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result = = 0 )
if ( result > sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory card %i present PopulateFileTables function NO_ERR_SUCCESSfull \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory card %i PopulateFileTables function unNO_ERR_SUCCESSfull. MemoryCard not Formatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory card %i PopulateFileTables function unNO_ERR_SUCCESSfull. Path does not exist \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not Present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , Cards [ cardID ] . dir ) ;
memset ( Cards [ cardID ] . table , 0 , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ) ;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fd ; HANDLE hFind ; int32 num = 0 ;
if ( ( hFind = FindFirstFile ( path , & fd ) ) = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
FileTimeToSystemTime ( & fd . ftCreationTime , & st ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Sec = st . wSecond ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Min = st . wMinute ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Hour = st . wHour ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Day = st . wDay ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Month = st . wMonth ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Year = st . wYear ;
FileTimeToSystemTime ( & fd . ftLastWriteTime , & st ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Sec = st . wSecond ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Min = st . wMinute ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Hour = st . wHour ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Day = st . wDay ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Month = st . wMonth ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Year = st . wYear ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . FileSizeByte = fd . nFileSizeLow ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . EntryName , fd . cFileName , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . EntryName ) - 1 ) ;
num + + ;
} while ( FindNextFile ( hFind , & fd ) & & num < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ) ;
FindClose ( hFind ) ;
if ( num = = 0 )
//todo errors
printf ( " Memory card %i present PopulateFileTables function NO_ERR_SUCCESSfull \n " , cardID ) ;
return nError ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : FillFirstFileWithGuff ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
char buff [ 80 ] ;
strncpy ( buff , Cards [ cardID ] . dir + 1 , sizeof ( buff ) - 1 ) ;
int32 file = CreateMemCardFileReadWrite ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , buff ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
const int32 kBlockSize = GUFF_FILE_SIZE / 3 ;
work_buff [ kBlockSize - 1 ] = 5 ;
WritetoMemCard ( file , work_buff , kBlockSize ) ;
WritetoMemCard ( file , work_buff , kBlockSize ) ;
WritetoMemCard ( file , work_buff , kBlockSize ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
CloseMemCardFile ( file ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
CMemoryCard : : FindMostRecentFileName ( int32 cardID , char * filename )
CDate date1 , date2 ;
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoGetDir ;
ClearFileTableBuffer ( cardID ) ;
while ( sceMcGetDir ( Cards [ cardID ] . port , 0 , " * " , 0 , ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) , Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
int result ;
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result > = sceMcResSucceed )
printf ( " Memory card %i present PopulateFileTables function NO_ERR_SUCCESSfull \n " , cardID ) ;
for ( int32 entry = 7 ; entry < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table ) ; entry + + )
bool found = false ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Sec ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Min ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Hour ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Day ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Month ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Year ! = 0 )
date1 . m_nSecond = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Sec ;
date1 . m_nMinute = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Min ;
date1 . m_nHour = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Hour ;
date1 . m_nDay = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Day ;
date1 . m_nMonth = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Month ;
date1 . m_nYear = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Year ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte ! = 0
& & Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . AttrFile & sceMcFileAttrClosed
& & Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte > = SAVE_FILE_SIZE )
found = true ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Sec ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Min ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Hour ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Day ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Month ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Year ! = 0 )
date1 . m_nSecond = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Sec ;
date1 . m_nMinute = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Min ;
date1 . m_nHour = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Hour ;
date1 . m_nDay = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Day ;
date1 . m_nMonth = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Month ;
date1 . m_nYear = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Year ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte ! = 0
& & Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . AttrFile & sceMcFileAttrClosed
& & Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte > = SAVE_FILE_SIZE )
found = true ;
if ( found )
int32 d ;
if ( date1 > date2 ) d = 1 ;
else if ( date1 < date2 ) d = 2 ;
else d = 0 ;
if ( d = = 1 )
char * entryname = ( char * ) Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . EntryName ;
date2 = date1 ;
strncpy ( filename , entryname , 28 ) ;
int32 d ;
if ( date1 > date2 ) d = 1 ;
else if ( date1 < date2 ) d = 2 ;
else d = 0 ;
if ( d = = 0 )
char * entryname = ( char * ) Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . EntryName ;
date2 = date1 ;
strncpy ( filename , entryname , 28 ) ;
if ( date2 . m_nSecond ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nMinute ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nHour ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nDay ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nMonth ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nYear ! = 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
printf ( " Memory card %i PopulateFileTables function unNO_ERR_SUCCESSfull. MemoryCard not Formatted \n " , cardID ) ;
return false ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoEntry )
printf ( " Memory card %i PopulateFileTables function unNO_ERR_SUCCESSfull. Path does not exist \n " , cardID ) ;
return false ;
printf ( " Memory card %i not Present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return false ;
# else
ClearFileTableBuffer ( cardID ) ;
char path [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " %s \\ %s \\ %s \\ * " , PCCardsPath , PCCardDir [ cardID ] , CardCurDir [ cardID ] ) ;
memset ( Cards [ cardID ] . table , 0 , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ) ;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fd ; HANDLE hFind ; int32 num = 0 ;
if ( ( hFind = FindFirstFile ( path , & fd ) ) = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
printf ( " Memory card %i not Present \n " , cardID ) ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
FileTimeToSystemTime ( & fd . ftCreationTime , & st ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Sec = st . wSecond ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Min = st . wMinute ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Hour = st . wHour ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Day = st . wDay ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Month = st . wMonth ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Create . Year = st . wYear ;
FileTimeToSystemTime ( & fd . ftLastWriteTime , & st ) ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Sec = st . wSecond ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Min = st . wMinute ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Hour = st . wHour ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Day = st . wDay ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Month = st . wMonth ; Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . _Modify . Year = st . wYear ;
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . FileSizeByte = fd . nFileSizeLow ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . EntryName , fd . cFileName , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table [ num ] . EntryName ) - 1 ) ;
num + + ;
} while ( FindNextFile ( hFind , & fd ) & & num < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ) ;
FindClose ( hFind ) ;
if ( num > 0 )
printf ( " Memory card %i present PopulateFileTables function NO_ERR_SUCCESSfull \n " , cardID ) ;
for ( int32 entry = 0 ; entry < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table ) ; entry + + )
bool found = false ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Sec ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Min ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Hour ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Day ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Month ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Year ! = 0 )
date1 . m_nSecond = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Sec ;
date1 . m_nMinute = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Min ;
date1 . m_nHour = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Hour ;
date1 . m_nDay = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Day ;
date1 . m_nMonth = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Month ;
date1 . m_nYear = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Modify . Year ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte ! = 0
& & Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte > = SAVE_FILE_SIZE )
found = true ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Sec ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Min ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Hour ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Day ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Month ! = 0
| | Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Year ! = 0 )
date1 . m_nSecond = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Sec ;
date1 . m_nMinute = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Min ;
date1 . m_nHour = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Hour ;
date1 . m_nDay = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Day ;
date1 . m_nMonth = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Month ;
date1 . m_nYear = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Year ;
if ( Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte ! = 0
& & Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte > = SAVE_FILE_SIZE )
found = true ;
if ( found )
int32 d ;
if ( date1 > date2 ) d = 1 ;
else if ( date1 < date2 ) d = 2 ;
else d = 0 ;
if ( d = = 1 )
char * entryname = ( char * ) Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . EntryName ;
date2 = date1 ;
strncpy ( filename , entryname , 28 ) ;
int32 d ;
if ( date1 > date2 ) d = 1 ;
else if ( date1 < date2 ) d = 2 ;
else d = 0 ;
if ( d = = 0 )
char * entryname = ( char * ) Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . EntryName ;
date2 = date1 ;
strncpy ( filename , entryname , 28 ) ;
if ( date2 . m_nSecond ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nMinute ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nHour ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nDay ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nMonth ! = 0
| | date2 . m_nYear ! = 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
//todo errors
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return false ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : ClearFileTableBuffer ( int32 cardID )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; i + + )
Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . FileSizeByte = 0 ;
strncpy ( ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName , " " , sizeof ( Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) - 1 ) ;
CMemoryCard : : GetClusterAmountForFileCreation ( int32 port )
# if defined(PS2)
int cmd = sceMcFuncNoEntSpace ;
int result = 0 ;
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
while ( sceMcGetEntSpace ( port , 0 , TheGameRootDirectory ) ! = sceMcResSucceed )
sceMcSync ( 0 , & cmd , & result ) ;
if ( result > = sceMcResSucceed )
return result ;
if ( result = = sceMcResNoFormat )
return nError ;
nError = ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# else
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif
CMemoryCard : : DeleteEverythingInGameRoot ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
ChangeDirectory ( CurrentCard , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) ;
for ( int32 i = ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
DeleteMemoryCardFile ( cardID , ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) ;
ChangeDirectory ( CurrentCard , " / " ) ;
DeleteMemoryCardFile ( cardID , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
return true ;
CMemoryCard : : CheckDataNotCorrupt ( char * filename )
CheckSum = 0 ;
int32 lang = 0 ;
int32 level = 0 ;
LastBlockSize = 0 ;
char buf [ 100 * 4 ] ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( buf ) ; i + + )
buf [ i ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncpy ( buf , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 ) ;
strncat ( buf , " / " , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 ) ;
strcat ( buf , filename ) ;
ChangeDirectory ( CurrentCard , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
int32 file = OpenMemCardFileForReading ( CurrentCard , buf ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
int32 bytes_processed = 0 ;
int32 blocknum = 0 ;
int32 lastblocksize ;
while ( SAVE_FILE_SIZE - sizeof ( int32 ) > bytes_processed & & blocknum < 8 )
int32 size ;
ReadFromMemCard ( file , & size , sizeof ( size ) ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
lastblocksize = ReadFromMemCard ( file , work_buff , align4bytes ( size ) ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
uint8 sizebuff [ 4 ] ;
memcpy ( sizebuff , & size , sizeof ( size ) ) ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( sizebuff ) ; i + + )
CheckSum + = sizebuff [ i ] ;
uint8 * pWork_buf = work_buff ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < lastblocksize ; i + + )
CheckSum + = * pWork_buf + + ;
bytes_processed + + ;
if ( blocknum = = 0 )
uint8 * pBuf = work_buff + sizeof ( uint32 ) ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( pBuf , level ) ;
pBuf + = sizeof ( uint32 ) * 29 ;
ReadDataFromBufferPointer ( pBuf , lang ) ;
blocknum + + ;
int32 checkSum ;
ReadFromMemCard ( file , & checkSum , sizeof ( checkSum ) ) ;
CloseMemCardFile ( file ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return RES_FAILED ;
if ( CheckSum = = checkSum )
m_LevelToLoad = level ;
m_LanguageToLoad = lang ;
LastBlockSize = lastblocksize ;
return RES_SUCCESS ;
return RES_FAILED ;
CMemoryCard : : GetLanguageToLoad ( void )
return m_LanguageToLoad ;
CMemoryCard : : GetLevelToLoad ( void )
return m_LevelToLoad ;
CMemoryCard : : CreateGameDirectoryFromScratch ( int32 cardID )
TheMemoryCard . PopulateCardFlags ( cardID , false , false , true , true ) ;
int32 err = RES_SUCCESS ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
if ( Cards [ CurrentCard ] . free < 500 )
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
uint32 startTime = CTimer : : GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode ( ) ;
while ( CTimer : : GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode ( ) - startTime < 1250 )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i + + )
powf ( 3.33f , 3.444f ) ;
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
return false ;
TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( CARD_ONE , " / " ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
int32 r = LookForRootDirectory ( CARD_ONE ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
if ( r = = ERR_NOROOTDIR )
CreateRootDirectory ( CARD_ONE ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
DeleteEverythingInGameRoot ( CARD_ONE ) ;
ChangeDirectory ( CARD_ONE , Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
PopulateFileTable ( CARD_ONE ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
# if defined(PS2)
bool entryExist ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( CARD_ONE ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( " icon.sys " , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
err = RES_FAILED ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( CARD_ONE ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( icon_one , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
err = RES_FAILED ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( CARD_ONE ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( icon_two , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
err = RES_FAILED ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( CARD_ONE ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( icon_three , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
err = RES_FAILED ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
if ( err ! = RES_SUCCESS )
int32 icon = CreateIconFiles ( CARD_ONE , icon_one , icon_two , icon_three ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
if ( icon ! = RES_SUCCESS )
DeleteEverythingInGameRoot ( CARD_ONE ) ;
# endif
int32 guff = FillFirstFileWithGuff ( CARD_ONE ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
if ( guff = = RES_SUCCESS )
printf ( " Game Default directory present " ) ;
return true ;
DeleteEverythingInGameRoot ( CARD_ONE ) ;
return false ;
CMemoryCard : : CheckGameDirectoryThere ( int32 cardID )
TheMemoryCard . PopulateCardFlags ( cardID , false , false , true , true ) ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( cardID , Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . dir ) ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return false ;
bool entryExist ;
# if defined(PS2)
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( " icon.sys " , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
return false ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( icon_one , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
return false ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( icon_two , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
return false ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( icon_three , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
return false ;
# endif
char buff [ 80 ] ;
strncpy ( buff , Cards [ cardID ] . dir + 1 , sizeof ( buff ) - 1 ) ;
entryExist = false ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( buff , ( char * ) TheMemoryCard . Cards [ cardID ] . table [ i ] . EntryName ) )
entryExist = true ;
break ;
if ( ! entryExist )
return false ;
printf ( " Game directory present " ) ;
return true ;
CMemoryCard : : PopulateSlotInfo ( int32 cardID )
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < MAX_SLOTS ; i + + )
Slots [ i ] = SLOT_NOTPRESENT ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < ARRAY_SIZE ( SlotFileName [ i ] ) ; j + + )
SlotFileName [ i ] [ j ] = L ' \0 ' ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < ARRAY_SIZE ( SlotSaveDate [ i ] ) ; j + + )
SlotSaveDate [ i ] [ j ] = L ' \0 ' ;
UnicodeStrcpy ( SlotSaveDate [ i ] , TheText . Get ( " DEFDT " ) ) ;
TheMemoryCard . PopulateCardFlags ( cardID , false , false , true , true ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return ;
TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( cardID , TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS & & nError ! = ERR_DIRNOENTRY )
return ;
PopulateFileTable ( cardID ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS & & nError ! = ERR_FILETABLENOENTRY )
return ;
for ( int32 slot = 0 ; slot < MAX_SLOTS ; slot + + )
# if defined(PS2)
for ( int32 entry = 7 ; entry < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; entry + + )
# else
for ( int32 entry = 0 ; entry < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) ; entry + + )
# endif
if ( TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte ! = 0 )
char slotnum [ 30 ] ;
char slotname [ 30 ] ;
char slotdate [ 30 ] ;
if (
# if defined(PS2)
TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . AttrFile & sceMcFileAttrClosed & &
# endif
TheMemoryCard . Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . FileSizeByte > = SAVE_FILE_SIZE )
char * entryname = ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ entry ] . EntryName ;
bool bFound = false ;
# if defined(PS2)
for ( int32 i = 7 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) & & ! bFound ; i + + )
# else
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) & & ! bFound ; i + + )
# endif
sprintf ( slotnum , " %i " , slot + 1 ) ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( slotname ) ; j + + )
slotname [ j ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncat ( slotname , slotnum , sizeof ( slotnum ) - 1 ) ;
if ( ! strncmp ( slotname , entryname , 1 ) )
bFound = true ;
Slots [ slot ] = SLOT_PRESENT ;
AsciiToUnicode ( entryname , SlotFileName [ slot ] ) ;
int32 sec = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Sec ;
int32 month = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Month ;
int32 year = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Year ;
int32 min = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Min ;
int32 hour = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Hour ;
int32 day = Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . table [ entry ] . _Create . Day ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < ARRAY_SIZE ( SlotSaveDate [ slot ] ) ; j + + )
SlotSaveDate [ slot ] [ j ] = L ' \0 ' ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < ARRAY_SIZE ( slotdate ) ; j + + )
slotdate [ j ] = ' \0 ' ;
char * monthstr ;
switch ( month )
case 1 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " JAN " ) ) ; break ;
case 2 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " FEB " ) ) ; break ;
case 3 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " MAR " ) ) ; break ;
case 4 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " APR " ) ) ; break ;
case 5 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " MAY " ) ) ; break ;
case 6 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " JUN " ) ) ; break ;
case 7 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " JUL " ) ) ; break ;
case 8 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " AUG " ) ) ; break ;
case 9 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " SEP " ) ) ; break ;
case 10 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " OCT " ) ) ; break ;
case 11 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " NOV " ) ) ; break ;
case 12 : monthstr = UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( " DEC " ) ) ; break ;
sprintf ( slotdate , " %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d " , day , monthstr , year , hour , min , sec ) ;
AsciiToUnicode ( slotdate , SlotSaveDate [ slot ] ) ;
char * entryname = ( char * ) Cards [ cardID ] . table [ entry ] . EntryName ;
bool bFound = false ;
# if defined(PS2)
for ( int32 i = 7 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) & & ! bFound ; i + + ) // again ...
# else
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( Cards [ cardID ] . table ) & & ! bFound ; i + + ) // again ...
# endif
sprintf ( slotnum , " %i " , slot + 1 ) ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( slotname ) ; j + + )
slotname [ j ] = ' \0 ' ;
strncat ( slotname , slotnum , sizeof ( slotnum ) - 1 ) ;
if ( ! strncmp ( slotname , entryname , 1 ) )
bFound = true ;
Slots [ slot ] = SLOT_CORRUPTED ;
AsciiToUnicode ( entryname , SlotFileName [ slot ] ) ;
return ;
CMemoryCard : : GetInfoOnSpecificSlot ( int32 slotID )
return Slots [ slotID ] ;
wchar *
CMemoryCard : : GetDateAndTimeOfSavedGame ( int32 slotID )
return SlotSaveDate [ slotID ] ;
CMemoryCard : : CheckCardStateAtGameStartUp ( int32 cardID )
CheckCardInserted ( cardID ) ;
if ( nError = = ERR_NOFORMAT )
return MCSTATE_OK ;
if ( nError = = ERR_NONE )
if ( ! CheckGameDirectoryThere ( cardID ) )
if ( nError = = ERR_NONE )
DeleteEverythingInGameRoot ( cardID ) ;
if ( nError = = ERR_NONE )
TheMemoryCard . PopulateCardFlags ( cardID , false , false , true , true ) ;
if ( nError = = ERR_NONE )
if ( Cards [ CurrentCard ] . free < 500 )
return MCSTATE_NEED_500KB ;
return MCSTATE_OK ;
TheMemoryCard . CheckCardInserted ( CARD_ONE ) ;
if ( nError = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
if ( TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( CARD_ONE , Cards [ CARD_ONE ] . dir ) ! = ERR_NONE )
if ( TheMemoryCard . FindMostRecentFileName ( CARD_ONE , MostRecentFile ) = = true )
if ( TheMemoryCard . CheckDataNotCorrupt ( MostRecentFile ) = = RES_FAILED )
TheMemoryCard . PopulateCardFlags ( cardID , false , false , true , true ) ;
if ( Cards [ CurrentCard ] . free < 200 )
return MCSTATE_NEED_200KB ;
TheMemoryCard . PopulateCardFlags ( cardID , false , false , true , true ) ;
if ( Cards [ CurrentCard ] . free < 200 )
return MCSTATE_NEED_200KB ;
if ( TheMemoryCard . CheckCardInserted ( CARD_ONE ) ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
return MCSTATE_OK ;
CMemoryCard : : SaveSlot ( int32 slotID )
bool bSave = true ;
for ( int32 j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( ValidSaveName ) ; j + + )
ValidSaveName [ j ] = ' \0 ' ;
char buff [ 100 ] ;
sprintf ( buff , " %i " , slotID + 1 ) ;
strncat ( ValidSaveName , buff , sizeof ( ValidSaveName ) - 1 ) ;
if ( CStats : : LastMissionPassedName [ 0 ] ! = ' \0 ' )
char mission [ 100 ] ;
strcpy ( mission , UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( TheText . Get ( CStats : : LastMissionPassedName ) ) ) ;
# ifdef FIX_BUGS
strncat ( ValidSaveName , mission , sizeof ( ValidSaveName ) - 1 ) ;
# else
strncat ( ValidSaveName , mission , 21 ) ;
strncat ( ValidSaveName , " ... " , strlen ( " ... " ) ) ;
# endif
if ( ! CheckGameDirectoryThere ( CARD_ONE ) )
DeleteEverythingInGameRoot ( CARD_ONE ) ;
bSave = CreateGameDirectoryFromScratch ( CARD_ONE ) ;
if ( bSave )
if ( Slots [ slotID ] = = SLOT_PRESENT )
TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( CARD_ONE , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
TheMemoryCard . DeleteMemoryCardFile ( CARD_ONE , UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( SlotFileName [ slotID ] ) ) ;
SaveGame ( ) ;
CTimer : : Stop ( ) ;
CStreaming : : FlushRequestList ( ) ;
CStreaming : : DeleteRwObjectsAfterDeath ( FindPlayerPed ( ) - > GetPosition ( ) ) ;
CStreaming : : RemoveUnusedModelsInLoadedList ( ) ;
CGame : : DrasticTidyUpMemory ( false ) ;
CTimer : : Update ( ) ;
CMemoryCard : : DeleteSlot ( int32 slotID )
TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( CARD_ONE , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
TheMemoryCard . DeleteMemoryCardFile ( CARD_ONE , UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( SlotFileName [ slotID ] ) ) ;
CMemoryCard : : LoadSlotToBuffer ( int32 slotID )
CStreaming : : DeleteAllRwObjects ( ) ;
strcpy ( LoadFileName , UnicodeToAsciiForMemoryCard ( SlotFileName [ slotID ] ) ) ;
TheMemoryCard . ChangeDirectory ( CARD_ONE , Cards [ CurrentCard ] . dir ) ;
if ( nError = = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
TheMemoryCard . CheckDataNotCorrupt ( LoadFileName ) ;
wchar *
CMemoryCard : : GetNameOfSavedGame ( int32 slotID )
return SlotFileName [ slotID ] ;
CMemoryCard : : DoClassSaveRoutine ( int32 file , uint8 * data , uint32 size )
WritetoMemCard ( file , & size , sizeof ( size ) ) ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
strncpy ( SaveFileNameJustSaved , ValidSaveName , sizeof ( ValidSaveName ) - 1 ) ;
return ERR_NONE ;
WritetoMemCard ( file , data , align4bytes ( size ) ) ;
uint8 sizebuff [ 4 ] ;
memcpy ( sizebuff , & size , sizeof ( size ) ) ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( sizebuff ) ; i + + )
CheckSum + = sizebuff [ i ] ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < align4bytes ( size ) ; i + + )
CheckSum + = * data + + ;
if ( nError ! = NO_ERR_SUCCESS )
strncpy ( SaveFileNameJustSaved , ValidSaveName , sizeof ( ValidSaveName ) - 1 ) ;
return ERR_NONE ;
return nError ;
# endif